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Det palestinska kunskapsundantaget

Det råder en ideologisk strid om akademin, där forskning och undervisning attackeras för politisk vinning. Den striden ställs på sin spets genom palestinafrågan. Kunskap om just Palestina verkar vara undantagen den fria akademiska diskussionen.

Swapping resources for change. Transformative efforts of urban farming in selected swedish cities

The global food system is a cause of the worldwide poly-crisis in climate change and ecological decay. Ecological food systems have been emerging to contest the ruinous food production model. This thesis explores one branch of ecological food production: urban farming. Focused on the Swedish context, cases in Växjö, Malmö, and Göteborg were analyzed to examine how urban farms and involved agents n

Sweden surpasses the UNAIDS 95-95-95 target : estimating HIV-1 incidence, 2003 to 2022

BackgroundSweden reached the UNAIDS 90-90-90 target in 2015. It is important to reassess the HIV epidemiological situation due to ever-changing migration patterns, the roll-out of PrEP and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.AimWe aimed to assess the progress towards the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets in Sweden by estimating the proportion of undiagnosed people with HIV (PWHIV) and HIV incidence trends.M

Patterns of care contacts in the final year of life among opioid overdose fatalities in southern Sweden: a latent class analysis

BackgroundUnderstanding the heterogeneity of opioid overdose fatalities is critical to developing effective preventive interventions. This study examines patterns of care contacts among people who subsequently died from opioid overdose. The aim was to identify distinct groups of deceased individuals, based on their contacts with different care agencies in their last year of life.MethodsA retrospec

Rescaling : Change agency and the emerging geography of economic relationships

In this paper, we propose a theoretical and conceptual framework for articulating and studying changes in the global economic landscape and illustrate this framework in the current context. The framework pivots around the notion of rescaling, which is interpreted from a human agency perspective. We disentangle three theoretically distinct dimensions of rescaling and show how they play together usi

The Effect of Military Base Closures on Young Adults

This study examines the response among young adults to the closure of a large local employer. By using military base closures in Sweden, I find that men experience lower earnings and enroll in tertiary education. This is driven by low-ability men who choose shortterm enrollment at nearby colleges and universities. For women, the closures have a positive impact after some years, with increases in b

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Absract in Italian:Alla fine di uno dei saggi contenuti in Con le spalle al futuro, Tronti si domanda: «Dobbiamo assumere noi, come filosofia dell’avvenire, il progetto di una riteologizzazione dei concetti secolarizzati?»¹.Qui intendo aprire un confronto con la riflessione sviluppata da Tronti sulla teologia, e in particolare su ciò che definisce la “differenza umana”, per evidenziare quanto ciò


e consider waveform iterations for dynamic coupled problems with respect to therole of time window length. We review existing theoretical results about the error of waveformiterations and the role of the time window length. Furthermore, we present numerical resultsfor waveform iterations with both time adaptive sub solvers and with fixed time steps. Thisway, we are able to give a recommendation on

Tidsenligt, ungdomligt och omtvistat

Studien syftar till att undersöka populärkulturens roll i varumärkeskommunikation och hur populärkulturella referenser strategiskt kan användas av privata och offentliga organisationer för att skapa förtroende och positiva attityder. Vidare undersöks även om ålder påverkar attityderna. Studien har en positivistisk utgångspunkt, en kvantitativ metod och datan samlades in genom en enkät. Enkäten vis

Exploring the role of clinical and demographic characteristics on the effects of virtual reality cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis : A moderator analysis

Background: Virtual Reality cognitive behavioral therapy (VR-CBT) has proven to be an effective treatment method for paranoia and anxiety in psychosis. However, it is unknown, which individuals benefit most from VR-CBT. Previous studies examined factors affecting the treatment effect of regular CBTp, including illness duration, paranoia, depression, and pre-therapy avoidance behaviors, but results

Virtual reality-assisted assessment of paranoid ideation in forensic psychiatric inpatients : A mixed-methods pilot study

Background: Reliable and valid assessment of paranoia is important in forensic psychiatry for providing adequate care. VR technology may add to current assessment procedures, as it enables observation within realistic (social) situations resembling the complexity of everyday life. VR constitutes a promising tool within forensics, due to the restricted nature of forensic psychiatric hospitals and e

Virtual reality based cognitive behavioral therapy for paranoia : Effects on mental states and the dynamics among them

Background: Negative affective processes may contribute to maintenance of paranoia in patients with psychosis, and vice versa. Successful treatment may break these pathological symptom networks. This study examined whether treatment with virtual reality based cognitive behavioral therapy (VR-CBT) for paranoia influences momentary affective states, and whether VR-CBT changes the adverse interplay b

Lack of analgesic effects of transcranial pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation in neuropathic pain patients : A randomized double-blind crossover trial

Background: Neuromodulation is nowadays investigated as a promising method for pain relief. Research indicates that a single 30-minute stimulation with transcranial pulsed electromagnetic fields (tPEMF) can induce analgesic effects. However, it is unknown whether tPEMF can induce analgesia in neuropathic pain patients. Objective: To evaluate the effect of tPEMF on spontaneous pain and heat pain in

Effect of virtual reality exposure therapy on social participation in people with a psychotic disorder (VRETp) : Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Background: Many patients with a psychotic disorder participate poorly in society. When psychotic disorders are in partial remission, feelings of paranoia, delusions of reference, social anxiety and self-stigmatization often remain at diminished severity and may lead to avoidance of places and people. Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) is an evidence-based treatment for several anxiety disord

Social environments and interpersonal distance regulation in psychosis : A virtual reality study

Background: Experimentally studying the influence of social environments on mental health and behavior is challenging, as social context is difficult to standardize in laboratory settings. Virtual Reality (VR) enables studying social interaction in terms of interpersonal distance in a more ecologically valid manner. Regulation of interpersonal distance may be abnormal in patients with psychotic di

Which European green toads should be crossed to boost populations? Population genomic approaches reveal strong differentiation between fragmented Swedish populations of Bufotes viridis, and low genetic diversity within most subpopulations, informing conservation actions

Amphibians are the most rapidly declining vertebrate class globally and are especially vulnerable to habitat fragmentation causing population isolation. The genetic consequences of population size reduction, inbreeding and genetic drift, can have detrimental effects on the long-term viability of amphibian species, often leading to extinction. Population genomics approaches have become a crucial to