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Heparin-binding protein targeted to mitochondrial compartments protects endothelial cells from apoptosis
Neutrophil-borne heparin-binding protein (HBP) is a multifunctional protein involved in the progression of inflammation. HBP is stored in neutrophil granules and released upon stimulation of the cells in proximity to endothelial cells. HBP affects endothelial cells in multiple ways; however, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the interaction of HBP with these cells are unknown. Affin
The antibiotic peptaibol alamethicin from Trichoderma permeabilises Arabidopsis root apical meristem and epidermis but is antagonised by cellulase-induced resistance to alamethicin
Background: Trichoderma fungi live in the soil rhizosphere and are beneficial for plant growth and pathogen resistance. Several species and strains are currently used worldwide in co-cultivation with crops as a biocontrol alternative to chemical pesticides even though little is known about the exact mechanisms of the beneficial interaction. We earlier found alamethicin, a peptide antibiotic secret
Så blir biologi till politik : En essä om politiska ideologiers användning av vetenskap
"The Needs of the Child Have Been Met": Preliminary Assessments regarding Domestic Violence in Swedish Child Protections Services
Oscarsson, Henrik & Holmberg, Sören, 2013. Nya svenska väljare. Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik
Simplified SMA-inspired 1-parameter SCS-CN model for runoff estimation
This study proposes a simplified 1-parameter SCS-CN model (M5) based on Mishra-Singh (2002) model and soil moisture accounting (SMA) procedure for surface runoff estimation and compares its performance with the existing SCS-CN method (SCS, 1956) (M1), Michel 1-P model (Water Resour Res 41:1-6, 2005) (M2), Sahu 1-P model (Hydrol Process 21:2872-2881, 2007) (M3), and Ajmal et al. model (J Hydrol 530
Are Capitalists Green? Firm Ownership and Provincial CO2 emissions in China
In China, a large private sector has evolved alongside a still sizeable state-owned sector that is subject to government control. Several studies have found that in this mixed economy, the private sector is economically more efficient than the state-owned sector. In this paper, we investigate whether private firms are also more carbon efficient than state-owned firms. Using a macroeconomic panel dIn China, a large private sector has evolved alongside a still sizeable state-owned sector that is subject to government control. Several studies have found that in this mixed economy, the private sector is economically more efficient than the state-owned sector. In this paper, we investigate whether private firms are also more carbon efficient than state-owned firms. Using a macroeconomic panel d
Primary angiitis of the central nervous system and silent cortical hemorrhages
Primary angiitis of the CNS is histopathologically characterized by ischemic lesions and small petechial hemorrhages. Unlike CT or conventional MR imaging, gradient-echo MR imaging depicts these chronic petechial hemorrhages. We herein report the case of biopsy-proved primary angiitis of the CNS in a 42-year-old man; whom gradient-echo MR imaging revealed multiple petechial hemorrhages in the cort
Protease activity of Blastocystis hominis
Parasite-derived proteases are important for the parasite life cycle and the pathogenesis of the disease they produce. Proteases of intestinal protozoan parasite Blastocystis hominis were studied for the first time with azocasein assays and gelatin SDS-PAGE analysis. Parasitic lysates were found to have high protease activity and nine protease bands of low (20-33 kDa) and high (44-75 kDa) molecula
How to build a lung : latest advances and emerging themes in lung bioengineering
Chronic respiratory diseases remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The only option at end-stage disease is lung transplantation, but there are not enough donor lungs to meet clinical demand. Alternative options to increase tissue availability for lung transplantation are urgently required to close the gap on this unmet clinical need. A growing number of tissue engineering appr
Deletion of the betaine-GABA transporter (BGT1; slc6a12) gene does not affect seizure thresholds of adult mice
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain. Once released, it is removed from the extracellular space by cellular uptake catalyzed by GABA transporter proteins. Four GABA transporters (GAT1, GAT2, GAT3 and BGT1) have been identified. Inhibition of the GAT1 by the clinically available anti-epileptic drug tiagabine has been an effective strategy fo
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Dynamics of Political Violence : A Process-Oriented Perspective on Radicalization and the Escalation of Political Conflict
Enzymatic specificity and hydrolysis pattern of the catalytic domain of the xylanase Xyn1 from Rhodothermus marinus
The catalytic domain of a xylanase from Rhodothermus marinus was produced in Escherichia coli. The catalytic domain belongs to glycosyl hydrolase family 10. The produced protein has a 22-amino acid leader peptide followed by a 411-amino acid truncated xylanase. The molecular mass was 48 kDa and the recombinant xylanase had a pI of 4.9. The pH and temperature optima for activity were determined to
Remodeling of airway epithelium and lung extracellular matrix in COPD and IPF
Drone-based area scanning of vegetation fluorescence height profiles using a miniaturized hyperspectral lidar system
We have developed a compact hyperspectral lidar system based on a continuous-wave (CW) 445 nm diode laser and a double Scheimpflug imaging arrangement. The light-weight construction allows the integration of the system on a commercial drone. Airborne, range-resolved spatial imaging of vegetation fluorescence is demonstrated.
Steroid injection or wrist splint for first-time carpal tunnel syndrome?
Från Stonehenge till Hagbards galge : Om Sven Nilsson, bronsålder och fenicier
Avian lungs : A novel scaffold for lung bioengineering
Allogeneic lung transplant is limited both by the shortage of available donor lungs and by the lack of suitable long-term lung assist devices to bridge patients to lung transplantation. Avian lungs have different structure and mechanics resulting in more efficient gas exchange than mammalian lungs. Decellularized avian lungs, recellularized with human lung cells, could therefore provide a powerful