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Your search for "*" yielded 526172 hits

Older rationales and other challenges in handling causes of death in historical individual-level databases: the case of Copenhagen, 1880–1881

Large-scale historical databases featuring individual-level causes of death offer the potential for longitudinal studies of health and illnesses. There is, however, a risk that the transformation of the primary sources into ‘data’ may strip them of the very qualities required for proper medical historical analysis. Based on a pilot study of all 11,100 deaths registered in Copenhagen in 1880–1881,

Neutron structures of Leishmania mexicana triosephosphate isomerase in complex with reaction-intermediate mimics shed light on the proton-shuttling steps

Triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) is a key enzyme in glycolysis that catalyses the interconversion of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxy-acetone phosphate. This simple reaction involves the shuttling of protons mediated by protolysable side chains. The catalytic power of TIM is thought to stem from its ability to facilitate the deprotonation of a carbon next to a carbonyl group to generate an

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Rubus "firmus" is a very rare plant in Norway; it is only known from a 500 m long coastal strip nearthe sea- shore in Grimstad, Aust-Agder fylke. The identity of the name R. firmus is obscure, and it is not known whether the original plant is a species or a hybrid; we do not accept this name as correct for the Norwegian plant. The Norwegian plants are not very homogeneous and have the chromosome n

Epidemiology, Patterns of Care, and Mortality for Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Intensive Care Units in 50 Countries

Importance Limited information exists about the epidemiology, recognition, management, and outcomes of patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).Objectives To evaluate intensive care unit (ICU) incidence and outcome of ARDS and to assess clinician recognition, ventilation management, and use of adjuncts—for example prone positioning—in routine clinical practice for patients fulf

c-Myc antagonizes the effect of p53 on apoptosis and p21WAF1 transactivation in K562 leukemia cells

c-myc protooncogene positively regulates cell proliferation and overexpression of c-myc is found in many solid tumors and leukemias. In the present study we used the K562 human myeloid leukemia cell line as a model to study the functional interaction between c-Myc and p53. Using two different methods, we generated K562 transfectant cell lines with conditional expression of either c-Myc or p53. The

Abnormal cell cycle regulation in malignancy

The cell cycle consists of an initial growth phase (G1), DNA replication (S), a gap phase (G2), and mitosis (M), after which the cell may differentiate or enter the resting state (G0). The cycle is driven by a number of positive and negative regulatory phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events, involving protein kinases, protein phosphatases, cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases, and cyclin-depend

Blodbildning. : Biologisk massproduktion under noggrann kontroll av cytokiner

Blodbildning är en biologisk massproduktion som styrs av cytokiner. Dessa utgör en mångfald av peptidkedjor, som tjänar som överlevnads-, tillväxt- och utmognadsfaktorer och som dessutom stimulerar funktionellt aktiva blodceller. Cytokiner används t ex för att mina cytostatikainducerad neutropeni, för att avkorta aplasiperioden efter benmärgstransplantation och för att behandla kroniska neutropeniHaematopoiesis is regulated by unrelated, pleiotropic, and diverse regulatory molecules, cytokines, whose membrane receptors are related and restricted to a few families manifesting sequence homology. Most members of the cytokine receptor family which lack tyrosine kinase activity are composed of multiple chains. An accessory signal transducer can be shared by members of the receptor family. Cytok

Impacts of urbanisation on birds : Disentangling the effects of multiple pollutants on avian behaviour and physiology

Anthropogenic pollution is a pervasive feature of urbanisation, reaching into ecosystems worldwide and posing novel challenges to wildlife. Not surprisingly, differences in behaviour, and physiology, have been found between urban and rural populations. Most studies on anthropogenic impacts have so far either used a dichotomous approach, comparing urban-rural sites, or investigated impacts of just

Oral Colonization by Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax : A PCR-Based Study in Health, Gingivitis, and Periodontitis

Background: The etiology of periodontitis remains unclear, as is the place of gingivitis in its pathophysiology. A few studies linked the colonization by oral parasites (Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax) to periodontal disease and its severity. The aim of the current study was to estimate the prevalence of these oral parasites among healthy individuals, and in patients with gingivitis an

Aβ/APP-induced hyperexcitability and dysregulation of homeostatic synaptic plasticity in models of Alzheimer’s disease

The proper function of the nervous system is dependent on the appropriate timing of neuronal firing. Synapses continually undergo rapid activity-dependent modifications that require feedback mechanisms to maintain network activity within a window in which communication is energy efficient and meaningful. Homeostatic synaptic plasticity (HSP) and homeostatic intrinsic plasticity (HIP) are such nega

Quench and field emission diagnostics for the ESS medium-beta prototypes vertical tests at LASA

In order to investigate the possible causes of premature thermal breakdown and performance degradation, several diagnostic techniques have been employed during the vertical tests of the Fine and Large Grain ESS Medium Beta prototypes cavities. The whole equipment, which includes second sound, fast thermometry, photodiode x ray detectors and external NaI scintillator and proportional counter, is he

Modeling the energy consumption of potable water reuse schemes

Potable reuse of municipal wastewater is often the lowest-energy option for increasing the availability of fresh water. However, limited data are available on the energy consumption of potable reuse facilities and schemes, and the many variables affecting energy consumption obscure the process of estimating energy requirements. By synthesizing available data and developing a simple model for the e

Evolution of the sex pheromone communication system in ostrinia moths

It remains a conundrum in the evolution of sexual communication how the signals and responses can co-ordinate the changes during speciation. The genus Ostrinia contains several closely related species as well as distinctive strains with pheromone polymorphism and represents an ex-ample of ongoing speciation. Extensive studies in the genus, especially in the species the European corn borer O. nubil

Adaptive travel behaviors to cope with covid-19 : A swedish qualitative study focusing on everyday leisure trips

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a rapid change in travel behavior for different types of trips, including everyday social and recreational leisure trips. People have used adaptive travel behaviors to cope with the new circumstances for activities and transport. Due to the Swedish strategy focusing on more voluntary restrictions, people have had reason to consider which trips and activities to ski