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Your search for "*" yielded 530321 hits

Antileukoproteinase - Modulation of neutrophil function and therapeutic effects on anti-type II collagen antibody-induced arthritis

Objective. Antileukoproteinase (ALP) is a physiologic inhibitor of granulocytic serine proteases. The present study was undertaken to investigate its therapeutic benefit in an antibody-transfer model of erosive polyarthritis and to elucidate its potential to interfere with immune complex-dependent inflammatory pathways. Methods. Arthritis development was induced in male (BALB/c x B10.Q)F-1 mice by

CITED1 homozygous null mice display aberrant pubertal mammary ductal morphogenesis

Expression microarray analysis identified CITED1 among a group of genes specifically upregulated in the pubertal mouse mammary gland. At puberty, CITED1 localizes to the luminal epithelial cell population of the mammary ducts and the body cells of the terminal end buds. Generation of CITED1 gene knockout mice showed that homozygous null mutants exhibit retarded mammary ductal growth at puberty and

Characteristics of gastrin controlled ECL cell specific gene expression

Background: The ECL cells are histamine-producing endocrine cells in the oxymic mucosa that synthesize and secrete proteins and peptides. They are the primary target for gastrin and mediate the control of gastrin on acid secretion and oxyntic mucosal growth. Knowledge of the molecular biology of the ECL cell is therefore important for understanding gastric physiology. Accordingly, we wanted to ide

Analysis of surface waves from the light weight deflectometer

The combination of high strain modulus from conventional light weight deflectometer (LWD) analysis and low strain modulus front LWD-induced seismic analysis would move the pavement community towards field characterization of non-linear soil stiffness for use in mechanistic-empirical pavement design. This paper explores the experimental and numerical analysis of surface seismic waves during convent

Metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy-grown GaP/GaAs/GaP and GaAsP/GaAs/GaAsP n-type resonant tunnelling diodes

We have studied GaP/GaAs/GaP and GaAsxP1-x/GaAs/GaAsxP1-x double-barrier resonant tunnelling diodes grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. We find that GaP tensile strained barriers in GaP/GaAs/GaP diodes may be grown with a barrier thickness below the critical thickness of about 12 monolayers. However, a corrugation of the strained barrier is observed by transmission electron microscopy. This

Increased blood-brain barrier permeability of morphine in a patient with severe brain lesions as determined by microdialysis

Intracerebral microdialysis was utilised to obtain information regarding how morphine is transported across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In a patient with a severe brain injury, we measured simultaneously unbound extracellular fluid (ECF) concentrations of morphine in human brain and in subcutaneous fat tissue, which were compared to morphine levels in arterial blood. This report shows an increa

Inhibition of injury-induced arterial remodelling and carotid atherosclerosis by recombinant human antibodies against aldehyde-modified apoB-100.

Objective: The immune system plays an important regulatory role in the development of atherosclerotic plaques and neointima formation following various types of angioplasty. In the present study we investigated the effect of antibodies against aldehyde-modified apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100), a component of oxidized LDL, on atherosclerosis and response to arterial injury in mice. Methods: The abi

Adrenal incidentaloma - follow-up results from a Swedish prospective study

Objectives: To examine the risk of developing adrenal carcinomas and clinically overt hypersecreting tumours during short-term follow-up in patients with adrenal incidentalomas. Design: 229 (98 males and 131 females) patients with adrenal incidentalomas were investigated in a prospective follow-up study (median time 25 months; range 3-108 months). The patients were registered between January 1996

Approved IFCC reference method for the measurement of HbA1c in human blood.

HbA1C is the stable glucose adduct to the N-terminal group of the beta-chain of HbA0. The measurement of HbA1c in human blood is most important for the long-term control of the glycaemic state in diabetic patients. Because there was no internationally agreed reference method the IFCC Working Group on HbA1c Standardization developed a reference method which is here described. In a first step haemog

Flight performance during hunting excursions in Eleonora's falcon Falco eleonorae

Among birds, falcons are high-performance flyers, in many cases adapted for aerial hunting and hence suitable targets for investigating limits to flight performance. Using an optical range finder, we measured flight tracks of Eleonoras falcon (Falco eleonorae), a species breeding in the Mediterranean region and specialised for hunting autumn passage bird migrants, when commuting between their nest

Nanospray mass spectrometry with indirect conductive graphite coating

An easy and cost-effective method to manufacture a robust conductive graphite coating for nanospray mass spectrometry (nESI-MS) and capillary electrophoresis (CE)-nESI-MS is described. The method involves graphite coating of a tube sleeve, into which the nESI emitter is inserted and connected to a transfer capillary, instead of coating the actual emitter. The coating, made of graphite from a penci

Neocortical grafts placed in the infarcted brain of adult rats: few or no efferent fibers grow from transplant to host

The present study examines the capacity of fetal neocortical grafts placed in a brain infarct to exchange axonal projections with the host brain. Five to 7 days after a middle cerebral artery occlusion in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats, dissociated neocortical primordium from fetuses of gestational age 15-16 days was implanted into the infarcted area. Four to 11 months later, the neural tra

Between-Monitor Differences in Step Counts Are Related to Body Size: Implications for Objective Physical Activity Measurement

Background: The quantification of the relationships between walking and health requires that walking is measured accurately. We correlated different measures of step accumulation to body size, overall physical activity level, and glucose regulation. Methods: Participants were 25 men and 25 women American Indians without diabetes (Age: 20-34 years) in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. We assessed steps/day du

Atmospheric aerosol monitoring by an elastic Scheimpflug lidar system

This work demonstrates a new approach - Scheimpflug lidar for atmospheric aerosol monitoring. The atmospheric backscattering echo of a high-power continuous-wave laser diode is received by a Newtonian telescope and recorded by a tilted imaging sensor satisfying the Scheimpflug condition. The principles as well as the lidar equation are discussed in details. A Scheimpflug lidar system operating at

A modified surgical approach to women with obstetric anal sphincter tears by separate suturing of external and internal anal sphincter. A modified approach to obstetric anal sphincter injury

Background: Long-term results after obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASI) are poor. We aimed to improve the long-term outcome after OASI by lessening symptoms of anal incontinence. Methods: In a prospective study at Malmo University Hospital, twenty-six women with at least grade 3B OASI were classified and sutured in a systematic way, including separate suturing of the internal and external sphin

The Swedish version of OMAS is a reliable and valid outcome measure for patients with ankle fractures

Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the test-retest reliability and the validity of the self-reported questionnaire Olerud-Molander Ankle Score (OMAS) in subjects after an ankle fracture. Methods: When evaluating the test-retest reliability of the OMAS, 42 subjects surgically treated due to an ankle fracture participated 12 months after injury. OMAS was completed by the patients on t

'The First Major Test': The UN Secretary-General and the Palestine Problem, 1947-9

The Palestine problem was one of the first conflicts the newly formed United Nations (UN) was obliged to contend with. Secretary-General Trygve Lie played an active part in the proceedings, and his consistent support for the partition plan and Israeli UN membership has led to charges of Zionist sympathies and that his actions were based on this personal political bias. What explains the UN Secreta

Treatment of synthetic textile wastewater by homogeneous and heterogeneous photo-Fenton oxidation

The efficiencies of homogeneous and heterogeneous photo-Fenton oxidation were compared for treatment of azo dye containing synthetic textile wastewater. The influence of parameters such as the presence of NaCl and starch was evaluated and optimal iron and H2O2 dosage determined. Complete decolorization of Remazol Red RR was achieved at all investigated NaCl and starch concentration. Mineralization