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Sediment, discharge and precipitation variation in the wadi Mellegue catchment during the 50 past years
Memory and brain in food-storing birds: Space oddities or adaptive specializations?
Scatterhoarding birds that cache food items have become an important model system for the study of spatial memory and its correlates in the brain. In particular, it has been suggested that through adaptive specialization, species that cache food have better spatial memory and a relatively larger hippocampus than their non-caching relatives. Critics of this approach, dubbed neuroecology, maintain t
The presence of lateral photophores correlates with increased speciation in deep-sea bioluminescent sharks.
The vast majority of species within the lanternshark genus Etmopterus harbour complex luminescent markings on their flanks, whose functional significance has long remained obscure. Recent studies, however, suggest these enigmatic photophore aggregations to play a role in intraspecific communication. Using visual modelling based on in vivo luminescence measurements from a common lanternshark specie
Trust and Confidence in Scientific Research
There is empirical evidence indicating that trust in research is decreasing. If distrust is justified, this is a good thing; if not, it is a cause of concern. A basic question concerns the reasons for, ant the causes of, distrust. Which are they, what do they mean, and how reliable are they? The papers and presentations in this volume focus on external and internal factors contributing to distrus
Do ABO Blood Group Antigens Hamper the Therapeutic Efficacy of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells?
Investigation into predictors for treatment outcome is essential to improve the clinical efficacy of therapeutic multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). We therefore studied the possible harmful impact of immunogenic ABO blood groups antigens - genetically governed antigenic determinants - at all given steps of MSC-therapy, from cell isolation and preparation for clinical use, to final recip
Estimates of ligand-binding affinities supported by quantum mechanical methods.
In this paper, we review our efforts to use quantum mechanical (QM) methods to improve free-energy estimates of the binding of drug candidates to their receptor proteins. First, we have tested the influence of various implicit solvation models on predictions of the ligand-binding affinity. The accuracy of implicit solvation models strongly depend on the parameterisation, but also on the magnitude
”Skosmörja eller arkivdokument” : Om och den digitala filmhistorien
Bör filmarkiv främst tillvarata eller förevisa sina samlingar? Noggrant bevara och katalogisera eller visa och sprida dem? Henri Langlois, grundaren av Cinémathèque Français menade att om film aldrig visas, utan endast förvaras i metallburkar, kommer den att sluta som skosmörja. Den digitala utvecklingen förefaller givit honom rätt; bred tillgänglighet till filmens historia är allra viktigast på e
Commissioning the University of Excellence: Swedish research policy and new public research funding programmes
In many countries, current research policy is dominated by managerialism and excellence, manifesting the aim of making universities into national strategic assets in the globally competitive knowledge economy. This article discusses these policy trends and their mirror in recent developments in public funding for academic research, with special attention to Sweden. A review of the language in thre
The effect of a low angle grain boundary on the short fatigue crack growth
The influence on the fatigue crack growth behaviour of a short edge crack due to different configurations of a nearby located low angle grain boundary is investigated under quasi-static and plane strain conditions. The geometry is modelled by dislocation dipole elements in a boundary element approach, and the plasticity is modelled by discrete dislocations. The crack is assumed to grow in a single
GAD Autoantibody Affinity in Adult Patients With Latent Autoimmune Diabetes, the Study Participants of a GAD65 Vaccination Trial
OBJECTIVE Patients with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) express autoantibodies against the 65-kDa isoform of GAD (GADA). Intervention with recombinant human GAD65 formulated with aluminium hydroxide (GAD-alum) given twice subcutaneously to LADA patients at intervals of 4 weeks was safe and did not compromise beta-cell function in a Phase II clinical trial. GADA affinity has been shown
Will emergency and surgical patients participate in and complete alcohol interventions? A systematic review
Background: In the everyday surgical life, staff may experience that patients with Alcohol Use Disorders (AUDs) seem reluctant to participate in alcohol intervention programs. The objective was therefore to assess acceptance of screening and intervention as well as adherence to the intervention program among emergency department (ED) and surgical patients with AUDs. Methods: A systematic literatur
Regulating Audit beyond the Crisis: A Critical Discussion of the EU Green Paper
With the European Commission making global leadership claims in the field of audit regulation, the content of its 2010 Green Paper on 'Audit Policy: Lessons from the Crisis' warrants careful scrutiny. Important issues raised in the Green Paper include regulatory oversight, competition in the audit market, the dangers of having very few firms with the capacity to audit global transnational corporat
Intersubjektivitet, erkännande och rationalitetens gränser
Recension av Otfried Czaika, Sveno Jacobi – boksamlaren, biskopen, teologen : en bok- och kyrkohistorisk studie
Potential environmental impacts of using refuse derived material for landfill capping
In this study, the potential impacts on leachate emissions of applying a pretreated refuse-derived material as a capping layer on top of a municipal solid waste landfill were researched. Leachate emissions and stability against degradation were investigated with reference to the untreated material. Results from percolation leaching tests were analysed by multivariate data analysis and chemical spe
Analytical model of beach erosion and overwash during storms
During severe storms high waves and water levels may greatly impact the sub-aerial portion of the beach inducing significant morphological change at elevations that the waves can not reach under normal conditions. Morphological formations such as dunes and barrier islands may suffer from direct wave impact and erode. Overwash occurs if the wave run-up and/or the mean water level are sufficiently h
Towards global consensus on outcome measures for atopic eczema research: results of the HOME II meeting
The use of nonstandardized and inadequately validated outcome measures in atopic eczema trials is a major obstacle to practising evidence-based dermatology. The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative is an international multiprofessional group dedicated to atopic eczema outcomes research. In June 2011, the HOME initiative conducted a consensus study involving 43 individuals from
CSF amyloid beta 38 as a novel diagnostic marker for dementia with Lewy bodies
Background The clinical distinction between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is sometimes difficult, particularly in mild cases. Although CSF markers such as amyloid beta 42 (A beta 42) and P-tau can distinguish between AD and normal controls, their ability to distinguish between AD and DLB is not adequate. Objective This study aims to investigate whether CSF markers, i
Fibromodulin and Dystrophin in Atherosclerosis: Novel roles for extracellular matrix in plaque development
Popular Abstract in Swedish Fibromodulin och dystrofin i ateroskleros; en populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning VAD ÄR ATEROSKLEROS? Ateroskleros – det man tidigare kallade för åderförkalkning – är grundorsaken till hjärtinfarkt, stroke och kärlkramp. Ett aterosklerosplack är en förträngning i ett blodkärl, ofta vid en förgrening där blodflödet är turbulent. Placket börjar ofta växa redan i unga år Cardiovascular disease represents nearly half the cases of noncommunicable diseases worldwide and is the leading global cause of death. The main underlying cause is atherosclerosis, and in atherosclerotic plaque progression the structure, composition and integrity of a dynamic extracellular matrix (ECM) is one very important factor. This thesis discusses the importance of the connection between th