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Adventsuppropet problematiskt

"Vi har problem med Adventsuppropet och den privilegierade ställning som den kristna tron förutsätts ha i det, skriver 18 pastorer och församlingsledare."

Biopsy of the posterior interosseous nerve: a low morbidity method for assessment of peripheral nerve disorders.

AIMS: The sural nerve is the commonest peripheral nerve biopsied to help in the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy of unknown cause. However, associated complications limit its use. The aim was, as an alternative, to asses biopsy of the terminal branch of the posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) in the forearm. METHODS: PIN pathology was morphometrically quantified in 10 male patients with Type 2 di

Software faults: spreading, detection and costs

The paper considers, through modelling, how software faults are spread throughout the entire life-cycle of a large software product and how fault detection and correction processes will affect the spreading mechanism. The study is further enlarged to incorporate models for cost estimation. The models can be described as being of a qualitative rather than a quantitative nature, in that they highlig

Environmental Modelling: Learning from Uncertainty

Environmental models are important tools; however uncertainty is pervasive in the modeling process. Current research has shown that under­standing and representing these uncertainties is critical when decisions are expected to be made from the modeling results. One critical question has become: how focused should uncertainty intervals be with consideration of characteristics of uncertain input dat

Cortical reintegration of a replanted hand and an osseointegrated thumb prosthesis

BACKGROUND: Following a peripheral nerve repair the injured nerve has to re-innervate its original cortical area, a process, which is poorly understood. Errors in this cortical re-innervation have been suggested as one key reason for the generally poor clinical outcome following nerve injuries in the hand. METHOD: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to assess cortical reintegrati

Den svenska konstfilmsinstitutionen

An analysis of the Swedish art cinema as an institutional practice, considered as the art film canon, the film criticism, and the field of cinema studies.

A priori modeling for gradient based inverse scattering algorithms

This paper presents a Fisher information based Bayesian approach to analysis and design of the regularization and preconditioning parameters used with gradient based inverse scattering algorithms. In particular, a one-dimensional inverse problem is considered where the permittivity and conductivity profiles are unknown and the input data consist of the scattered field over a certain bandwidth. A p

Växandets gestaltning i Peter Pohls romansvit om Micke

Popular Abstract in Swedish "Växandets gestaltning i Peter Pohls romansvit om Micke" behandlar barndomsskildringarna "Regnbågen har bara åtta färger" (1986) och "Medan regnbågen bleknar" (1989) samt ungdomsromanerna "Vilja växa" (1994), "Vi kallar honom Anna" (1987) och "Klara papper är ett måste" (1998). Till sviten förbinds sagor ur "De Stora Penslarnas Lek" (1989) och dikter ur "Minns det" (199Peter Pohl was born in Germany in 1940 but grew up in Stockholm, a setting reflected in many of his books. Pohl, a researcher at the Royal Technical University in Stockholm, made his fiction debut with the multi-prize-winning novel "Janne, min vän" (1985), and is internationally acclaimed for, among other things, the way in which his teenage novels highlight existential questions. The purpose of t

Polymorphisms in glutathione-related genes affect methylmercury retention.

Methylmercury is eliminated from the human body as glutathione (GSH) conjugates. GSH production is mediated by glutamyl-cysteine ligase (GCL) and conjugation by glutathione S-transferases (GST). In this study, the authors tested whether polymorphisms in GCL and GST genes modify methylmercury retention. Erythrocyte mercury concentration (EryHg), plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids (PPUFA), and genot