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Your search for "*" yielded 479063 hits


Hughson_Rankin_2 The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Engaging the Right to Disrupt: A Pilot Project E. A. Hughson, University of Calgary, J. C. Rankin, University of Calgary ABSTRACT: Disability Studies (DS) has poised itself in a contentious position between advocacy and activism, service provision and theoretical interpretation (Goodley, 2010, Jarman & Kafer, 2014). This con - 2025-03-17


Ibarra-Saiz_Rodriguez-Gomez_mod2 The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Students' perspectives on assessment tasks in Higher Education M.S. Ibarra-Sáiz, G. Rodríguez Gómez, EVAlfor Research Group - University of Cádiz ABSTRACT: When considering the concept of assessment as learning and empowerment three major challenges need to be addressed: student participation, feedforward and - 2025-03-17


Ingham_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Graduate Voice – the missing link in forming modern HE policy D. Ingham, Loughborough University ABSTRACT: Higher education today faces increasing competition, significant change and rising costs to institutions and individuals resulting from political policy and subsequent funding decisions. An emphasis on employability; graduate - 2025-03-17


Karm_etal The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Methods used by university teachers to support meaningful discussion in the classroom M. Karm, A. Sarv, E. Voolaid, and M. Miliste, University of Tartu ABSTRACT: Classroom discussions support deeper understanding of the content domain and develop independent thinking skills. In a skillfully directed discussion, different opinions o - 2025-03-17


Kilp_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Teaching ’intersectionality’ as a ’threshold concept’ for undergraduate students of Political Science A. Kilp, University of Tartu ABSTRACT: The core learning objective of the Political Science undergraduate curriculum is to advance the knowledge and skills related to threshold concepts of the discipline. By attaining threshold conc - 2025-03-17

Microsoft Word - Nicola King Abstract.doc

Microsoft Word - Nicola King Abstract.doc Structures of Auto/biographical Narrative: Dan Jacobson, Blake Morrison, Tim Lott, Margaret Forster, Richard Wollheim Nicola King University of the West of England, Bristol, UK This paper will explore the structures of a group of recent British auto/biographies, focussing on the ways in which they attempt to recreate childhood experience through memory and - 2025-03-17


Kjær_etal_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden The context of scholarship of teaching and learning: identification and understanding of different microcultures C. Kjær, and R. Troelsen, University of Southern Denmark and K. Mårtensson, and T. Roxå, University of Lund ABSTRACT: Scholarship of teaching and learning takes place in contexts. These contexts or microcultures in w - 2025-03-17


Lafave_Yeo_28_ The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Using SOTL to Drive Curriculum Change: the Variables and Experiences of the MRU Athletic Therapy Program M. R. Lafave and M. Yeo, Mount Royal University ABSTRACT: Curriculum change at the post-secondary level is never easy. Adding the complexities and nuances of SOTL to drive those changes may, on the surface, seem to add comp - 2025-03-17


MNT PAPER TEMPLATE The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Does concept mapping enhance learning outcomes for teaching evidence-based practice theory? L. Lafave, M. Yeo, and M. Lafave, Mount Royal University ABSTRACT: Evidence-based practice (EBP) skills are critical to health care professions; most importantly resulting in improved care delivered to patients. Despite its importan - 2025-03-17

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Sociolingvistiken och sociologin: om en språkvetenskaplig subdisciplin och disciplinövergripande forskning Lars-Erik Johansson Under senare delen av 1900-talet växer inom lingvistiken fram ett antal subdiscipliner (”bindestrecksvetenskaper”) i skärningsfältet mellan två (eller flera) mera ”renodlade disciplingrupperingar”; exempel är psykolingvistik, sociolingvistik/språksociologi, kognitiv lingvi - 2025-03-17


Lassesen_Stenalt_REV The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden An exploration of student engagement in co-created learning environment B. Lassesen, and M. H. Stenalt, Center for Teaching and Learning, Aarhus University, Denmark ABSTRACT: Background and aim: When teachers grade a large number of assignments, the students often end up receiving less feedback on their work. Writing and - 2025-03-17


Lee_Choy The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Faculty Mentoring within a Community of Practice as part of Professional Development in Teaching at NUS A. M. Lee and J. L. F. Choy, National University of Singapore (NUS) ABSTRACT: We will report on a new initiative at NUS that will support the internal, ongoing transformation of professional development for early career academics. - 2025-03-17


Lindberg-Sand The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden From the administration into a discipline: Hazards in the institutional re-classification of a SoTL-community of academic developers. Building an academic field of professional inquiry? Å. Lindberg-Sand, Lund University ABSTRACT: Units for academic development (ADUs) are installed at most universities. However, the institutiona - 2025-03-17

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17-18 June 2015  Centre for Languages and Literature  Lund University  Sweden Bridging Language Acquisition and Language Policy List of Presentations* (alphabetical by first presenter) Language Policy and Classroom Practice in Minority Language Education: Examples from Asia-Pacific Fred E. Anderson, Kansai University, Japan This presentation examines the relation between language policy at the - 2025-03-17

Microsoft Word - Lysaght_REV.docx

Microsoft Word - Lysaght_REV.docx The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Exploring how students’ reflections on their mistakes facilitates learning in a second year kinesiology class J. Lysaght, Harmony Holistics Kinesiology College ABSTRACT: “Failure is not mere failure. It is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes” - 2025-03-17


Lysaght_McCarthy The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Exploring the effect of mapping student learning in the assessment process, in a kinesiology class, using the Teaching for Understanding framework J. Lysaght, Harmony Holistics Kinesiology College, Ireland and M. McCarthy, University College Cork, Ireland ABSTRACT: This study followed a part-time, first year kinesiology clas - 2025-03-17

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Kjell Westös Helsingforsromaner i finsk och tysk översättning Manuela Tallberg-Nygård Helsingfors universitet Finska, finskugriska och nordiska institutionen Svensk översättning Den finlandssvenska författaren Kjell Westö är känd för sina Helsingforsromaner. Westös produktion avspeglar den finlandssvenska minoritetskulturen, mötet med den finska majoritetskulturen, förankringen i det tvåspråkiga H - 2025-03-17