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Involvement of vasopressin and oxytocin in the regulation of human uterine activity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hormonerna vasopressin och oxytocin frisätts från hypofysens baklob. Hypofysen är en körtel, som är belägen på undersidan av hjärnan och utsöndrar en rad olika hormoner vilka i sin tur påverkar och reglerar aktiviteten i en mängd andra organ. Vasopressin medverkar till regleringen av vatten- och saltbalansen i kroppen, men verkar också sammandragande på icke-viljestyrdVasopressin and oxytocin seem to have pivotal roles in the pathophysiology of primary dysmenorrhoea and preterm labour. Prostaglandins are also involved in the regulation of uterine activity with different receptors mediating both stimulation and relaxation. We explored different aspects of synthesis, release and receptor pharmacology of vasopressin and oxytocin. We also tested a vasopressin and o

International Environmental Law and the Search for Harmony with Nature: A Critical Inquiry into the Metaphysical Underpinnings of the Legal Discourse on Environmental Protection

Popular Abstract in English For some time now, the world in general and international law in particular have witnessed one and the same widespread call for action. Both public and private interests claim that present-day standards and technology have proven insufficient for saving the natural environment. From this claim has emerged a call that entreats us to approach the problem of the deterioratFor some time now, the world in general and international law in particular have witnessed one and the same widespread call for action. Both public and private interests claim that present-day standards and technology have proven insufficient for saving the natural environment. From this claim has emerged a call that entreats us to approach the problem of the deteriorating natural environment by i

The role of values and public perceptions in policy making for Sustainable Consumption

Summary of key messages for policy makers • Systemic approach is critical Climate change and natural resource depletion continues to be driven not least by unsustainable levels and patterns of consumption. There is growing recognition that the shift required to achieve sustainable consumption and production is a momentous paradigm shift in Western culture. Due to the holistic nature of shifting c

Legal framework for the sustainable production of non-eatable products of an agricultural origin: the example of biofuels

Issues of sustainable agriculture have much relevance and urgency for the sustainable production of non-eatable products that have an agricultural origin, such as biofuels. In the chapter the opinion is expressed that joint legal regulations on sustainable use of natural resources and sustainable farming methods for eatable and non-eatable products of an agricultural origin can be an efficient sol

Computational Aspects of Structural Acoustics and Vibration : CISM Courses and Lectures

Computational methods within structural acoustics, vibration and fluid-structure interaction are powerful tools for investigating acoustic and structural-acoustic problems in many sectors of industry; in the building industry regarding room acoustics, in the car industry and aeronautical industry for optimizing structural components with regard to vibrations characteristics etc. It is on the verge

Transport Phenomena in Fires

Controlled fires are beneficial for the generation of heat and power while uncontrolled fires, like fire incidents and wildfires, are detrimental and can cause enormous material damage and human suffering. Transport phenomena such as buoyant flow, momentum, convective heat and mass transfer as well as chemical reactions between combustible species and oxygen from the surrounding air play important

Cooperation Between Library and Teaching and Learning – What ́s the Use?

At Lund University Faculty of Technology a growing number of teachers develop active student learning methods. These methods can have some advantages in obtaining certain objectives with higher education. To take responsibility for the own learning process and also to learn how to independently handle information and use it in an adequate way are important skills to achieve during an university ed

Runstenen i Tuna, Sm 42 : Arkeologisk forskningsundersökning 2013

Som en del av forskningsprojektet ”Runstenar i Tiohärad” genomfördes en arkeologisk forskningsundersökning i anslutning till runstenen Sm 42, RAÄ 38:1 i Ryssby socken, Ljungby kommun, Kronobergs län, under fyra dagar i juni månad 2013. Undersökningen visade att runstenen står på ursprunglig plats samt att det under vikingatid inte förefaller har funnits någon bebyggelse i runstenens absoluta närhe