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Aerosol Sampling and Samplers Matched to PIXE Analysis

The PIXE method constitutes a tool for fast, reliable multi-elemental analysis of small samples. These properties are very attractive in aerosol sciences and in aerosol monitoring programmes. Thus PIXE allows the use of small samplers which are easy to deploy and could be operated for long periods even at more or less remote sites. For working environment aerosols, samplers with time resolution ca

Vibration-induced muscle injury in the hand - experimental and clinical studies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Störningar i händernas finmotorik, kraft och känsel är vanliga symtom efter långvarigt bruk av handhållna vibrerande verktyg. I gynnsamma och lindriga fall kan dessa besvär gå tillbaka efter upphörande av expositionen för vibrationer. I mer avancerade fall tilltar besvären och ett hand-arm vibration syndrom (HAVS) utvecklas. Detta tillstånd utgör ett av de allvarligare Exposure to vibration is known to cause vasospastic white fingers and/or sensorineural symtoms such as numbness and tingling in fingers and/or musculoskeletal disorders such as reduction in muscle force, fatigue and reduced endurance. Classifications for the vasospastic and sensorineural symptoms are established. The general purpose of this thesis was to test the hypothesis that vibration exposur

Unshrouded rotor tip clearance effects in expander cycle turbines

Steady flow in axial one-stage turbines is assessed numerically and experimentally. The simulations are performed on coarse meshes using a standard numerical approach (3D, steady state, kε-turbulence model, wall function at solid boundaries). In order to allow for conclusions drawn from these rapid numerical studies, the approach was compared with an explicit LDA (Laser Doppler anemometry) mapping

Teacher roles during amusement park visits – insights from observations, interviews and questionnaires

Amusement parks offer rich possibilities for physics learning, through observations and experiments that illustrate important physical principles and often involve the whole body. Amusement parks are also among the most popular school excursions, but very often the learning possibilities are underused. In this work we have studied different teacher roles and discuss how universities, parks or even

Approaches to Hungarian 13: papers from the 2011 Lund Conference

This volume brings together ten papers presented at the 10th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (Lund, 2011). The papers cover a broad field of issues in Hungarian relating to phonetics, phonology, semantics, syntax and pragmatics, such as vowel harmony, particle verb constructions, impersonal use of personal pronouns, the diachronic development of comparative subclauses, pseud

Expression and purification of membrane proteins: Focus on the G-protein coupled receptor MC4r

Popular Abstract in Swedish 10.SWEDISH SUMMARY(Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning) Proteiner är viktiga byggstenar i cellen och är uppbyggda av kroppens tjugo olika aminosyror. Varje protein har en unik egenskap och spelar en viktig roll för cellens funktion. Vissa proteiner löser sig i vatten (hydrofila) medan andra är olösliga (hydrofoba). Membranproteiner är hydrofoba proteiner som är inbäddadeMembrane proteins are crucial components of the cell and are involved in many biological processes. Recombinant overexpression systems together with different purification methods are necessary to obtain large amounts of purified receptor for biophysical and functional studies. More knowledge about membrane proteins, and especially G-protein coupled receptors, would facilitate the development of i

Explaining Agricultural Yield Gaps in Cameroon

Increasing food production is a key step towards attaining food security in Cameroon. For the last half century, increase in production has been achieved by bringing more land under cultivation. In consequence of competition for land between agriculture and other uses that particular route to increasing production to meet the country’s growing demand is now limited. The alternative is to increase Popular Abstract in Swedish Ökad livsmedelsproduktion utgör ett viktigt steg för att uppnå livsmedelssäkerhet i Kamerun. Under det senaste halvseklet har ökningen av produktionen i huvudsak uppnåtts genom ökad uppodling. Till följd av ökad konkurrens om marken från jordbruket och andra sektorer är dessa möjligheter till ökad produktion, för att möta landets växande efterfråga nu begränsad. Alterna

Characterization of the Intestinal Microbiota by DNA-Based Methods

The intestinal flora and the bacteria found in the extraintestinal sites were studied in liver injury rats, with or without Lactobacillus plantarum 299v pre-treatment. The dominating intestinal flora and translocating bacteria were typed by RAPD and identified by 16S rDNA sequencing. It was proved that bacterial strains from the intestine could pass through the intestinal barrier to the extraintes