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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits
The artifact description library : shape, form and colour editon
This book invites you to embark on a journey of discovery, where words become the palette for the expression of design. Furthermore, this book extends its utility to individuals working with Al and text-to-image creation. By enhancing the effectiveness of prompts, it empowers Al systems like Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, and MidJourney to produce refined and contextually relevant visual outputs. The t
Talking The Talk but Not Walking the Walk : Is the Use of Sustainability Keywords in IS/IT Job Ads “Greenwashing”?
This paper explores the intersection of corporate sustainability and recruitment perspectives in Swedish companies, examining the use of one hundred and seven sustainability keywords in more than 230 000 IS/IT job ads collected from the Swedish Public Employment Service. The study emphasizes the pressing need for a new breed of computing professionals to address environmental challenges and climat
Uttorkning i springor mellan KL-träelement
Byggsektorn står för en stor del av Sveriges klimatutsläpp och har som mål att till 2045 bli klimatneutral. För att klara detta mål krävs bland annat förändringar i materialanvändning, till exempel kan materialet betong i flera fall bytas ut mot KL-trä. KL-trä används idag som stommaterial och monteras ofta utan väderskydd med resultatet att vatten i form av nederbörd hamnar i springor och spalterTo reach Sweden's climate goals changes in the use of materials are required. Concrete can in several cases be replaced with Cross-Laminated Timber, or CLT, as framework material. Today CLT is often installed without weather protection, with the result of water ending up in cracks and joints that are difficult to cover. Based on today’s knowledge there is great uncertainty about what condition
Plasma extracellular matrix and inflammatory proteins as biomarkers for diagnosis, differentiation, and risk assessment in pulmonary arterial hypertension - utilizing Lund Cardio Pulmonary Registry
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare disease that affects the pulmonary vasculature. Characterized by increased pulmonary arterial pressures and vascular resistance, it causes right heart failure (HF), and premature death. The main symptom, exertional dyspnoea, is non-specific where patient’s and doctor’s delay often lead to diagnosis in advanced stages. Despite development of PAH speci
The Failure of Diplomacy and Protection in Syria
This chapter argues that the international community’s response to the Syrian civil war was a failure of resolute diplomacy. It first recounts how a popular uprising was brutally suppressed by the Bashar al-Assad government’s military forces, sparking a ‘new war’ where many of the protagonists have more to gain from war than peace. It then considers the diplomatic strategies pursued by regional an
Riskfaktorer hos barn i samhällets vård - En mixad metodstudie av familjehemsförfrågningar gjorda 2023
This mixed-method study focuses on risk factors that children in foster care bring into the placements, the negative effects the risk factors have on the children´s development and health and the need for them to be treated professionally. Factors included are, among others, experiences from maltreatment, attachment problems, various forms of abuse, drug use, criminality, or mental illness. Our ai
Spatial multiomics reveal intratumoral immune heterogeneity with distinct cytokine networks in lung cancer brain metastases
The tumor microenvironment of brain metastases has become a focus in the development of immunotherapeutic drugs. However, countless brain metastasis patients have not experienced clinical benefit. Thus, understanding the immune cell composition within brain metastases, and how the immune cells interact with each other and other microenvironmental cell types, may be critical for optimizing immunoth
An Equine Protein Atlas Highlights Synovial Fluid Proteome Dynamics during Experimentally LPS-Induced Arthritis
In human proteomics, substantial efforts are ongoing to leverage large collections of mass spectrometry (MS) fragment ion spectra into extensive spectral libraries (SL) as a resource for data independent acquisition (DIA) analysis. Currently, such initiatives in equine research are still missing. Here we present a large-scale equine SL, comprising 6394 canonical proteins and 89,329 unique peptides
The Perils of Limited Key Reuse: Adaptive and Parallel Mismatch Attacks with Post-processing Against Kyber
The Module Learning With Errors (MLWE)-based Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) Kyber is NIST's new standard scheme for post-quantum encryption. As a building block, Kyber uses a Chosen Plaintext Attack (CPA)-secure Public Key Encryption (PKE) scheme, referred to as Kyber.CPAPKE. In this paper we study the robustness of Kyber.CPAPKE against key mismatch attacks.We demonstrate that Kyber's security
A Trust Establishment and Key Management Architecture for Hospital-at-Home
The landscape of healthcare is experiencing a digitalization shift, transferring many medical activities to the patients’ homes, a phenomenon commonly referred to as Hospital-at-Home. While Internet of Things (IoT) devices facilitate the building of such systems, there is a need for powerful middleware that encapsulates device-to-device communication, and enables the construction of user-friendly,
A Transparent Modelling Workflow for the Assessment of Surface Water-Groundwater Exchange Flux at a PCE Contaminated Site
Contaminated sites constitute a global problem as they pollute important freshwater systems at a local scale. To effectively address these sites for remediaton, we must first characterize the sites in order to gain an understanding of the geological setting. This step is crucial as it helps determine groundwater flow pathways and the dynamics of surface water-groundwater exchange within these syst
Axillary clearance and chemotherapy rates in ER+HER2− breast cancer : secondary analysis of the SENOMAC trial
Background: Randomized trials have shown that axillary clearance (AC) can safely be omitted in patients with sentinel lymph node-positive breast cancer. At the same time, de-escalation of chemotherapy in postmenopausal patients with ER+HER2− breast cancer may depend on detailed axillary nodal stage. The aim of this pre-specified secondary analysis of the SENOMAC trial was to investigate whether th
Completion axillary lymph node dissection for the identification of pN2–3 status as an indication for adjuvant CDK4/6 inhibitor treatment : a post-hoc analysis of the randomised, phase 3 SENOMAC trial
Background: In luminal breast cancer, adjuvant CDK4/6 inhibitors (eg, abemaciclib) improve invasive disease-free survival. In patients with T1–2, grade 1–2 tumours, and one or two sentinel lymph node metastases, completion axillary lymph node dissection (cALND) is the only prognostic tool available that can reveal four or more nodal metastases (pN2–3), which is the only indication for adjuvant abe
β-galactosidase immobilization on ceramic ultrafiltration membrane for simultaneous lactose hydrolysis and protein separation
Protein and lactose of cheese whey can be separated using ultrafiltration membranes and lactose can be hydrolyzed by β-galactosidase. This study investigated the integration of ultrafiltration and enzymatic hydrolysis for simultaneous protein concentration and lactose hydrolysis. β-galactosidase was immobilized on ceramic membrane via surface activation with gelatin and subsequent enzyme cross-lin
On the Naturalism of Hume's 'Reconciling Project'
Electrodialysis with sacrificial magnesium anode for nutrient recovery from primary municipal wastewater : Effect on membrane fouling behaviours
The fertilizer industry is experiencing tremendous stress due to its dependence on limited natural resources and high energy consumption, thus great attention has been paid for alternative nitrogen and phosphorus resources. This study employed electrodialysis (ED) with sacrificial magnesium anode to recover nitrogen and phosphorus (towards struvite formation) from primary municipal wastewater and
Nutritional Composition of Six Amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus) Andean Varieties
Amaranthus caudatus is a nutrient-rich Andean pseudocereal with wide genetic variability. Six productive varieties (Oscar Blanco, Pucara, Tomina, Cotahuasi, Barbechos, and Guindo Criollo) were compared by proximate, mineral, and fatty acid composition. The proximal content showed certain singularities in the varieties. Barbechos and Guindo Criollo stood out for their fat content (9.50% and 9.01%,
Är åldersspecifika olikheter på proteinnivå nyckeln till nya behandlingar? Behovet av nya behandlingsmetoder för leukemi är ett faktum. I denna studien har vi undersökt leukemiceller från barn och vuxna på proteinnivå. Genom att identifiera åldersrelaterade olikheter kan dessa utnyttjas i framtida utveckling av behandlingar riktade mot särskilda varianter av leukemi för barn och vuxna. Leukemi
Disentangling the diversity of definitions for the pollination ecosystem service and associated estimation methods
Observed declines in pollinator populations due to human pressures is of critical concern because pollination is an essential regulating ecosystem service (ES). Pollination has a major role in human food production and in maintaining flowering plant diversity. Estimating the pollination ES and its trends is thus essential for informing policy and management. However, the pollination ES remains poo