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An energy-relaxation-based framework for the modelling of magnetic shape memory alloys—Simulation of key response features under homogeneous loading conditions

In this contribution we present a constitutive modelling framework for magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMA) that builds on a global variational principle. The approach relies on concepts of energy relaxation and generalised notions of convexity to compute effective energy hulls to the non-convex energy landscape associated with the underlying multi-phase solid, from which the prediction of microstr

Home oxygen therapy for adults with chronic lung disease an official american thoracic society clinical practice guideline

Background: Evidence-based guidelines are needed for effective delivery of home oxygen therapy to appropriate patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and interstitial lung disease (ILD). Methods: The multidisciplinary panel created six research questions using a modified Delphi approach. A systematic review of the literature was completed, and the Grading of Recommendations Asse

Data-driven control of infinite dimensional systems : Application to a continuous crystallizer

Controlling infinite dimensional models remains a challenging task for many practitioners since they are not suitable for traditional control design techniques or will result in a high-order controller too complex for implementation. Therefore, the model or the controller need to be reduced to an acceptable dimension, which is time-consuming, requires some expertise and may introduce numerical err

A certification scheme for operation of buildings with well-planned and ambitious environmental improvements

The development of environmental certification schemes has increased rapidly during the last twenty years and are often used as benchmarks during design of new buildings or reconstruction. However, for management of our existing buildings the members of Sweden Green Building Council request for clear guidelines and a certification scheme. Therefore, a new certification scheme called Miljöbyggnad i

A novel approach for predicting daily pan evaporation in the coastal regions of Iran using support vector regression coupled with krill herd algorithm model

Evaporation is one of the vital components of hydrological cycle. Precise estimation of pan evaporation (Epan) is essential for the sustainable water resources management. The current study proposed a novel approach to estimate daily Epan across the humid region of Iran using support vector regression (SVR) technique coupled with Krill Herd Algorithm (SVR-KHA). Meteorological data were collected f

Assessment of bio-inspired metaheuristic optimisation algorithms for estimating soil temperature

Root zone temperature is one of the most important soil characteristics, controlling many of the physical, chemical and biological processes in the soil. Temperature varies by soil depth, and exerts a profound impact on plant germination and growth. In this study, the accuracy of two artificial intelligence models including support vector regression (SVR) and elman neural network (ENN) and their h

Application of hybrid ANN-whale optimization model in evaluation of the field capacity and the permanent wilting point of the soils

Field capacity (FC) and permanent wilting point (PWP) are two important properties of the soil when the soil moisture is concerned. Since the determination of these parameters is expensive and time-consuming, this study aims to develop and evaluate a new hybrid of artificial neural network model coupled with a whale optimization algorithm (ANN-WOA) as a meta-heuristic optimization tool in defining

Short and close in time : overlapped occupation from the layer 56 of the Molare Rock shelter (Southern Italy)

The Molare Rock shelter (S. Giovanni a Piro, Salerno, Italy) is a key site to carry out high-resolution chronological studies in the broader context of Italian Mousterian peopling dynamics. The stratigraphic sequence is to be referred to MIS 5 and is characterized by the presence of a number of thin anthropic levels (often consisting of largely undisturbed living floors) alternated with sterile la

A Permissioned Blockchain-based System for Collaborative Drug Discovery

Research and development of novel molecular compounds in the pharmaceutical industry can be highly costly. Lack of confidentiality can prevent a product from being patented or commercialized. As an effect, cross-organizational collaboration is virtually non-existent. In this paper, we introduce a blockchain-based solution to the collaborative drug discovery problem so that participants can maintai

A Decentralized Dynamic PKI based on Blockchain

The central role of the certificate authority (CA) in traditional public key infrastructure (PKI) makes it fragile and prone to compromises and operational failures. Maintaining CAs and revocation lists is demanding especially in loosely-connected and large systems. Log-based PKIs have been proposed as a remedy but they do not solve the problem effectively. We provide a general model and a solutio

Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Ammonia under Conditions Relevant to Modern Gas Turbines

Ammonia (NH3) is considered a promising alternative fuel, capable of producing energy with zero CO2 emissions. Its combustion, however, poses a series of challenges due to the low reactivity of NH3 and the formation of very high quantities of NOx. This work numerically investigates the combustion and emission characteristics of ammonia in three modern stationary gas turbine concepts, namely (a) le

Removal of pharmaceutical metabolites in wastewater ozonation including their fate in different post-treatments

Advanced treatment technologies for the removal of pharmaceuticals and other organic micropollutants in WWTPs primarily target the removal of parent compounds. Nevertheless, the removal of metabolites originating from human- or microbial metabolism during biological treatment needs comparable consideration, as some of them might be present in high concentrations and contribute to toxicity. This st

A process model for collaboration in circular oriented innovation

Circular oriented innovation commonly requires collaboration. Yet, to date, circular research lacks empirical investigation into collaborative processes. Collaborative processes are, however, highly researched within strategic management literature, thus offering valuable insights. The purpose of this paper is to investigate, identify and order the processes that companies undertake when designing

Athlete mental health in the Olympic/Paralympic quadrennium : a multi-societal consensus statement

This consensus statement is the product of the Second International Think Tank on Athlete Mental Health, held on the initiative of the International Society of Sport Psychology. The purposes of the Think Tank were to engage international sport psychology societies and organisations in a discussion about athlete mental health as embedded in an Olympic/Paralympic cycle, and to develop practical reco

Volumetric glutamate imaging (GluCEST) using 7T MRI can lateralize nonlesional temporal lobe epilepsy : A preliminary study

INTRODUCTION: Drug-resistant epilepsy patients show worse outcomes after resection when standard neuroimaging is nonlesional, which occurs in one-third of patients. In prior work, we employed 2-D glutamate imaging, Glutamate Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (GluCEST), to lateralize seizure onset in nonlesional temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) based on increased ipsilateral GluCEST signal in the t

Calculation of hole concentrations in Zn doped GaAs nanowires

We have previously demonstrated that we can grow p-type GaAs nanowires using Zn doping during gold catalyzed growth with aerotaxy. In this investigation, we show how to calculate the hole concentrations in such nanowires. We base the calculations on the Zhang–Northrup defect formation energy. Using density functional theory, we calculate the energy of the defect, a Zn atom on a Ga site, using a su

Getting Well Is More Than Gaining Weight–Patients’ Experiences of a Treatment Program for Anorexia Nervosa Including Ear Acupuncture

This study illuminates how 25 in-patients who were treated for anorexia nervosa in a highly specialized clinic for eating disturbances in Sweden experienced the treatment program. The program included structured eating, medication, restrictions in physical activity and supportive dialogues. Patients were also offered semi-standardized NADA ear acupuncture as a complement to relieve stress, anxiety