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Appropriate coronary revascularization can be accomplished if myocardial perfusion is quantified by positron emission tomography prior to treatment decision

Background: Many patients undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) without the use of non-invasive stress testing prior to treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the potential added value of guiding revascularization by quantitative assessment of myocardial perfusion prior to intervention. Methods and Results: Thirty-three patients (10 females) with suspected or established CAD

In situ observations of tin deposition into nanoporous anodic aluminium oxide

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattningAluminium används för en stor mängd produkter, allt från hus och i fordon till såvardagliga produkter som aluminiumburkar. Det breda användningsområdet beror på aluminiumets höga hållfasthet, lätta vikt och dess goda korrosionsmotståndighet. Korrosionsmotståndet beror på att när aluminium exponeras för luft bildas ett aluminiumoxidskikt på ytan, vilket skyddar aluAbstractIn this thesis, the electrochemical deposition process of Sn into ordered nanoporous anodic aluminium oxide (NP-AAO) have been studied. The deposition process was studied in situ using the X-ray techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Grazing incidence Transmission Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (GTSAXS), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) and ex situ usin

Peripheral Nervous System Disease in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus : Results From an International Inception Cohort Study

Objective: To determine the frequency, clinical characteristics, associations, and outcomes of different types of peripheral nervous system (PNS) disease in a multiethnic/multiracial, prospective inception cohort of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. Methods: Patients were evaluated annually for 19 neuropsychiatric (NP) events including 7 types of PNS disease. SLE disease activity, organ

Att dikta för livet, döden och evigheten : Tillfällesdiktning under tidigmodern tid

Boken Att dikta för livet, döden och evigheten har fokus på perioden 1500 till 1800 och på svensk tillfällesdiktning insatt i sitt nordeuropeiska sammanhang. Fältet är representativt och omfattande. Vi har lyckats intressera forskare inte bara från Sverige utan även från Danmark, Island, Finland, Estland, Ryssland och Tyskland att medverka med artiklar, vilket varit av avgörande vikt med tanke på

Antiparasitic metabolites from plants used in the Tacana Bolivian native tribe : Traditional medicine, an overview of natural products with medicinal interest.

The thesis aims to contribute to the preservation of traditional medicinal knowledge of the Tacana Bolivian native tribe, as well as to the isolation and characterization of antiparasitic metabolites from plants used for the treatment of endemic diseases. A selection of medicinal plants, made in collaboration with the Tacana communities who decided which plants have a specific medicinal propose, w

A comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Geometridae (Lepidoptera) with a focus on enigmatic small subfamilies

Our study aims to investigate the relationships of the major lineages within the moth family Geometridae, with a focus on the poorly studied Oenochrominae- Desmobathrinae complex, and to translate some of the results into a coherent subfamilial and tribal level classification for the family. We analyzed a molecular dataset of 1,206 Geometroidea terminal taxa from all biogeographical regions compri

Turning to the dark side: Challenging the hegemonic positivity of the creativity discourse

Using a Laclauian discourse approach this paper challenges the hegemony of articulations framing creativity as good, necessary, and as a source of valuable outcomes for organizations and individuals. Instead, this paper argues that creativity has a ‘dark side’, referring to that which is harmful and may result in pain, loss or suffering. We analyze and expose the hegemonic positivity of the creati

Subcell finite volume multigrid preconditioning for high-order discontinuous Galerkin methods

We suggest a new multigrid preconditioning strategy for use in Jacobian-free Newton–Krylov (JFNK) methods for the solution of algebraic equation systems arising from implicit Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretisations. To define the new preconditioner, use is made of an auxiliary first-order finite volume discretisation that refines the original DG mesh, but can still be implemented algebraically

Radiotherapy and neoadjuvant chemotherapy for cervical carcinoma. A randomized multicenter study of sequential cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil and radiotherapy in advanced cervical carcinoma stage 3B and 4A

BACKGROUND: The locoregional failure rate remains high in advanced cervical carcinoma. Chemotherapy (CT) was added to radiotherapy (RT) in order to increase disease control and to improve 5-year survival.METHODS: CT + RT included cisplatin administered 100mg/m2, d.1 plus 5-fluorouracil 1000 mg/m2 D.1 to 5, ci (120 hrs), q every 3rd week for 3 cycles, followed by RT. RT included external beam irrad