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Your search for "*" yielded 533866 hits

Assessment and interpretation of bias in 2AFC stimulus comparison through chronometric analysis

Random-walk and diffusion models for two-choice comparison of paired successive or simultaneous stimuli focus on response time (RT), modeled as the time needed to reach one or the other barrier, and its relation to the response probabilities. Logit P1 = ln[P1/(1-P1)], where P1 is the probability of responding ”first greater,” can be seen as a measure of subjective stimulus difference, d. Signed re

The tripod effect : Evolutionary perspectives on cooperation, cognition and communication

This article concerns the co-evolution of hominin cooperation, communication and cognition. Certain hominin ecologies seem to have relied on cognitive foresight. The capacity of planning for future needs, combined with more developed cooperative skills, opened up the cognitive niche of cooperation towards future goals. Such cooperation requires complex intersubjectivity (theory of mind). We analyz

The Messiah: In early Judaism and Christianity

The Messiah neatly surveys currents of messianic thought in the formative centuries of Judaism and Christianity, providing precision in thinking about "messianic" images and tradition. Leading scholars offer succinct and illuminating essays on the traditions that decisively shaped Jewish and Christian belief in a messiah. Includes two maps, a timeline of persons, events, and literature, and a glos

Apery Limits of Differential Equations of Order 4 and 5

The concept of Apery limit for second and third order differential equations is extended to fourth and fifth order equations, mainly of Calabi-Yau type. For those equations obtained from Hadamard products of second and third order equations we can prove that the limits are determined in terms of the factors by a certain formula. Otherwise the limits are found by using PSLQ in Maple and are only co

A Case for Holistic, Multicriteria Benefit Analysis

This paper discusses the ways in which a critical systemic approach to systems analysis can provide support for a holistic, multicriteria benefits analysis. It highlights the importance of inquiry into the nature and boundaries of a perceived organizational problem space, taking into account unique perspectives of the living, engaged actors who desire beneficial change in their working systems. Th

Book-titles mentioned in the 10th century medical encyclopedia al-Mu'alajat al-Buqratiyya

This paper draws attention to a hitherto almost completely neglected encyclopaedic medical handbook composed around 950 CE: al-Muʿālajāt al-Buqrāṭiyya (Hippocratic treatment) attributed to the physician Abū al-Ḥasan Aḥmad b. Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭabarī. The handbook consists of ten books further divided into altogether 473 chapters. Since 1990, the work is available as a facsimile-print published by Sezgin

Beating the training obsession: making capacity development for disaster risk management matter

The last ten years have seen a sharp increase in externally supported capacity development initiatives for disaster risk management. However, not all of them have generated sustainable results. The purpose of this paper is to scrutinize the current focus on training as the main tool for capacity development in the context of disaster risk management, and to argue for the necessity to address capac