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Green energy defaults: Too effective or not effective enough?

Green energy defaults (where the uptake of renewable energy is promoted among households by opt-out tariffs) are gaining increasing interest with policy makers, due to the high enrolment rates shown in (experimental) studies. Such default choices are often justified on normative and behavioural grounds as although consumers express a desire and willingness to pay for green energy, they often fail

Non-State Actors Escaping Justice - Obligations Regarding Child Soldiers Applicable to Non-State Actors

There are mainly three different international legal obligations regarding child soldiers in internal armed conflicts. The prohibition from child recruitment, to provide special protection for children and protection from taking part in hostilities. All are applicable to States but it is less clear which of them apply to non-state actors. In order to determine if these obligations are applicable t

Oskäliga avtalsvillkor i aktieägaravtal - En studie av hur 36 § avtalslagen tillämpas på överlåtelsebegränsningar i aktieägaravtal

A shareholder agreement is a contract between the owners of a company which regulates rights and obligations associated with being a shareholder. The contract differs from other contracts because it regulates corporate law issues. The purpose of the contract is often to avoid application of the freedom to transfer shares according to the Swedish Companies Act, by providing restrictions on the tran

Budgivning vid försäljning av privatbostad - En diskussion om falsk budgivning och dess civilrättsliga följder ur ett komparativt perspektiv

Köp av bostäder skiljer sig från många andra avtal som träffas av en privatperson under dennes liv och för många enskilda är köp och försäljning av privatbostad av stor ekonomisk betydelse. Uppsatsens syfte är att utröna några av de civilrättsliga konsekvenser som falsk budgivning kan få på ett köpeavtal om fast egendom. Köp av fast egendom regleras i jordabalkens fjärde kapitel och skiljer sig The purchase of housing differs from many other agreements which an individual is confronted by during her life, and for many individuals, the purchase and sale of private housing are of major economic significance. The purpose of this paper is to determine some of the civil law consequences false bidding may have on a real estate purchase agreement. Purchase of real estate is regulated in the 4t

På egen risk? - Om ansvaret för personskador vid löpar- och hinderbanetävlingar

Skadestånd vid idrott är ett ganska outforskat område. Både i domstolspraxis och juridisk forskning är det främst situationerna då en idrottare riktar anspråk mot en annan idrottare eller då en åskådare eller utomstående riktar anspråk mot en idrottare eller arrangör av idrottsevenemang som behandlats. Den här uppsatsen handlar om en annan situation, nämligen då en idrottare riktar anspråk mot en Damage in sport is a quite unexplored area of law. It is primarily the situations when an athlete sues another athlete for damage or when a spectator or third party sues an athlete or organizer of sports events for damage that’s been treated in case law and legal research. This essay regards another situation, namely when an athlete raises a claim against an organizer of sports contest. The focus

Evaluation of the LacO/LacR Tethering Method Coupled to a High Content Analysis: Study of the in vivo Interaction Between the NuRD Complex and the Transcription Factor MITF in Human Melanoma

Mammalian cells are frequently under stress leading to DNA damage because of UV exposure, ionizing radiation or genotoxic chemicals. Cells have evolved a DNA damage response (DDR) mechanism to ensure survival and pass on the correct genetic information to the next generation. MITF is a melanocyte-specific transcription factor. It has been shown to accumulate in the vicinity of DNA damage and its e

Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av förskrivning av inkontinenshjälpmedel inom hemsjukvården till äldre personer med urininkontinens

Urininkontinens är ett folkhälsoproblem som berör cirka 40 procent av den äldre befolkningen och drygt en halv miljon personer över 65 år har besvär med urininkontinens i Sverige. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka erfarenheter distriktssköterskor har av förskrivning av inkontinenshjälpmedel till äldre personer inom hemsjukvården. Kvalitativa intervjuer har valts som metod till denna studi

Improving interventions for the long-run : a systematic literature analysis of interventions for residential energy consumption reduction using a theory of motivation

To address climate change, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the residential building sector, accounting for 39% in Sweden, need to reduce. While technological improvements and behavioural change are two commonly used strategies, the former is limited by rebound effects that range from 15-20% in Sweden. Focussing on individual behaviour is imperative. While Psychology (behavioural-based) an

Uttryck för en motsägelsefull stat? En undersökning av polisens och Malmö stads samverkan för att verkställa utvisningsbeslut

Under 2016 började gränspolisen i Polisregion Syd begära ut uppgifter om papperslösa från Malmö stads socialtjänst. I den efterföljande debatten hördes flera kritiska röster som menade att socialtjänsten nu kommit att få motstridiga uppgifter. Socialtjänsten skulle nu både ge välfärd åt papperslösa i Malmö och samtidigt bidra till gränspolisens uppdrag och därmed medverka till samma personers utvi

EU:s civila och militära operationer - hur legitima är de? En komparativ fallstudie av hur EU:s operationer uppfattas lokalt

Denna uppsats undersöker hur legitima EU:s civila och militära operationer är. Studien är en komparativ fallstudie av tre operationer utförda av EU; European Union Training Mission Mali, Aceh Monitoring Mission samt The European Integrated Rule of Law Mission for Iraq. Tillvägagångssättet för att mäta legitimiteten är grundat i ett teoretiskt ramverk med fyra förklaringar till hur legitimitet på l

Inte bara väninnor : att söka och hitta lesbiska personer och representationer i arkiven.

The aim of this Master’s thesis is to research the presence of lesbians in historical archives. My material consists of interviews with four swedish archivists. The aim of these interviews is to research the priorities and the work that is beeing done at the archives concerning collecting material that is missing in the archive and making existing material related to lesbian lives accessible. Fu

Forecasting Swedish Stock Market Volatility and Value-at-Risk: A Comparison of EWMA and GARCH Models

In this study we compare different volatility models on their ability to forecast one day ahead volatility and value-at-risk (VaR). We compare five different GARCH specifications: GARCH, IGARCH, GJR-GARCH, EGARCH and APARCH, as well as EWMA, each paired with six different conditional distributions. These models are used to forecast volatility and VaR one day ahead using daily return data from the

Magen finns där hemma – en kvalitativ studie om föräldrablivande hos icke bärande föräldrar i lesbiska relationer

Studiens syfte var att skapa fördjupad förståelse för föräldrablivande- processen hos icke bärande föräldrar i lesbiska relationer. Studien ämnade undersöka hur identiteten förälder/mamma skapas hos den icke bärande kvinnan samt identifiera stressorer och strategier som påverkar föräldrablivandet. Datainsamlingen skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex kvinnor som blivit föräldrar inom rThe aim of this study was to explore the experience of the transition to parenthood of nonbirth parents in lesbian relationships. Of special interest was how an identity as a mother developed in the nonbirth parent and the identification of the stressors and strategies that effected the transition to parenthood. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six women who had experiences of becomi

"Quality of life in frail older persons in nursing homes" A participatory assisted questionnaire study

Abstract Bakgrund: I Sverige bor många av de mest sköra gamla på särskilt boende. De flesta av de som bor på särskilt boende behöver omfattande hjälp flera gånger under dagen som följd av sjukdom, funktionshinder och eller ångest. Livskvalitet definieras som individens uppfattning av sin situation i tillvaron inom ramen för de kultur- och värdesystem där de bor och i förhållande till deras mål, f

Hybrid renewable energy systems for remote locations

Many locations in Indonesia such as small islands and remote villages on the main islands are not connected to the main electricity grid, and may never be as they are too remote for grid extensions to be economically justifiable. Therefore, many either do not have electricity or are dependent on expensive diesel transports to fuel their stand alone, diesel powered mini-grids. Using a hybrid renewaMany locations in Indonesia such as small islands and remote villages on the main islands are not connected to the main electricity grid, and may never be as they are too remote for grid extensions to be economically justifiable. Therefore, many either do not have electricity or are dependent on expensive diesel transports to fuel their stand alone, diesel powered mini-grids. Using a hybrid renewa

Taking the bus to the park? - a study of accessibility to green areas in Gothenburg through different modes of transport

Green areas in urban environments can have recreational, environmental and health benefits but for them to be utilized, high accessibility for inhabitants is necessary. In an expanding city like Gothenburg, maintaining geographic accessibility to green areas can be challenging. This study performs an accessibility analysis to assess whether Gothenburg has sufficient accessibility to green areas, a

Interface in Our Ears

One of the current trends amongst the major software companies is Virtual Personal Assistants (VPA), such as Apple Siri, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. This market is growing rapidly, and the assistants are getting smarter and becoming more capable. However, in this kind of rapid expansion it is easy to lose focus on the user, which may lead to the end user discarding the VPA as another softwa

Family​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Humanitarian​ ​Exception

The research problem of this thesis stems from the current legal practices on the humanitarian exception in relation to human smuggling. These practices have been identified as problematic, as family relationships have become the basis for applying the exception. Arguably, this undermines the principle idea of the exception, inasmuch as humanitarian assistance should not be based on kinship. Build

Does the oversight model lead to power relations in terms of empowerment or responsibilization?

In public safety oversight authorities are traditionally assumed responsible of safeguarding operation and promoting safety by defining prescriptions and observing that they are complied with. Regulated entities on their side are assumed responsibility for complying. While this compliance-based approach has contributed to current levels of safety, it is increasingly debated that it has limitatio

Application of ERT and IP for localisation of chlorinated hydrocarbons at a former dry-cleaning facility

At Hagforstvätten a dry-cleaning facility operated 1970 – 1993 and leached huge amounts of tetrachloroethene (PCE) to soil and groundwater. This study was conducted at the contaminated site and focused on applying the geophysical methods Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Induced Polarization (IP) to investigate if it was possible to locate source zone, degradation zones and groundwater p