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Kristendomens roll i en ny läroplan och ny lärarutbildning : Didaktiska och högskolepedagogiska perspektiv på undervisningen i religionskunskap

I samband med de nya läroplanerna i religionskunskap för grundskolan och gymnasiet har religionen kristendom kommit att fortsatt ha en särställning, trots att detta inte var inskrivet i Skolverkets förarbete. Kristendom är den enda religion som explicit skrivs ut i läroplanerna och därmed ställs specifika krav på lärare i religionskunskap. Undervisning om kristendom har alltid funnits med i läraru

Measurement of charm and beauty production at central rapidity versus charged-particle multiplicity in proton-proton collisions at root s=7 TeV

Prompt D meson and non-prompt J/psi yields are studied as a function of the multiplicity of charged particles produced in inelastic proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 7 TeV. The results are reported as a ratio between yields in a given multiplicity interval normalised to the multiplicity-integrated ones (relative yields). They are shown as a function of the multiplicit

Evidence for Three Fluctuation Channels in the Spin Resonance of the Unconventional Superconductor CeCoIn5

Polarized inelastic neutron scattering under a magnetic field is used to get a microscopic insight into the spin resonance of the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5. The resonance line shape is found to depend on the neutron polarization: Some of the spectral weight is common to the two polarization channels while the remaining part is distributed equally between them. This is evidence for the s

Trajectories leading to autism spectrum disorders are affected by paternal age: findings from two nationally representative twin studies.

Background: Despite extensive efforts, the causes of autism remain unknown. Advancing paternal age has been associated with various neurodevelopmental disorders. We aim to investigate three unresolved questions: (a) What is the association between paternal age and autism spectrum disorders (ASD)?; (b) Does paternal age moderate the genetic and environmental etiological factors for ASD? (c) Does pa

Sporadic Event-Based Control using Path Constraints and Moments

Control is traditionally applied using periodic sensing and actuation. In some applications, it is beneficial to use instead event based control, to communicate or make a change only when necessary. There are no known general closed form solutions to such event based control problems. We consider stationary event-based control problems with mixed continuous/discrete time dynamics and stochastic di