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Your search for "*" yielded 532393 hits

The Truth as a Weapon? : Public Truth-Telling as an Emerging Intelligence Practice

What is done in the act of public intelligence disclosures? Leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, US intelligence agencies engaged in an unprecedented amount of public disclosures, causing scholars and journalists to describe it as a tectonic shift in intelligence practice. Going beyond the traditional question of strategic aims related to intelligence disclosures, this article ta

Modeling Photofunctional Transition Metal Complexes

Transition metal complexes play a crucial role in solar energy conversion. These coordination compounds have promising applications in dye-sensitized solar cells and photocatalysis, with particular interest in solar fuel production. However, many of the photoactive transition metal complexes used in light-harvesting applications are still based on rare and expensive metals from the transition meta

EEG Frequency Correlates with α2-Receptor Density in Parkinson’s Disease

Introduction: Increased theta and delta power and decreased alpha and beta power, measured with quantitative electroencephalography (EEG), have been demonstrated to have utility for predicting the development of dementia in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Noradrenaline modulates cortical activity and optimizes cognitive processes. We claim that the loss of noradrenaline may explain cogniti

Mediational pathways between aggregate genetic liability and nonfatal suicide attempt : A Swedish population-based cohort

Despite recent progress in the genetics of suicidal behavior, the pathway by which genetic liability increases suicide attempt risk is unclear. We investigated the mediational pathways from family/genetic risk for suicide attempt (FGRSSA) to suicide attempt by considering the roles of psychiatric illnesses. In a Swedish cohort, we evaluated time to suicide attempt as a function of FGRSSA and the m

A Relationship between the Structures and Neurotoxic Effects of Aβ Oligomers Stabilized by Different Metal Ions

Oligomeric assemblies of the amyloid β peptide (Aβ) have been investigated for over two decades as possible neurotoxic agents in Alzheimer’s disease. However, due to their heterogeneous and transient nature, it is not yet fully established which of the structural features of these oligomers may generate cellular damage. Here, we study distinct oligomer species formed by Aβ40 (the 40-residue form o

Machine learning in cartography

Machine learning is increasingly used as a computing paradigm in cartographic research. In this extended editorial, we provide some background of the papers in the CaGIS special issue Machine Learning in Cartography with a special focus on pattern recognition in maps, cartographic generalization, style transfer, and map labeling. In addition, the paper includes a discussion about map encodings for

A risk-based robustness evaluation of a prestressed concrete bridge

Existing bridges were designed to satisfy old specifications, and most of them were based on a member-oriented approach. A bridge superstructure is constituted by a group of elements that together form a system, and depending on how robust the system is, a member-oriented approach losses accuracy. Therefore, in this study a preliminary framework of how to assess concrete bridges' robustness is pre

E-Band Transmitter Design 71G - 86GHz

The goal of Master`s thesis is to design a power amplifier as part of a transmitter operating at 71-86GHz using the 22nm technology. The primary objective is to design a narrowband power amplifier for E-band at 80GHz. The output power range is 14-20dBm power added efficiency around 14% - 18%. The additional aim is investigating what new circuit concepts need to be used at 80GHz compared to 40GH

Safe Transportation of Children With Disabilities and Medical Conditions in Motor Vehicles : Experiences and Perspectives of Australian Health Professionals and Organisations

Providing safe and accessible transportation for children with disabilities and medical conditions can be challenging and complex, as they are particularly vulnerable during road vehicle transportation. Health professionals and organisations play a vital role in supporting families and other involved individuals to ensure their child is transported safely. To obtain a better understanding of the e

Wet Twisting in Spinning for Rapid and Cost-Effective Fabrication of Superior Carbon Nanotube Yarns

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are promising blocks for building advanced yarns with unique structural and functional attributes. However, the complexity of fabrication and high cost has hindered the widespread adoption of CNT yarns. In this study, a rapid and continuous twisting wet spun yarn strategy to produce highly densified CNT yarns is presented. The method involves effectively dispersing CNTs in

Improved Cloud Parameterization in Global Climate Model : Aerosol effects and secondary ice production mechanisms

The response of clouds to the changes in climate is uncertain, and the representation of the cloud-climate feedback is a key challenge in the global circulation models (GCM) for future climate projections. Factors contributing to this uncertainty include processes that involve particles of various sizes and phases, as well as the interactions between these particles and the surrounding atmosphere.

"Taken from Dust, Formed from Clay" : Compound allusions & scriptural exegesis in 1QHodayota 11:20-37; 20:27-39 & Ben Sira 33:7-15

This article argues that, in 1QHa 11:20-27; 20:27-39 and Sir 33:7-15, the use of allusions to humanity's creation from dust in Genesis 2-3 and to its formation from clay in Isa 29:16; 45:9; Jer 18:4, 6 represents a conscious exegetical process in which the Genesis and prophetic traditions were read and used in light of one another. Although originating within different social environments - one se

Economic inequality and the ecological footprint: Time-varying estimates for four developed economies, 1962–2021

This paper explores the link between income, and wealth inequality and the ecological footprint in France, Netherlands, United States, and United Kingdom from 1962 to 2021. Based on theoretical considerations, we allow the relationship to vary over time. Our analysis provides some support for income inequality influencing ecological footprints, specifically through carbon emissions. Yet, we do notThis paper explores the link between income, and wealth inequality and the ecological footprint in France, Netherlands, United States, and United Kingdom from 1962 to 2021. Based on theoretical considerations, we allow the relationship to vary over time. Our analysis provides some support for income inequality influencing ecological footprints, specifically through carbon emissions. Yet, we do not

Introduction: Political Theology in the Spirit of Populism : Method and Metaphor

Studies scrutinizing the significance of religion for populism are still scarce, but one metaphor has been adopted across almost all of them—the metaphor of the hijacked faith. This chapter sketches the nexus between metaphor and method in the study of populism, before it introduces the contributions to this compilation. Ulrich Schmiedel suggest that there are structural similarities between popul

Att själv skapa sin identitet - eller att låta andra ta över. En kvalitativ studie av självbiografiska berättelser.

En betydande del av befolkningen i Sverige är idag beroende av alkohol eller droger. Genom att göra en kvalitativ studie av fyra självbiografier, skrivna av före detta missbrukare av alkohol och narkotika, var syftet att undersöka hur grupper påverkar individer i olika sociala situationer. Viktiga faktorer för påverkan eller påtryckningar inkluderar både individens närmaste umgängeskrets och det s

Beteendeaktivering vid mental ohälsa - unga vuxnas erfarenheter

The study aimed to explore users' experiences of behavioral activation therapy (BAT) in the context of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Behavioral activation therapy is a therapeutic approach that emphasizes engaging in meaningful activities to counteract depression and improve overall well-being. The study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with eight participants aged betwee