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The Development of Green Industries in China and Its Implications for Developing Countries

This thesis aims to investigate the different mechanisms that Chinese companies in green industries used to acquire technological capabilities and how they changed over time. The thesis also aims to examine how the geographical pattern in outbound Chinese greenfield foreign direct investment has changed over time. By examining the inbound and outbound greenfield foreign direct investment pattern i

Marknadsföring- till vilket pris som helst? The tiny fantasy and the much bigger reality

Title: Marknadsföring- till vilket pris som helst? The tiny fantasy and the much bigger reality Seminar date: 2020-01-16 Course: FEKH29 Business administration: Degree Project in Marketing, Undergraduate Level, 15 credits Authors: Emelie Ljunggren, Hanna Lundstedt Advisor: Nikos Macheridis Key words: Purchase intention, body image, plus size, the thin body ideal, social responsibility Purpos

Hållbarhetsredovisning – en hållbar affär?

Syfte: Att analysera om det finns finansiella incitament för bolag att upprätta kvalitativa hållbarhetsrapporter, genom att jämföra kvaliteten på hållbarhetsrapporter med lönsamhet hos svenska publika företag på Stockholmsbörsen som omfattas av 6 kap. 10 § ÅRL år 2018, men som inte hållbarhetsrapporterade före 2016. Metod: Kvantitativ studie med deduktiv ansats där den statistiska metoden utgörs Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine if there are financial purposes for companies to create sustainability reports, by comparing the quality of sustainability reports with profitability for swedish public companies, listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, that are subject to the 6 chapter 10 § Annual Accounts Act by the year of 2018, that earlier haven’t created a sustainability report. Me

Anledningar till att individer följer influencers - En studie utifrån ett marknadsföringspsykologiskt perspektiv

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Anledningar till att individer följer influencers - en studie utifrån ett marknadsföringspsykologiskt perspektiv. Seminariedatum: 2020-01-16 Kursnamn: FEKH29 - Examensarbete i Marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Hanna Hultemark, Johanna Marcusson & Amanda Magnusson Handledare: Burak Tunca Nyckelord: Influencers, Sociala bevis

Statehood and Climate Change-Induced Sea Level Rise

Den här uppsatsen undersöker sambandet mellan klimatförändringar, havsnivåhöjning och egenskapen att vara en stat (eng. statehood). Internationell rätt beträffande det juridiska subjektet stat utmanas och ifrågasätts på helt nya sätt i och med att tidigare fullkomligt otänkbara scenarier förefaller mer och mer sannolika, på grund av havsnivåhöjningar. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka om små ö-natThis thesis explores the relation between climate change-induced sea level rise and the concept of statehood. The law on statehood is challenged in unprecedented ways as previously unthinkable scenarios become increasingly plausible. The purpose of the thesis is to examine whether or not low-lying small island developing states will lose their statehood if they are completely submerged by the sea

Chinese Museums in the Digital Age: Legitimacy, Discursive Power and New Engagements

This proposal addresses the problematic of heritage in the making and how the digital engages in museum practices. Questioning reconstructions of the past, and the ways in which material culture and museums are used, to support heritage discourses. It concerns the ability of Chinese digital museums, to turn the past into present. Inspired by Foucault, this research, questions whether digital is ma

People on the same boat should help each other: A Feasibility Assessment for an Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA) in China

Facing the challenges of climate change and energy depletion, the world needs to deploy more renewable energy to replace fossil fuels. As the largest energy consumer and carbon emitter, China’s sustainable energy transition is particularly important. Owning the vast offshore wind (OW) resources, the Chinese Government has set ambitious goals on OW that provides a reliable and reasonable alternativ

Airing Out the Dirty Laundry

A variety of demand side management (DSM) methods are needed to ensure electric grid reliability and to integrate increasing shares of renewable energy sources into electricity networks. To investigate whether communal laundry rooms in Stockholm represent a good candidate for employing DSM to reduce the severity of electricity load peaks, tenants are surveyed on their willingness to temporarily lo

Skiljer sig bromelainaktiviteten i färsk ananas jämfört med processade ananasprodukter?

Enligt studier har ananasens enzym bromelain en positiv effekt på hälsan, exempelvis anticancereffekt samt en gynnsam verkan för matsmältningen. Bromelain har även visat sig vara inflammationsdämpande samt att det ökar proteinupptaget hos äldre. I nuläget finns ingen produkt på den svenska marknaden inom functional food med tillsatt bromelain. Functional food är en produkt som intas som ett vanligAccording to numerous of published studies, the pineapple enzyme bromelain has a positive effect on human health. This includes an anti-cancerous effect as well as a beneficial influence on digestion. Bromelain has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and to increase protein uptake in elderly. At present time, there are no products at the Swedish Functional food market that has bro

Comparing three methods for lipid identification using mass spectrometry - Data-independent, data-dependent and targeted acquisition

Introduction: This study evaluated lipid identification using mass spectrometry. Background: Three main modes of acquisition are used in mass spectrometry of lipids; data-independent acquisition (DIA), data-dependent acquisition (DDA) and targeted acquisition. DIA is the most including one, yielding a complete but complex data set, while targeted is the least including one, basing acquisition on

Synthesis and Characterization of some Photo-CORM and Photosensitizers

Det är väl känt att kolmonoxid (CO) är en giftig och hälsofarlig gas som är luktlös, färglös och smaklös vilket gör den svår att detektera utan analytisk utrustning. Men under senaste åren så har forskning bevisat att i små doser så kan kolmonoxid användas som en terapeutisk substans för att lindra malaria, cancer, lung-, hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar men även reducera mängden inflammatoriska substanseIt is well known that Carbon monoxide is a toxic and hazardous gas, but during recent years it has been proven that using a controlled concentration, carbon monoxide can in fact be used as a therapeutic agent, and can contribute to decrease malaria, treat cardiovascular and lung diseases and potentially even treat cancer, among other things. The main problem in using carbon monoxide directly is th

Beskickningslokalens absoluta okränkbarhet – ett förlegat koncept? - En kritisk granskning av bestämmelserna kring ambassader och konsulats okränkbarhet i internationell rätt

Internationella diplomatiska relationer har länge formats av rätten och möjligheten för en sändandestat att upprätta diplomatisk verksamhet i en mottagandestat. Denna verksamhet föregår ofta på en ambassad, men kan också utföras på konsulat. Dessa diplomatiska, eller konsulära lokaler skyddas av en okränkbarhet som stipuleras av internationell lag. Okränkbarheten är absolut utformad och kan mot baInternational diplomacy has long been formed around the right and possibility for a sending state to establish a diplomatic mission on certain premises in another, receiving state. These premises oftentimes take the shape of an embassy, but can also be constituted by consulates. The diplomatic, or consular, premises are protected be an aura of inviolability stipulated in international law. The law

Trångboddhet i samhället

Trångboddhet har länge varit ett omtalat ämne inom svensk bostadspolitik. År 1946 gjordes de första statliga åtgärderna för att motverka trångboddhet, som en följd av de dåliga boendeförhållandena som rådde i Sverige. En av åtgärderna var att en trångboddhetsnorm formulerades, kallad trångboddhetsnorm 1 idag, i syfte att ge vägledning åt befintligt och nytt bostadsbestånd. Enligt trångboddhetsnormFor a long time crowded living has been a well-known topic in Swedish housing policy. In 1946, as a result of bad housing conditions in Sweden, the first actions were taken to fight against crowded living. One of the actions was establishing a housing standard, today known as the housing standard 1, which contained guidelines on how many people should live at the same residence. The purpose of est

Considering space: Can physical surroundings facilitate social interactions?

In 2017, an inclusive outdoor area was initiated in Nordvest, Copenhagen, in order to break down the barriers between homeless migrants and residents of the local neighborhood. The presence of homeless migrants on the streets of Copenhagen has spurred much debate and resulted in increasing uneasiness among the domiciled population. This has led to an increase in the criminalization of the behavior

Leading by being led - A qualitative study of the relationship between authority and servant leadership

This thesis aims to contribute to the discussion on the role of authority in servant leadership, by answering the following research question: How do pastors perceive their servant leadership and how does this relate to authority? The methodology of this study is based on a qualitative study, following an interpretive approach. The empirical material of this study consists of 10 interviews. All in

UI Builder – an Interface Building Tool for Generating React Native Code for Mobile & Web

Detta examensarbete undersöker hur ett visuellt designverktyg för byggande av användargränssnitt till iOS, Android, och webben kan konstrueras. Även fast det finns en hel del verktyg för att designa och bygga mobil- och webbappar, så finns det i nuläget inga visuella designverktyg för att bygga en gemensam app för alla tre plattformar. Utöver detta, så undersöker arbetet potentiella lösningar till This thesis investigates how a visual design tool for building cross-platform application interfaces for iOS, Android, and web can be constructed. While there are plenty of tools for building and designing mobile and web apps, there are currently no visual design tools for building cross-platform apps for all three platforms. Beyond this, the thesis explores potential solutions for problems relat

From the Paris Conference to the Paris of the Yellow Vests: a laboratory for characterizing transition profiles and cultural repertoires to apprehend social and perceptive conflicts of sustainability

This paper contributes to sustainability transitions studies in delivering stronger focus and relevance on culture and discursive features to apprehend social resistances towards transition agendas, and the unprecedented emergence of the challenging antagonism of the ‘end of the world’ versus ‘the end of the month’ revealed by the case study of the Yellow Vests crisis in France since November 2018

Influencers - en resa tur och retur

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Influencers - en resa tur och retur Seminariedatum: 2019-06-04 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Patrice Behrad, Ricci Chan-Udom, Anja Petrovic Handledare: Oskar Christensson Fem nyckelord: Influencers, flygvanor, klimatångest, parasociala relationer, konsumentkulturteori Syfte: SyftAbstract Title: Influencers - a round-trip journey Seminar date: 2019-06-04 Course: FEKH29 Business administration: Degree Project in Marketing, Undergraduate Level, 15 ECTS Authors: Patrice Behrad, Ricci Chan-Udom, Anja Petrovic Advisor: Oskar Christensson Key words: Influencers, flight habits, climate anxiety, parasocial relationships, consumption culture theory Purpose: The purpose of the study

Development of a Water Activity Control and Reaction Monitoring System for Acidolysis and Transesterification Reactions using Immobilized Lipases in a Rotating Bed Reactor

Controlled water activity in an enzymatic reaction can influence enzyme activity and productivity. A small layer of water around an enzyme gives it a required flexibility to catalyze reactions at a higher rate in contrast with the one that is dry (Adlercreutz, Dicko, Larsson, & Månsson, 2017). The hypothesis of this research project is that the product yield and productivity of acidolysis and

Dynamic path planning for collision avoidance in a robotized framework for autonomous driving verification

Self-driving vehicles is a highly anticipated technology for increasing the safety and efficiency of automotive transportation systems by removing the risk of human errors. Volvo Car Corporation is determined to produce vehicles of full autonomy and highest safety within the near future. To achieve this goal, Volvo Cars is in parallel with the development of autonomous vehicles setting up a sophis