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Asystole and increased serum myoglobin levels associated with 'packing blackout' in a competitive breath-hold diver.

Summary Many competitive breath-hold divers use 'glossopharyngeal insufflation', also called 'lung packing', to overfill their lungs above normal total lung capacity. This increases intrathoracic pressure, decreases venous return, compromises cardiac pumping, and reduces arterial blood pressure, possibly resulting in a syncope breath-hold divers call 'packing blackout'. We report a case with a bre

beta(1) integrins are not required for the maintenance of lymphocytes within intestinal epithelia.

b1 integrins are thought to play a central role in maintaining lymphocytes within mucosal epithelia via their interactions with extracellular matrix proteins and subepithelial cellular components within and underlying the basement membrane. In the current study type a (CD8abTCRab) and type b (CD8aaTCRcd and CD8aaTCRab) intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL) subsets within the mouse small intestine were

Variation in Glucose Homeostasis Traits Associated With P2RX7 Polymorphisms in Mice and Humans

Context: Extracellular nucleotide receptors are expressed in pancreatic B-cells. Purinergic signaling via these receptors may regulate pancreatic B-cell function. Objective: We hypothesized that purinergic signaling might influence glucose regulation and sought evidence in human studies of glycemic variation and a mouse model of purinergic signaling dysfunction. Design: In humans, we mined genome-

Phase Behavior in Suspensions of Highly Charged Colloids.

Attractive interactions between like-charged aggregates (macromolecules, colloidal particles, or micelles) in solution due to electrostatic correlation effects are revisited. The associated phenomenon of phase separation in a colloidal solution of highly charged particles is directly observed in Monte Carlo simulations. We start with a simple, yet instructive, description of polarization effects i

Parameter study of transient carbon deposition effect on the performance of a planar solid oxide fuel cell

Carbon deposition has a serious effect on the performance of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). An unsteady-state 2D model based on COMSOL software is used to study the carbon deposition process in a planar SOFC. The carbon deposition, catalyst activity, reaction rate and temperature fields are obtained to analyse the mechanism of carbon deposition in the SOFC at different operating time. The effects

Flexibility in MuA Transposase Family Protein Structures: Functional Mapping with Scanning Mutagenesis and Sequence Alignment of Protein Homologues

MuA transposase protein is a member of the retroviral integrase superfamily (RISF). It catalyzes DNA cleavage and joining reactions via an initial assembly and subsequent structural transitions of a protein-DNA complex, known as the Mu transpososome, ultimately attaching transposon DNA to non-specific target DNA. The transpososome functions as a molecular DNA-modifying machine and has been used in

Evolutionary effects of different dispersal modes on the origin of polymorphic crypsis in predator-prey systems

Scenario: Using adaptive dynamic theory, expose a monomorphic prey population to two habitat types and a visual predator. Questions: What circumstances can lead to the evolution of polymorphic crypsis? How is the outcome affected by the dispersal pattern of the prey and predator, by the amount of predation, and by the trade-off strength between the habitats? Mathematical method: I modelled three d

Gene Expression Profile of Colon Cancer Cell Lines Treated with SN-38

Aim: Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the industrial countries. Due to advances regarding the treatments, primarily development of improved surgical methods and the ability to make the earlier diagnosis, the mortality has remained constant during the past decades even though the incidence in fact has increased. To improve chemotherapy and enable personalised treatment,

Laser Diagnostics Applied to Lean Premixed Swirling Flames - Simultaneous Flow Field and Scalar Measurements

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den värld vi lever i drivs till stora delar av förbränning. Det mesta vi gör kräver energi, elektricitet för matlagning och bensin eller diesel för transporter. Sett över hela världen kommer den största delen av den energi som förbrukas från förbränning. Främst är det fossila bränslen, olja och kol, som används, men en ökande del kommer från förnyelsebara bränslen. Vid The work reported here includes experimental studies of lean premixed swirling flames. Various laser-based optical diagnostic techniques were used to collect information under different operational conditions. Combined flow- and scalar field measurements were performed at high repetition rates for detailed studies of the turbulent flames. A large part of the work presented concerns experimental

Reaching the Top? On Gender Balance in the Economics Profession

Despite an increasing number of women entering the economics profession during recent decades, it is still dominated by men. This paper summarizes the situation in academic economics in Australia, Canada, Great Britain, the United States, and Sweden (substantial appendices detail the situation in Sweden, not previously been available in English). Women constitute about a third of the PhD graduates

Emulsification and adsorption properties of hydrophobically modified potato and barley starch

In this paper, we studied the adsorption at emulsion droplets of potato starch, which was hydrophobically modified with octenyl succinate anhydride (OSA), a surface active macromolecule containing ultrahigh molar mass components. The results show that the substance works as an efficient emulsifier and that it can in some cases generate high surface loads (10 mg/m(2)). The results can be explained

Activin receptor-like kinase (ALK)1 is an antagonistic mediator of lateral TGFP/ALK5 signaling

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta) regulates the activation state of the endothelium via two opposing type I receptor/Smad pathways. Activin receptor-like kinase-1 (ALK1) induces Smad1/5 phosphorylation, leading to an increase in endothelial cell proliferation and migration, while ALK5 promotes Smad2/3 activation and inhibits both processes. Here, we report that ALK5 is important for TGFbet

Lifetime and baseline alcohol intake and risk of colon and rectal cancers in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

Alcohol consumption may be associated with risk of colorectal cancer (CRC), but the epidemiological evidence for an association with specific anatomical subsites, types of alcoholic beverages and current vs. lifetime alcohol intake is inconsistent. Within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), 478,732 study subjects free of cancer at enrolment between 1992 and 200

Broome and the Intuition of Neutrality

In “Weighing Lives” (2004) John Broome criticizes a view common to many population axiologists. This is the view that population increases with extra people leading decent lives are axiologically neutral: they make the world neither better nor worse, ceteris paribus. Broome argues that this intuition, however, attractive, cannot be sustained, for several independent reasons. I respond to his criti