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Intraspecific variation in Rhinanthus angustifolius. Local adaptation, phenotypic plasticity and geographical structure.

Svensk sammanfattningUnder de senaste hundra åren har kulturlandskapet i norra Europa genomgått en dramatisk förändring. Det småskaliga jordbrukslandskapet med sin mosaik av naturtyper har till stor del ersatts av vidsträckta monokulturer. Artrika naturtyper och naturområden har blivit ovanligare och ligger idag ofta isolerats från varandra. Som en följd av detta har många arter gått tillbaka, visPlant species often adapt to local environmental conditions, which can result in the formation of genetically and phenotypically distinct ecotypes. Ecotypes can evolve rapidly, and may be a first step in the process of ecological speciation. Consequently, ecotypes may constitute an important part of the biodiversity in regions with a young flora, where few endemic taxa at the species level have ha

Flödessamhället och dess sårbarhet

I denna publikation görs en noggrann genomgång av bakgrunden till dagens flödesbaserade samhälle med dess sårbarhet. Vidare diskuteras frågan hur flödesbaserade avbrottsrisker definieras samt hur dess konsekvenser, inklusive s.k. domino-effekter, kan beskrivas. Även de teoriområden som tar upp denna typ av risker behandlas.Dagens moderna samhälle är till stor del uppbyggt kring försörjningskedjor

“My Silk Road to You” : Re-imagining routes, roads, and geography in contemporary art of “Central Asia”

This paper re-focuses the Silk Road discussions from the position of contemporary art in Central Asian region. Since the late 1980s contemporary art in Central Asia boomed and it eventually became an alternative public space for the discussion of cultural transformations, social and global processes and problems that local societies faced. Initially the questions raised by many artists concerned i

Toward clinical use of the IgG specific enzymes IdeS and EndoS against antibody-mediated diseases

The endoglycosidase EndoS and the protease IdeS from the human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes are immunomodulating enzymes hydrolyzing human IgG. IdeS cleaves IgG in the lower hinge region, while EndoS hydrolyzes the conserved N-linked glycan in the Fc region. Both enzymes are remarkably specific for human IgG that after hydrolysis loses most of its effector functions, such as binding to leukocyt

Magnetostructural transition in Fe5SiB2 observed with neutron diffraction

The crystal and magnetic structure of Fe5SiB2 has been studied by a combination of X-ray and neutron diffraction. Also, the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy constant has been estimated from magnetisation measurements. High quality samples have been prepared using high temperature synthesis and subsequent heat treatment protocols. The crystal structure is tetragonal within the space group I4/mc

Bacterial suppression of RNA polymerase II-dependent host gene expression

Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) is a bacterial carrier state in the urinary tract that resembles commensalism at other mucosal sites. ABU strains often lack the virulence factors that characterize uropathogenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) strains and therefore elicit weak innate immune responses in the urinary tract. In addition, ABU strains are active modifiers of the host environment, which they i

SMIM1 variants rs1175550 and rs143702418 independently modulate Vel blood group antigen expression

The Vel blood group antigen is expressed on the red blood cells of most individuals. Recently, we described that homozygosity for inactivating mutations in SMIM1 defines the rare Vel-negative phenotype. Still, Vel-positive individuals show great variability in Vel antigen expression, creating a risk for Vel blood typing errors and transfusion reactions. We fine-mapped the regulatory region located

White to beige conversion in PDE3B KO adipose tissue through activation of AMPK signaling and mitochondrial function

Understanding mechanisms by which a population of beige adipocytes is increased in white adipose tissue (WAT) reflects a potential strategy in the fight against obesity and diabetes. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is very important in the development of the beige phenotype and activation of its thermogenic program. To study effects of cyclic nucleotides on energy homeostatic mechanisms, mic

Reduction of Abeta amyloid pathology in APPPS1 transgenic mice in the absence of gut microbiota

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in the western world, however there is no cure available for this devastating neurodegenerative disorder. Despite clinical and experimental evidence implicating the intestinal microbiota in a number of brain disorders, its impact on Alzheimer's disease is not known. To this end we sequenced bacterial 16S rRNA from fecal samples of Aβ precurso