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Your search for "*" yielded 529197 hits
Cultural Trauma Theory and The Memory of Forced Migrations: An Example From Lviv
Injectable calcium sulphate and calcium phosphate bone substitutes
Two formulations of biphasic injectable bone substitutes have been developed for the treatment of bone defects and stabilisation of fragility fractures. The first formulation consists of a calcium sulphate matrix with embedded hydroxyapatite (HA) particles to provide osteoconductivity. The mechanical properties of this formulation were investigated by focussing on the factors affecting the compre
Binarity of Hipparcos Main Sequence Survey Stars
Hipparcos observations of double stars, mainly A and F primaries, aremodelled in order to check the statistics of double-star solutions inthe Hipparcos Catalogue and to set quantitative limits on binarydistributions. The number of companions per primary is estimated to 0.25+/-0.05 for semi-major axes from 1 to 10 AU, and to 0.43 +/-0.20 for therange 10--100 AU. The total multiplicity found is betw
Counting Thin Subgraphs via Packings Faster Than Meet-in-the-Middle Time
Vassilevska and Williams (STOC 2009) showed how to count simple paths on k vertices and matchings on k/2 edges in an n-vertex graph in time n^{k/2+O(1)}. In the same year, two different algorithms with the same runtime were given by Koutis and Williams (ICALP 2009), and Björklund et al. (ESA 2009), via nst/2+O(1)-time algorithms for counting t-tuples of pairwise disjoint sets drawn from a given fa
"Lucy Church amiably" : nonsense and the production of meaning
Economy and Demography in Western Scania, Sweden, 1650-1900
Improving indoor aerosol exposure assessment by excluding non-occupancy data sequence.
Historia i brons och granit. Nationella monument och regionala identiteter i Öresundsområdet
Om monument på Själland och i Skåne kring sekelskiftet 1900.
MInimalisten - genombrott för maskiner som stämplar i nanoskala (Lars Montelius)
Bilförares inställning till hastigheter, hastighetsgränser och hastighetsanpassningssystem. En enkätstudie
Towards Bridging the Gap Between Dalvik Bytecode and Native Code During Static Analysis of Android Applications
We propose a method for statically analyzing components that can be part of Android applications and which have not been very well analyzed so far, namely native libraries. As of now, third-party native code can be seen as a black box that can be fed input parameters from the Dalvik bytecode context, and output parameters can be returned back to the bytecode context. However, the native code can s
Life Cycle Cost and Life Cycle Profit - LCC/LCP
Att genomföra examensarbete
Swedish Gothicism from Saint Birgitta (d. 1373) to the Poetess Sophia Elisabeth Brenner (d. 1730)
The birth and development of Gothicist ideas and their use in Spanish-Swedish contacts
Why constitution? ; What constitution? ; Constraints on majority rule
Diplomacy and Peacemaking in Transition
Svanens roll i förhållande till andra miljöinformationssystem och miljöledning (The role of the Nordic Swan in relation to other environmental information systems and EMS.)
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Abstract in Norwegian Moderne transplantasjonsteknologi har gjort menneskekroppen til en handelsvare. Den svenske etnologen Susanne Lundin har i mange år studert den internasjonale organhandelens uhyggelige og lukkede verden. I denne thrilleraktige reportasjeboken tar hun leseren med inn i en verden befolket av fortvilede vestlige pasienter som vil gjøre hva som helst for å skaffe seg for eksempe