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Flyktingkris i den svenska dagspressen

The Swedish word flyktingkris, comparable to the German word flüchtlingskrise and the English term refugee crisis, used to denote some distant tragedy befalling desperate people. But that meaning changed as it became the predominant word to describe the increased influx of refugees to Europe in 2015. As the media directed its attention to the situation, the number of articles in Swedish newspapers

Att definiera ett krig; - IS krigföring och hur den kan förstås

In this paper we are comparing ISIS warfare to the warfare and systems of new and old wars, based on Mary Kaldor’s theories. How can ISIS role and acting be understood in comparison to these theories? We are also looking into the impact the globalization has had on ISIS successfully proceeded warfare and the involvement of the international community. Starting with structuring the components for o

Hushållens skuldsättning - risker och lösningar

Hushållens skuldsättningsgrad i Sverige är hög både internationellt och historiskt sett och förväntas fortsätta växa under många år framöver. Hushållens höga skuldsättning gynnar den ekonomiska tillväxten i landet. Samtidigt kan det innebära en risk för den finansiella stabiliteten och för den svenska ekonomin i stort. Hög skuldsättning och stigande bostadspriser har förvärrat konjunkturnedgångar The Swedish household debts are, both internationally and historically, high and are expected to increase for many years to come. High household debt is beneficial for the economic growth in the country, but may at the same time implicate a risk to the financial stability and for the Swedish economy in general. High household debts and rising housing prices have made economic turndowns worse in se

Utvärderingar utan värden? En analys av utvärderingarna av vårdgarantin och kömiljarden

Den här uppsatsen handlar om utvärderingar av välfärdsreformer. Arbetets frågeställning lyder "Vilka värden lyfts fram respektive förbises i Socialstyrelsens och Vårdanalys utvärderingar av kömiljarden och vårdgarantin?" Med det vill vi dels undersöka utvärderingarna som sådana men också huruvida de utvärderar vad de borde mot bakgrund av myndigheternas värdegrunder. Vi går igenom utvärd

Varför har demokratiseringen i Tunisien varit mer framgångsrik än i Egypten?

Uppsatsen handlar om varför har demokratisering lyckats bättre i Tunisien än i Egypten. För att få fram resultat har uppsatsen ställt sig frågan om vilken roll har civilsamhällets resning och politisk splittring haft? Genom att använda sig av jämförande metod. Resultatet i båda länder visar att civilsamhället och politisk splittring ledde till en demokratisk transition men utfallet i Egypten blev

Den eviga strävan efter idealet

Sammanfattning Titel Den eviga strävan efter idealet En kvalitativ studie om samspelet mellan kvinnliga ideal, konsumenters identitet och personliga varumärken på Instagram Seminariedatum 2016-06-02 Ämne/kurs FEKH29, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, marknadsföring, 15 HP Författare Emma Bogren, Annika Eriksson och Julia Sjöberg Handledare Clara Gustafsson Begrepp Kvinnliga ideal, Personliga varumAbstract Title The eternal pursuit of the ideal A study about the interaction between the female ideal, consumers identity projects and personal brands on Instagram Seminar date 2016-06-02 Subject/course FEKH29 – Bachelor’s thesis in Marketing, 15 ECTS Authors Emma Bogren, Annika Eriksson and Julia Sjöberg Advisor Clara Gustafsson Key words Identity, Ideal, Culture, Personal brands Issue Ind

[Mat]Rätten att vara : en semiotisk analys av två av Coops reklamfilmer i kampanjen "Ekoeffekten"

Den här studien undersöker stereotyper och framställningar i Coops kampanjfilmer “Ekoeffekten” och “Möt familjen Palmberg” från 2015. Huvudfrågan i frågeställningen lyder “Hur representeras och framställs matkonsumtion i relation till livsstil och klass i Coops reklamfilmer i kampanjen “Ekoeffekten”?”. Filmerna lanserades under kampanjnamnet “Ekoeffekten”. Studien genomförs genom en semiotisk bild

Nano-synergies in conventional flame retardants

I det här examensarbetet har effekterna av att tillsätta nanopartiklar till konventionella flamskyddsmedel studerats. Huvuddelen av arbetet har utförts på Saab Barracuda AB (Barracuda), Gamleby, och delar av arbetet har utförts på Totalförsvarets forskningsintitut (FOI) och Exova, båda i Linköping, samt Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH), Lund. Arbetet fokuserar på att utreda om tillsatsen av specifikaIn this master thesis the effects of adding nanoparticles to conventional flame retardants has been examined. The main part of the work has been carried out at Saab Barracuda AB (Barracuda) in Gamleby, and part of the work has been carried out at the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI) and Exova, both in Linköping, as well as The Faculty of Engineering in Lund. The work focuses on whether the ad

Barriers of organic food purchase : Segmentation of young consumers

The growing trend in organic consumption has lead us to develop a research about barriers that influences young consumer’s beliefs and attitudes toward organic food. The study is based on results of a survey conducted in a supermarket from Malmo on a sample of 270 occasional and non-organic young consumers aged 18-36 years. The data collected was analyzed with SPSS 23.0 by carrying out hierarchica

A comparative study of stochastic and deterministic simulation methods for transport-diffusion systems

The growth of tissues and organs in plants is governed by the morphogen auxin coupled with the membrane protein PIN, which together generate patterns that guide development. Systems of this kind have been studied extensively in experiments and computational system biology models. This thesis builds on that work by introducing a stochastic version of these models to examine differences between stoc

Incentives and challenges for adopting AM technology in the plastic industry

Problem definition Additive manufacturing is a technology that has received a lot of attention and many are wondering how it will affect them plastic industry in the future. Additive manufacturing is mostly used for prototyping today but there is reason to believe that the technology has potential to overtake other application areas for plastic or used as a complementary method to existing manufac

Analysis of sensory and texture properties of three potato cultivars boiled to different thermal center temperatures

Potatoes Solanum tuberosum, L are among the most consumed crop type by millions of people around the world. It has high amount of starch content and it is known to be a good source of potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C and fiber. There are more than 4000 varieties of potatoes. Salome, Ditta and Asterix cultivars are among well-known potatoes in the Swedish market. In recent years the consumption of

Making Sense of Growth Hacker Marketing

After the Dotcom bust, high-technology startups are faced with the challenge in funding, particularly in Silicon Valley. Most of the entrepreneurs have technical skills but lack of marketing experiences. In order to survive, they turn to an alternative approach that highly relies on scientific experimentation to pursue rapid growth in number of users at next to zero cost within short time. It is t

Development and Testing of the LOVES Spectrograph

Lunds Observatoriums Vakuum-Echelle Spektrograf (LOVES) är en spektrograf byggd för att studera ultraviolett ljus i våglängdsregionen 1000- 2000Å. Ultraviolett (UV) ljus i denna våglängdsregion absorberas i luft varför LOVES är konstruerad inuti en 2,5m lång evakuerad tank. LOVES är i dagsläget inte ett helt fullbordat vetenskapligt instrument. Detta projekthar haft som mål att utveckla och testa In this report we present the testing and development made using the Lund Observatory Vacuum Echelle Spectrograph (LOVES) during the last few years. Hardware development includes an assembly from base components due to relocation and necessary calibrations of the optics. Software devel- opment includes the making of a basic image processing pipeline for the instrument. The testing of LOVES wavelen

Competencies and Other Prerequisites for DES Application

Competence requirements is a field that has reached broad recognition in areas such as the Logistics & Supply Chain Management (L&SCM). Yet, in the DES field, there is little research which emphasizes on competencies or prerequisites for DES application. The goal for this master thesis is to explore and analyse what competencies and prerequisites facilitates DES application. The focus of t

Kundupplevd kvalitet i hemtjänsten- En kvalitativ studie om den kommunala hemtjänsten i Kalmar

The study has been based on semi-structured interviews with 10 customers who have chosen Kalmar municipality as homecare service provider. The interviews have been conducted in conjunction with customers granted home care and with a follow-up after one-two months. By examining and analyzing the customer’s expectations and experiences at an early stage when home-care services started and then follo

EU-relationer med den Andinska gemenskapen : en utrikespolitisk-idéanalys av EU:s grundläggande idéer i relation med den Andinska gemenskapen

This is a Bachelor’s thesis on the subject of EU foreign relations with the Andean Community and its most recent political development. The thesis seeks to describe the political ideas behind the European Union’s foreign policy and external relations with the Andean Community, such as they are stated in the Regional Strategy Paper (2007-2013) and the Political Dialogue & Cooperation Agreement

The Chinese Consumers' Attitudes towards Their "Willingess to Pay" for Renewable Electricity

China’s economic development has not only led to enormous growth figures, but also to a severe degradation of the environment. Mass-consumption of fossil fuels like oil and coal in China contributed to reaching the level of the largest greenhouse gas emitter worldwide. For the Chinese government to react, it is crucial to take the electricity purchase decisions of households into account to succes

Decision Making in Mobile Business Intelligence: An Individual Cognitive Fit Perspective

One of the central features of a successful decision support system is the interface. What to provide and how to provide information that later will support the users to make a decision is crucial. With the emergence of mobile business intelligence, the concern about how this technology could increase its user performance in the decision making context and how to deliver these capability to the wo