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Sex differences in outcomes after revascularization for acute lower limb ischemia : Propensity score adjusted analysis

Background: Previous reports have suggested higher rates of mortality and amputation for female patients in acute lower limb ischemia (ALI). The aims of the present study were to investigate if there is a difference in mortality, amputation, and fasciotomy between the sexes. Methods: A retrospective cohort study of consecutive patients undergoing index revascularization for ALI between 2001 and 20

Nurse assistants’ experiences of encountering patients in grief due to the death of a loved one - a qualitative study in municipal health and social care

Purpose: The aim was to explore nurse assistants´ experiences of paying attention to and encountering patients receiving municipal health and social care, who are in grief due to the death of a loved one. Methods: A qualitative study with focus group interviews (n = 6) was conducted with nurse assistants (NAs) (n = 28) in municipal health and social care (n = 5) in southern Sweden. The data were a

Small but mighty : High-resolution spectroscopy of ultra-hot Jupiter atmospheres with compact telescopes Transmission spectrum of KELT-9 b with Wendelstein’s FOCES spectrograph

When observing transmission spectra produced by the atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs), large telescopes are typically the instrument of choice given the very weak signal of the planet’s atmopshere. The aim of the present study is to demonstrate that, for favourable targets, smaller telescopes are fully capable of conducting high-resolution cross-correlation spectroscopy. We apply the cross-


Objective: To explore the associations between fatigue impact and (a) personal and stroke-related characteristics, (b) functional impairments and (c) work-related factors among individuals who have returned to work after stroke. Design: A cross-sectional exploratory study. Subjects: 87 working stroke survivors. Methods: This study comprises data from a pos-tal survey targeting work ability and per

Identification of FasL as a crucial host factor driving COVID-19 pathology and lethality

The dysregulated immune response and inflammation resulting in severe COVID-19 are still incompletely understood. Having recently determined that aberrant death-ligand-induced cell death can cause lethal inflammation, we hypothesized that this process might also cause or contribute to inflammatory disease and lung failure following SARS-CoV-2 infection. To test this hypothesis, we developed a nove

Transformative Climate Resilience Education for Children and Youth: From Climate Anxiety to Resilience, Creativity and Regeneration, Literature review conducted for the ERASMUS+ Project 2023-1-SE01-KA220-SCH-000158705

This report has been written as part of the ERASMUS+ project CLARITY. The aim of CLARITY is to enhance educators' skills for nurturing resilience and reducing climate anxiety of learners through trauma-informed and creative approaches that link inner and outer dimensions of change. Sustainability and climate education tend to focus on environmental facts, whilst little room is given to the human d

Twenty years on from Developmental Plasticity and Evolution : middle-range theories and how to test them

In Developmental Plasticity and Evolution, Mary-Jane West-Eberhard argued that the developmental mechanisms that enable organisms to respond to their environment are fundamental causes of adaptation and diversification. Twenty years after publication of this book, this once so highly controversial claim appears to have been assimilated by a wealth of studies on ‘plasticity-led’ evolution. However,

Electrocatalytic Hydrogenation of Furfural with Improved Activity and Selectivity at the Surface of Structured Copper Electrodes

Furfural is a pivotal renewable platform molecule obtained from the chemical breakdown of hemicellulose. While it has traditionally been valorized to value-added chemicals through catalytic hydrogenation in biorefineries, its direct electrocatalytic hydrogenation presents attractive advantages. This article describes the significant improvements brought by the structuring of copper cathodes applie

Comparison of Perceptions of Skin Condition, Product Use and Allergen Reactivity Between People with Psoriasis and Controls in the European Dermato-Epidemiology Network (EDEN) Fragrance Study

Psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin disease, goes beyond visible symptoms and affects the general well-being of patients. The aim of this study is to understand how patients with psoriasis perceive their skin characteristics and reactivity to allergens. The study population includes 11,283 participants within the European Dermato-Epidemiology Network (EDEN) Fragrance study, covering several Eur

Care of Late-Stage Parkinsonism : Resource Utilization of the Disease in Five European Countries

Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease that leads to progressive disability. Cost studies have mainly explored the early stages of the disease, whereas late-stage patients are underrepresented. Objective: The aim is to evaluate the resource utilization and costs of PD management in people with late-stage disease. Methods: The Care of Late-Stage Parkinsonism (CLaSP) stu

A perceptual learning approach to the Whorfian hypothesis : Supervised classification of motion

Recent research on the relationship between grammatical aspect and motion event cognition has shown that speakers of nonaspect languages (e.g., German, Swedish) attend to event endpoints more than speakers of aspect languages (e.g., English, Spanish). In this study, we took a perceptual learning approach to the Whorfian hypothesis, training native English speakers to categorize events either in an

The effect of axial length on pseudophakic retinal detachment

Abstract Purpose The purpose of the study was to analyse the surgical management and outcome regarding axial length in the population affected by pseudophakic retinal detachment (PRD) 2015?2020. Method The patients included were from an observational cohort study of patients undergoing cataract surgery in the region of Skåne during 2015?2017. Data were retrieved from the Swedish National Cataract Purpose The purpose of the study was to analyse the surgical management and outcome regarding axial length in the population affected by pseudophakic retinal detachment (PRD) 2015-2020. Method The patients included were from an observational cohort study of patients undergoing cataract surgery in the region of Skåne during 2015-2017. Data were retrieved from the Swedish National Cataract Register

Problem gaming in a clinical child and youth population - from prevalence data to evidence-based intervention

Introduktion: Dataspelande är en väldigt vanlig fritidssyssla och en majoritet av svenska ungdomar uppger att de spelar dataspel dagligen. En minoritet av dessa utvecklar ett problematiskt spelbeteende, ett fenomen som fått formellt erkännande i och med att diagnosen Gaming Disorder (GD) inkluderats i diagnossystemet ICD-11. Nu efterfrågar både barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP), skolhälsovården oc

Navigating the Critical Nexus. Bridging Simulation, Measuring, and Acid-Base diagnosis in ICU and Dialysis

Intensivvårdsavdelningen (IVA) tar hand om de mest kritiskt sjuka patienterna, ofta med multiorgansvikt. Denna patientgrupp kräver kontinuerlig övervakning av vitala funktioner som blodtryck, EKG och syremättnad. Varje patient på IVA kräver dessutom upprepad provtagning, ibland så ofta som var 15:e min. Denna ständiga övervakning leder till insamling av mycket patientdata som varje läkare/sjukvård

Demineralized allogeneic bone matrix for cartilage repair

We tested the chondrogenic potential of demineralized allogeneic bone matrix (DABM) in the repair of osteochondral defects. In 42 adult rabbits, a 5-mm2 or 15-mm2 defect was created bilaterally in the intercondylar groove of distal femur. DABM was inserted directly in 37 defects, whereas in 35 it was inserted after previous placement in muscle for 4, 16, or 19 days. Another 12 defects were left em

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This article examines how work plays a major role in Danish Greenland literature – often with the workplace as a zone of conflict. At first, a literary historical presentation introduces the tradition followed by an analysis of Jørgen Liljensøe’s novel Barakkerne (1977). Lastly, newer Danish Greenland literature by Kim Leine and Iben Mondrup are discussed. The approach is primarily place-theoretic