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Your search for "*" yielded 529926 hits

No more faith in fakes : A natural history of counterfeiting

Commenting on Eco's papers about fakes, I claimed that what is meant by a fake depends on what is taken to be the original, and this, in turn, revolves around the relation between type and token. As observed by Prieto and Grice, a sign, apart from the content it conveys, also carries a message informing us that it is a sign. The scare crow is a sign to the addresser, but not, ideally, to the addre

Vertical Gate-All-Around Nanowire GaSb-InAs Core-Shell n-Type Tunnel FETs

Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors (TFET) are one of the most promising candidates for future low-power CMOS applications including mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) products. A vertical gate-all-around (VGAA) architecture with a core shell (C-S) structure is the leading contender to meet CMOS footprint requirements while simultaneously delivering high current drive for high performance specific

In Vitro Functional Characterization of Human Neurons and Astrocytes Using Calcium Imaging and Electrophysiology

Recent progress in stem cell biology and epigenetic reprogramming has opened up previously unimaginable possibilities to study and develop regenerative approaches for neurological disorders. Human neurons and glial cells can be generated by differentiation of embryonic and neural stem cells and from somatic cells through reprogramming to pluripotency (followed by differentiation) as well as by dir

Measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles produced in √sNN = 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector

Measurements of the azimuthal anisotropy in lead–lead collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV are presented using a data sample corresponding to 0.49 nb - 1 integrated luminosity collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in 2015. The recorded minimum-bias sample is enhanced by triggers for “ultra-central” collisions, providing an opportunity to perform detailed study of flow harmonics in the regime where

Modelling multiphase transport in deformable cellulose based materials exhibiting internal mass exchange and swelling

A thermodynamically consistent model for porous cellulose networks is proposed. A general theory is developed based on mixture theory using chemical potentials as flow potentials. The material is decomposed into three phases, solid, liquid and gas, where the solid and gas phases are further separated into dry fiber and fiber water, water vapor and dry air, respectively. Between the phases interfac

Short half-life of HPV16 E6 and E7 mRNAs sensitizes HPV16-positive tonsillar cancer cell line HN26 to DNA-damaging drugs

Here we show that treatment of the HPV16-positive tonsillar cancer cell line HN26 with DNA alkylating cancer drug melphalan-induced p53 and activated apoptosis. Melphalan reduced the levels of RNA polymerase II and cellular transcription factor Sp1 that were associated with HPV16 DNA. The resulting inhibition of transcription caused a rapid loss of the HPV16 early mRNAs encoding E6 and E7 as a res

Two theoretical strands of social capital, and total, cardiovascular, cancer and other mortality : A population-based prospective cohort study

The aim is to prospectively investigate both the “cohesion” and “network” perspectives of social capital in relation to total, cardiovascular (CVD), cancer and all other causes mortality. The 2008 public health survey in Scania was a postal questionnaire with three letters of reminder, and it was answered in the Autumn by 28,198 respondents (55% participation) aged 18–80 from a stratified random s

Correlations for prediction of the bubble departure radius on smooth flat surface during nucleate pool boiling

Based on a modified force balance model, new correlations were proposed for the prediction of vapor bubble departure radius in saturated and subcooled pool boiling under atmospheric pressure. To predict the departure radius, the wall temperature and contact angle are two important input parameters. Instead of the static contact angle, the present correlations use the dynamic advancing contact angl

The predatory mite Hypoaspis aculeifer is attracted to food of its fungivorous prey

To locate a prey a predator may rely on information originating from the habitat or the food of the prey, from the prey itself or its feeding activities. This study examines the origin of information used by the soil living predatory mite Hypoaspis aculeifer (Canestrini) when foraging for a fungivorous collembolan prey Folsomia f metaria (L.). Preference experiments were performed in Petri dishes,

Machinability prediction of workpiece material with a diagraph method

This work presents a diagraph method for the description and predication of the potential machinability of work materials. In the method, a radar chart with five axes was used to examine the machinability of different work materials and each axis representing a behavior or property, i.e. abrasiveness or hardness of workpiece material by grading the 5 different machinability properties. Such charts

Impacts of urban living labs on sustainability transitions : mechanisms and strategies for systemic change through experimentation

Urban Living Labs (ULL) are considered spaces to facilitate experimentation about sustainability solutions. ULL represent sites that allow different urban actors to design, test and learn from socio-technical innovations. However, despite their recent proliferation in the European policy sphere, the underlying processes through which ULL might be able to generate and diffuse new socio-technical co

The public prosecution service and the structuring of sentencing - the nordic case of Denmark

This chapter contributes an original description of a very different structuring arrangement of sentencing institutionalized through the Danish prosecution service since the 1990s. The prosecution service has attained a new and bigger role and new techniques add significantly to the structuring of sentencing. The techniques of structuring sentencing are: preparatory works to statutory amendments,

Sound Art : The First 100 Years of an Aggressively Expanding Artform

"A brief history of sound art is, in a nutshell, a history of sonic forms of expression that throughout the twentieth century can be traced within music, the visual arts, and contemporary dance, as well as in performance art, conceptual art, and media art. Attempts to capture sound art as a detached and isolated art form or artistic phenomenon have been made, but this is definitely not the approac

High titer ethanol production from rice straw via solid-state simultaneous saccharification and fermentation by Mucor indicus at low enzyme loading

High titer ethanol production from rice straw using Mucor indicus fungus was investigated through the solid-state simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSSF) process. The straw was pretreated with 0.5 M sodium carbonate solution for 3, 5, and 10 h to improve the efficiency of the process. Effects of the pretreatment on the composition, structural morphology, cellulose crystallinity, swel