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I skuggan av spelfilmen: svensk experimentell film

The chapter presents the history of Swedish experimental film, and discusses aesthetics as well as institutional conditions. Among filmmakers treated are Viking Eggeling, Gunvor Nelson and Peter Weiss,

High Strain Fatigue Crack Growth and Crack Closure

Popular Abstract in Swedish I en komponent som utsätts för upprepande på- och avlastningar, d.v.s. cyklisk belastning, kan defekter i form av sprickor initieras och börja växa. Detta fenomen kallas utmattning och kan leda till haveri med potentiellt katastrofala följder. Det är därför viktigt att förstå fenomenen som ligger bakom utmattning och att ha tillförlitliga modeller för att förutsäga livsUnderstanding of the growth of fatigue cracks is of utmost importance since such growth often has a profound influence on the life of components subjected to cyclic loading. Thus, reliable fatigue life models enable a more efficient use of materials and improve the performance and efficiency in many applications. This thesis deals with the growth of fatigue cracks subjected to high load amplitude

Design of Voice Alarms-the Benefit of Mentioning Fire and the Use of a Synthetic Voice

Preliminary results from a study about voice alarms are presented in this paper. The purpose of the study is to explore both how messages should be worded and how they should be presented. The paper focuses on an introductory questionnaire study at an IKEA store and unannounced evacuation experiments at Lund University. The results of these activities suggest that it is preferable to mention the w

Competitive Advantage Through Packaging Design? Propositions for Supply Chain Effectiveness and Efficiency

Packaging is becoming increasingly important from a marketing as well as logistics perspective, particularly for actors in consumer product supply chains. However, the role of packaging in creating or contributing to the competitive advantage of a company or a whole supply chain is still unexplored to a large extent. This is even the case in businesses where research has shown the benefits of cons

Impact of environmental exposure on concrete strength in highway bridges in Uganda

Deterioration of concrete structures is a worldwide problem. Environmental exposure is known to affect concrete strength in structures. While moisture affects rebound values by lowering them, carbonation does the opposite. The aim of the study was to determine the in-situ concrete strength of three bridge elements, namely, pier, abutment and deck and evaluate the environmental conditions such as m

A Model for Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships on Human Rights in Tourism

This paper presents a model for corporate social responsibility (CSR) created to integrate human rights issues in sustainable tourism, through public-private partnerships between the industry, non-governmental organisations (NGOs)and international governmental organisations (IGOs). The experience with the model in practice is described in a case study presenting a voluntary code of conduct adopted

Blandade känslor. Bisexuella kvinnors praktik och politik

Avhandlingen undersöker bisexuella kvinnors praktiker i de maktrelationer som reglerar föreställningar om kön/genus, kroppar och sexualitet. Det är den första fördjupade studien om bisexuella liv i Sverige och fyller ett glapp inom kritisk queerforskning och feministiska studier. Syftet är att dokumentera och undersöka föreställningar om kön och sexualitet i vardagslivet och i kunskapsproduktionen

Nonergodic dye-to-semiconductor electron transfer

The dominating part of electron injection from the transition metal complex Ru(dcbpy)2(NCS)2 into a titanium dioxide nanocrystalline film proceeds extremely rapidly from the initially populated, vibronically nonthermalized, singlet excited state of the molecule. Ultrafast transient absorption measurements with laser pulses of the order of ~30 fs have been performed