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Your search for "*" yielded 534727 hits

State of the Art in Sub-Phenotyping Midbrain Dopamine Neurons

Dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) comprise around 75% of all dopaminergic neurons in the human brain. While both groups of dopaminergic neurons are in close proximity in the midbrain and partially overlap, development, function, and impairments in these two classes of neurons are highly diverse. The molecular and cellular mechani

Added sugar intake and its associations with incidence of seven different cardiovascular diseases in 69,705 Swedish men and women

Introduction: The adverse health effects of sugar-sweetened beverage intake are well-established, but the implications of overall added sugar intake remain unclear. We investigated the associations between intake of added sugar and various sugar-sweetened foods and beverages and risk of 7 cardiovascular diseases in 69,705 participants aged 45–83 years (47.2% female) from the Swedish Mammography co

Complex Relationships between Diagnostics and Survival in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden

Background: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a common hematological malignancy with highly variable clinical presentation. Many patients never require any treatment but for the others, chemotherapy, immunochemotherapy, and newer targeted therapies have changed the treatment landscape. Diagnostic age influences the applied treatment, and we thus wanted to analyze age-specific survival trends t

A Workshop for Accessible Crisis Information

Libraries have been pinpointed as a possible hub for information and safety during a crisis. We present a workshop design to contribute to the education of librarians with the goal to make them more able to provide inclusive and accessible information in a crisis. The workshop was carried out during a conference for librarians. The results from the workshop indicate that there is a need for furthe

The impact of periampullary diverticula on cannulation and adverse events in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

Background: Periampullary diverticulum (PAD) is commonly encountered in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedures. Objectives: We sought to determine whether PADs are associated with a lower success rate of cannulation and an increased risk of adverse events. Design: A retrospective cohort study was conducted using prospectively gathered nationwide registry data. Methods: Us

Influence of peer discussions on trust in recommendations for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV

Background Mothers attending prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV clinics seem to lack knowledge on many aspects of PMTCT, among which is breastfeeding. Breastfeeding recommendations in PMTCT have changed several times over the years leaving some confused and doubtful of what is currently recommended. One method shown to help improve their knowledge and acceptance of PMTCT rec

Image analysis optimization for nanowire-based optical detection of molecules

Semiconductor nanowires can enhance the signal of fluorescent molecules, thus significantly improving the limits of fluorescence detection in optical biosensing. In this work, we explore how the sensitivity can further be enhanced through "digital"detection of adequately spaced vertically aligned nanowires, employing single-emitter localization methods, and bright-field microscopy. Additionally, w

Take away : Avimplementering av etablerade arbetssätt när det finns bättre alternativ

Avimplementering är en nödvändig och utmanande process inom socialt arbete. Den innebär att ta bort eller avsluta användningen av metoder eller praxis som är ineffektiva, skadliga eller inte längre kostnadseffektiva. Artikeln baseras på en studie i Sverige av implementering av två evidensbaserade metoder. Forskarna har genomfört en survey, gjort litteraturstudier och fallstudier. Resultaten visar

Radio Channel Characterization for Distributed MIMO

Future wireless systems are envisioned to be able to deliver ultra-reliable and low-latency communication.The third generation partner project (3GPP) has identified three different usage scenarios such as enhanced mobile broadband, massive machine-type communication, and ultra-reliable low latency communication.In each of those scenarios, several services and applications can be implemented, e.g.

Redshifted Sodium Transient near Exoplanet Transit

Neutral sodium (Na i) is an alkali metal with a favorable absorption cross section such that tenuous gases are easily illuminated at select transiting exoplanet systems. We examine both the time-averaged and time-series alkali spectral flux individually, over 4 nights at a hot Saturn system on a ∼2.8 day orbit about a Sun-like star WASP-49 A. Very Large Telescope/ESPRESSO observations are analyzed

Mutual Expected Rationality in Online Sharing : An Agent-Based Model Study

Models of content-sharing behavior on online social media platforms typically represent content spread as a diffusion process modeled on contagious diseases; users’ behavior is modeled with single-agent decision theory. However, social media platforms are interactive spaces where users care about reactions to, and further spread of, the content they post. Thus, social media interaction falls under

Evaluating Biparametric Versus Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Diagnosing Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer : An International, Paired, Noninferiority, Confirmatory Observer Study

Background and objective: Biparametric magnetic resonance imaging (bpMRI), excluding dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is a potential replacement for multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) in diagnosing clinically significant prostate cancer (csPCa). An extensive international multireader multicase observer study was conducted to assess the noninferiority of bpMRI to mpMRI in

Agents of change in old-industrial and non-metropolitan regions of Europe

Research on regional development has recently explored new domains, including agency. Evolutionary perspectives link new development paths to technological innovations and adaptation of economic structures to changing environments. In contrast, the agentic perspective attributes the formation of new development paths to the purposeful actions of human actors. A broad interpretation of the notion o

Introduction: Gender, Feminisms and Foreign Policy

How can feminist scholarship advance the field of foreign policy analysis to better understand contemporary foreign policy actions and challenges?This groundbreaking book provides the state-of-the-art in the study of gender, feminisms and foreign policy. Bringing together contributors from around the world, chapters offer new analyses of foreign policy topics, including diplomacy, trade, defence,

Python for Natural Language Processing : Programming with NumPy, scikit-learn, Keras, and PyTorch: Third Edition

Since the last edition of this book (2014), progress has been astonishing in all areas of Natural Language Processing, with recent achievements in Text Generation that spurred a media interest going beyond the traditional academic circles. Text Processing has meanwhile become a mainstream industrial tool that is used, to various extents, by countless companies. As such, a revision of this book was

Insights on Microplastic Contamination from Municipal and Textile Industry Effluents and Their Removal Using a Cellulose-Based Approach

The rampant use of plastics, with the potential to degrade into insidious microplastics (MPs), poses a significant threat by contaminating aquatic environments. In the present study, we delved into the analysis of effluents from textile industries, a recognized major source of MPs contamination. Data were further discussed and compared with a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent. A

A grammar of Baniwa classifiers

Nominal classification systems provide a unique window into the intersection of grammar, semantics, and cognition. Found in more than half of the world's languages, these systems possess both universal and language-specific properties. Nominal classification systems of a specific type, featuring classifiers marked in multiple morphosyntactic loci, are found in many languages in Northwestern Amazon

Preparation and Utilization of a Highly Discriminative Absorbent Imprinted with Fetal Hemoglobin

Development in hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) that may be used as alternatives to donated blood requires an extensive supply of highly pure hemoglobin (Hb) preparations. Therefore, it is essential to fabricate inexpensive, stable and highly selective absorbents for Hb purification. Molecular imprinting is an attractive technology for preparing such materials for targeted molecular recogn

Reaction mechanism of pyridine radicals with molecular oxygen : A theoretical study

Pyridine is a suitable surrogate of the fuel-nitrogen in flame studies. The goal of the present work was to extend the analysis of reactions of pyridyl radicals with O2. All reactions proceed following similar mechanisms, through the barrier-free addition of an O2 molecule and further development along two main paths: through barrier-free abstraction of an oxygen atom and through the formation of

An extreme thermal cycling reliability test of ATLAS ITk Strips barrel modules

At the end of Run 3 of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the accelerator complex will be upgraded to the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) in order to increase the total amount of data provided to its experiments. To cope with the increased rates of data, radiation, and pileup, the ATLAS detector will undergo a substantial upgrade, including a replacement of the Inner Detector with a future Inner Tracke