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Listening and Mediation : Of Agency and Performative Responsivity in Ecological Sound Art Practices Authors

This article approaches listening practices and the role of technological mediation within ecological sound art, building on findings through the artistic research practices of the two authors. Through documentation of the authors’ ecological sound art practices of aeolian guitar performance, curation, composition, performance on found objects and field recording, we argue that phenomenological va

Conformational Response of 30S-bound IF3 to A-Site Binders Streptomycin and Kanamycin

Aminoglycoside antibiotics are widely used to treat infectious diseases. Among them, streptomycin and kanamycin (and derivatives) are of importance to battle multidrug-resistant (MDR) Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Both drugs bind the small ribosomal subunit (30S) and inhibit protein synthesis. Genetic, structural, and biochemical studies indicate that local and long-range conformational rearrangemen

Impacts of insect frass and cadavers on soil surface litter decomposition along a tropical forest temperature gradient

Insect herbivores play important roles in shaping many ecosystem processes, but how climate change will alter the effects of insect herbivory are poorly understood. To address this knowledge gap, we quantified for the first time how insect frass and cadavers affected leaf litter decomposition rates and nutrient release along a highly constrained 4.3°C mean annual temperature (MAT) gradient in a Ha

Surgically Treated Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at the Elbow in Different Occupations and their Effect on Surgical Outcome

OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether certain occupations were over-represented among surgically treated carpal tunnel syndrome and ulnar entrapment at the elbow, and if manual occupation affected surgical outcome.METHODS: We included 9030 patients operated for CTS and 1269 for UNE registered in the Swedish National Quality Register for Hand Surgery (HAKIR) 2010-2016. Occupational data was retrieved

Low-Reynolds number flow around a square cylinder at incidence: Study of blockage, onset of vortex shedding and outlet boundary condition

Calculations of unsteady 2D flow around a square cylinder at incidence (α=0°−45°) are presented. The Reynolds numbers are low (Re=45–200) so that the flow is presumably laminar. A von Kármán vortex sheet is predicted behind the cylinders with a periodicity which agrees well with experiments. An incompressible SIMPLEC code is used with a non-staggered grid arrangement. A third-order QUICK scheme is

CD244 expression represents functional decline of murine hematopoietic stem cells after in vitro culture

Isolation of long-term hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) is possible by utilizing flow cytometry with multiple cell surface markers. However, those cell surface phenotypes do not represent functional HSCs after in vitro culture. Here we show that cultured HSCs express mast cell-related genes including Cd244. After in vitro culture, phenotypic HSCs were divided into CD244- and CD244+ subpopulations, an

An experimental study of the flow around a circular cylinder: Influence of aspect ratio

The investigation is concentrated on two important quantities – the Strouhal number and the mean base suction coefficient, both measured at the mid-span position. Reynolds numbers from about 50 to 4 × 104 were investigated. Different aspect ratios, at low blockage ratios, were achieved by varying the distance between circular end plates (end plate diameter ratios between 10 and 30). It was not pos

One-dimensional equivalence ratio measurements by femtosecond laser filament-triggered discharge plasma spectroscopy

Equivalence ratio measurements are of great importance for combustion systems. In this paper, femtosecond laser filament-triggered discharge plasma spectroscopy is proposed for one-dimensional equivalence ratio measurements of combustion flow fields. The optical emission spectra of femtosecond laser filament-triggered discharge plasma in methane-air premixed laminar flames were measured. The spect

Infertility, pregnancy loss and assisted reproduction in women with asthma : a population-based cohort study

STUDY QUESTION: Is the chance of childbirth, and risk of infertility, pregnancy loss and need for assisted reproduction different for women with asthma compared to women without asthma?SUMMARY ANSWER: Women with asthma had comparable chances of giving birth compared to the reference population, however, their risk of both infertility and pregnancy loss, as well their need for medically assisted re

LassoBench: A High-Dimensional Hyperparameter Optimization Benchmark Suite for Lasso

While Weighted Lasso sparse regression has appealing statistical guarantees that would entail a major real-world impact in finance, genomics, and brain imaging applications, it is typically scarcely adopted due to its complex high-dimensional space composed by thousands of hyperparameters. On the other hand, the latest progress with high-dimensional hyperparameter optimization (HD-HPO) methods for

Flow around rectangular cylinders: pressure forces and wake frequencies

This paper concerns an experimental investigation of the flow around and pressure forces on fixed (non-vibrating) rectangular cylinders at angles of attack 0° - 90°. Pressure forces and moments for cylinders with side ratios B / A = 1, 1.62, 2.5 and 3 (shortest side A = 20 ram) were estimated from measurements of static pressure distributions at mid-span. Wake frequencies and associated Strouhal n

Numerical simulation of unsteady low-Reynolds number flow around rectangular cylinders

Calculations of unsteady two-dimensional-flow around rectangular cylinders at incidence are presented. The Reynolds numbers are low ( ⩽ 200), so that the flow presumably is laminar. The results are in reasonable agreement with the indeed scarce experimental data available at these low Reynolds numbers. An incompressible SIMPLEC code is used employing non-staggered grid arrangement. A third-order Q

Large eddy simulation of flow past a square cylinder: Comparison of different subgrid scale models

Large eddy simulation of flow past a rigid prism of a square cross section with one side facing the oncoming flow at Re=2.2×104 is performed. An incompressible code is used employing an implicit fractional step method finite volume with second-order accuracy in space and time. Three different subgrid scale models: the Smagorinsky, the standard dynamic, and a dynamic one-equation model, are applied

Arlie Russell Hochschild: Känsloregler och emotionsarbete i kommersialiserade relationer.

Vad ska en surrogatmamma känna inför fostret hon bär i sin mage? Hur ska en hårt arbetande förälder förhålla sig till faktumet att nannyn eller kalasfixaren vet bäst hur deras barn vill ha sitt kalas? Kan en flygvärdinna eller en socialarbetare visa den irritation hon känner inför en otrevlig kund eller klient? Vilka känslor är legitima att visa upp i olika situationer och vilka behöver tryckas ne

Removal of organic micropollutants from municipal wastewater by aerobic granular sludge and conventional activated sludge

Removal performances of organic micropollutants by conventional activated sludge (CAS) and aerobic granular sludge (AGS) were investigated at a full-scale wastewater treatment plant. Lab-scale kinetic experiments were performed to assess the micropollutant transformation rates under oxic and anoxic conditions. Transformation rates were used to model the micropollutant removal in the full-scale pro

The Power of Vulnerability : A Case Study of Direct Action within the Swedish Extra-Parliamentary Left

This article, based on a case study of direct action within the Swedish extra-parliamentary left, offers an investigation of political resistance as an embodied activity heavily associated with bodily vulnerability. In doing so, the article challenges the description of the extra-parliamentary left as a ‘violent extremist environment,’ offered by Swedish state authorities. The case study draws upo