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A novel approach to population-based risk stratification, comprising individualized lifestyle intervention in Danish general practice to prevent chronic diseases : Results from a feasibility study

Early detection of patients at risk seems to be effective for reducing the prevalence of lifestyle-related chronic diseases. We aim to test the feasibility of a novel intervention for early detection of lifestyle-related chronic diseases based on a population-based stratification using a combination of questionnaire and electronic patient record data. The intervention comprises four elements: (1)

General practitioners' preferences for future continuous professional development : evidence from a Danish discrete choice experiment

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Danish general practitioners (GPs) follow a voluntary continuous professional development (CPD) programme based on accredited activities. Inspired by a current interest in CPD, this study investigates GPs' preferences for future CPD programmes.METHODS: The preferences were tested in a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) sent to 1079 randomly chosen GPs. The GPs were asked t

Multiphoton-multiplasmon excitation of C60

Time-of-flight mass spectrometry is used to study the interaction of free C60 molecules with ultrashort high power Ti:sapphire laser pulses. Ionization and fragmentation of C60 by ultrashort high-intensity laser pulses occur predominantly via plasmon excitation. Single and double excitation of collective charge oscillation is observed by remarkably large number of photons. The difference between a

Greening of the brown-dwarf desert. EPIC 212036875b: a 51 MJ object in a 5-day orbit around an F7 V star

Context. Although more than 2000 brown dwarfs have been detected to date, mainly from direct imaging, their characterisation is difficult due to their faintness and model-dependent results. In the case of transiting brown dwarfs, however, it is possible to make direct high-precision observations.Aims: Our aim is to investigate the nature and formation of brown dwarfs by adding a new well-character

Ruled by the Calender? : Public sector and university managers on meetings, calenders and time

This paper discusses modern organizational meetings in the public sector, with a focus on time, specifically the planning and scheduling of time among managers. In this qualitative analysis, data were gathered through an ethnographic study of managers in several public organizations, all in Sweden. During interviews and field observations, managers told about their time work involving strategies f

Breaking out of the neoliberal market agenda? Developing expertise to support local coastal community-based fisheries in Sweden

Ida WingrenMilena Arias Schreiber Sebastian LinkeBreaking out of the neoliberal market agenda? Developing expertise to support local coastal community-based fisheries in SwedenFisheries management lays bare many of the tensions and contradictions between community wellbeing and livelihoods on one hand and impositions of neoliberal market approaches to sustainability on the other. This causes probl

Fake meds and grey market: A Sociocultural study on medicine consumption practices among Swedish residents

Digitalization has been incorporated into nearly all levels of life in Sweden, including the provision of healthcare service. Accompanied by political strategies that incorporate liberal market logic into public sectors, medicines are made accessible through multiple purchasing channels, especially on the Internet. In this presentation, Rui Liu gives an account of the emergence of a grey health ma

Progress in the use of electrospun nanofiber electrodes for solid oxide fuel cells : A review

The application of one-dimensional nanofibers in the fabrication of an electrode greatly improves the performance of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) due to its advantages on electron transfer and mass transport. Various mixed ionic-electronic conducting materials with perovskites and Ruddlesden-Popper-type metal oxide structures are successfully electrospun into nanofibers in recent years mostly in

Minoriteterna i minoriteten: Om nationalism, migration och modersmålsundervisning på Åland

Kapitlet fokuserar på den potentiella motsättningen mellan minoriteters rättigheter och universella mänskliga rättigheter. Exemplet är det svenskspråkiga Åland, som idag har ett av världens mest omfattande nationalitetsskydd med snart hundra år på nacken – men det är ett skydd som inte alltid går ihop med nyare konventioner om mänskliga rättigheter. Kapitlet undersöker kritiken från Europarådets r

De Grouchy, Wollstonecraft, and Smith on Sympathy, Inequality, and Rights

This article offers an analysis of Sophie de Grouchy’s Letters on Sympathy [1798]. The focus is on republican implications of her views on sympathy, with comparisons to Adam Smith and Mary Wollstonecraft. Critical attention is paid to claims made on de Grouchy’s behalf that her philosophy is republican and that she offers republican arguments for gender and class equality. These claims are made by