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Measurements of long-term external and internal radiation exposure of inhabitants of some villages of the Bryansk region of Russia after the Chernobyl accident

A Nordic-Soviet programme was initiated in 1990 to evaluate the external and internal radiation exposure of the inhabitants of several villages in the Bryansk region of Russia. This area was one of the number of areas particularly affected by the nuclear accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986. Measurements were carried out yearly until 1998 and after that more irregularly; in 2000,

Global Governance, Legitimacy and Legitimation

Rules set by global governance organizations affect communities across the world. Such organizations increasingly seek to obtain legitimacy in the eyes of groups beyond their member state elites. This book advances scholarly debate on the politics of legitimacy and legitimation in global governance. It brings together researchers from different subfields of International Relations in order to high

Slaveriets historia

This is a comprehensive analysis and description of slavery, globally, throughout history.

The insecurity of trafficking in international law

The present chapter inquires into to the definition of trafficking in the 2000 Trafficking Protocol. The concept of trafficking seems to offer a self-evident point of departure to broach inequality and migration in the international domain. It emphasises the inequality between trafficker and the trafficked person, and States task themselves to side with the latter - and weaker - party in that rela

Avtal om rätten till domstolsprövning. Processuella överenskommelsers giltighet i svensk rätt

Popular Abstract in Swedish Rätten till domstolsprövning är en grundläggande rättighet som förekommer i alla demokratiska stater. Utgångspunkten är att alla har rätt att få sina tvister prövade av en domstol i ett förfarande som uppfyller vissa kvaliteter, en rättvis rättegång, och att staten har ett ansvar att tillhandahålla förutsättningar för sådana tvistlösningsförfaranden inför domstol. DäremOne of the most fundamental rights in any democratic state is the right of access to court. Every individual shall have the right to bring legal disputes before a court, in a proceeding with specifically defined characteristics, a fair trial, and the state is responsible for supplying the conditions and prerequisites to carry out this dispute resolution process in a court of law. However, this rig

Feedback in the ERP value-chain: what influence has thoughts about competitive advantage

Different opinions about whether an organization gains a competitive advantage (CA) from an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system exist. However, this paper describes another angle of the much reported competitive advantage discussion. The basic question in the paper concerns how thoughts about receiving competitive advantage from customizing ERPs influences feedback in ERP development. ERP de

Microbial mobilization and immobilization of soil nitrogen

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla levande organismer behöver kväve för att producera till exempel proteiner och DNA. I jorden förekommer kväve grovt indelat i två huvudformer, organiskt och oorganiskt. Mikroorganismer har förmågan att bryta ner det organiska kvävet till oorganiskt i en process som kallas för mineralisering. Växter tar i stort sett bara upp oorganiskt kväve och är beroende av den miMicroorganisms in forest ecosystems normally recycle nitrogen (N), such that gaseous losses and leaching are limited. Mobilization of organic N, including microbial N, and immobilization of inorganic N, especially NH4+, are the quantitatively most important N transformation processes. Various factors influence their rates, e.g. the amount of carbon and nitrogen, temperature, moisture, and the micr

Exotica Near 56Ni - Exploiting the 'Big Arrays'

An overview of recent nuclear structure studies in the vicinity of the doubly-magic isotope Ni-56 is presented. Detailed spectroscopy of mirror nuclei, 'complete' high-spin spectroscopy, the gamma-decay out from superdeformed rotational structures, and prompt particle emission are some of the topics in the mass A similar to 60 regime which challenge the power of the 'big arrays'.

The role of input frequency in article acquisition in early child Swedish

This paper investigates patterns of article use in monolingual early child Swedish and in child-directed adult speech. Article omissions in the adult data are found to be more widespread than previously assumed, especially articleless, ‘bare’ singular count nouns (e.g. sten ‘stone’ instead of en sten ‘a stone’) and article omissions in doubly determined nominals (e.g. lilla tummen (little thumb-th

Identification of abnormally expressed genes in skeletal muscle contributing to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

The metabolic defects of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes can result from changes in gene expression and protein functions due to genetic and environmental influences. The aim of this study was to identify abnormally expressed genes associated with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes, and further to test whether possible defects are inherited or acquired. To achieve this, we used cDNA diff

Crowded Field Photometry and Luminosity Function Analysis as Probes of Galactic Evolution

Crowded field photometry is a powerful method to investigate stellar evolutionary processes in astrophysically interesting regions such as nearby external galaxies and globular cluster cores. While detectors are approaching the physical limits for photon detection, data analysis methods for crowded stellar fields are not yet equally sophisticated. In order to obtain high accuracy of measurements

Silver Age Innovators

When designing innovations for the silver age, it is not sufficient to discover old people’s needs only. In addition, one also has to discover old peoples’ new roles as consumers, citizens and innovators. Since this is a group that until recently has been given few opportunities to make their voices heard, there is a need for methods that identify their needs and demands. More importantly, we need