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Randomized controlled trial of nasogastric tube use after esophagectomy : study protocol for the kinetic trial

Esophagectomy is a complex and complication laden procedure. Despite centralization, variations in perioparative strategies reflect a paucity of evidence regarding optimal routines. The use of nasogastric (NG) tubes post esophagectomy is typically associated with significant discomfort for the patients. We hypothesize that immediate postoperative removal of the NG tube is non-inferior to current r

Integrated multi-material and multi-scale optimization of compliant structure with embedded movable piezoelectric actuators

Piezoelectric actuators embedded in compliant structures have many potential applications, which call for effective design approaches. Existing optimization driven design methods focus on the piezoelectric actuator location or the macro topology of the host compliant structure while ignoring the possibility to exploit the use of multiple materials and hierarchical material design. In this study, a

Evidence of steady-state fibroblast subtypes in the normal human breast as cells-of-origin for perturbed-state fibroblasts in breast cancer

Background: Human breast cancer most frequently originates within a well-defined anatomical structure referred to as the terminal duct lobular unit (TDLU). This structure is endowed with its very own lobular fibroblasts representing one out of two steady-state fibroblast subtypes—the other being interlobular fibroblasts. While cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are increasingly appreciated as co

Digitalizing sexual citizenship: LGBTI+ resistance at digital spaces in pandemic times

Drawing on a digital ethnography of Istanbul Pride events in 2020 and in-depth interviews with LGBTI+ activists from Turkey, this study examines the transformations in the sites and practices of resistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the LGBTI+ community in Turkey, whose rights are already threatened by right-wing populist hegemony in politics, the pandemic brought further challenges and lim

Anxiety, depression and quality of life in relation to SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in individuals living with diabetes during the second wave of COVID-19

Aims: The objective was to compare anxiety, depression, and quality of life (QoL) in individuals living with type 1 (T1D) and type 2 (T2D) diabetes with matched controls during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Via randomization, individuals living with diabetes T1D (n = 203) and T2D (n = 413), were identified during February-July 2021 through health-care registers. Population con

By-passing the National Level? Municipalities as Legal Actors in Multi-Level Governance in Norway and Sweden

This article aims at illuminating the role of Swedish and Norwegian municipalities as legal actors in multi-level governance. The research questionis threefold: What is the role of Swedish and Norwegian municipalities as legal actors in relation to the European level? How do these roles affect local autonomy at the national level? What is the impact of the different affiliations at the European le

Tuning Pluronic F127 phase transitions by adding physiological amounts of salts : A rheology, SAXS, and NMR investigation

Specific ion (Hofmeister) effects in colloid and biological systems represented a scientific challenge for more than 100 years. Recently, possible applications, based on their rationalization, are emerging. Here, Cl-, SO42-, SCN- anions and Na+, K+, Mg2+ cations are added at physiological concentration (∼0.15 mol/kg) to Pluronic F127 20 wt% aqueous solutions to suitably tune phase transitions for

The effect of mixing on the dispersibility of adhesive mixtures for inhalation. Comparison of high shear and Turbula mixers

This study investigates the effect of different mixers and the applicability of the mixing energy (ME) concept to dry powder formulations for inhalation. With the aim to step-wise build and expand this concept, adhesive mixtures of 2 % budesonide and lactose carrier were investigated, both with 1 % magnesium stearate (MgSt) added in a ‘coating’ step, and without, the latter referred to as ‘naked’

Borders to digital nomadism, reflections based on science driven mobility

Current literature describes digital nomadism as an interesting for tourism research but a relatively exclusive social phenomenon (Chevtaeva & Denizci-Guillet, 2021; Thompson, 2019). Digital nomads are self-employed people with a mobile lifestyle made possible by digital work. Based on that description, it would seem like a research field with limited societal significance. However, the call f

Evidence that CD36 is expressed on red blood cells and constitutes a novel blood group system of clinical importance

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Polymorphic molecules expressed on the surface of certain blood cells are traditionally categorized as blood groups and human platelet or neutrophil antigens. CD36 is widely considered a platelet antigen (Nak a ) and anti-CD36 can cause foetal/neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) in CD36-negative pregnant women. CD36 is used as a marker of differentiation in earl

Translation of the working alliance inventory short revised into Italian using a Delphi procedure and a forward-backward translation

Introduction: Enhancing treatment adherence, especially for chronic diseases, can be achieved through therapeutic alliance, potentially elevating the quality of care. An instrument to evaluate the therapeutic alliance could be beneficial in routine clinical settings, educational environments, and extensive research efforts at national and European levels. In this study, we translated therapist and

Comparing Planning Processes in Smartphone Text Messaging to Traditional Writing

In today’s increasingly digital society, smartphone texting is a common means for written communication. In 2018, over 90% of Swedes reported that they engaged in smartphone text messaging (i.e. texting) on a daily basis (Davidsson, Palm, & Melin Mandre, 2018). The aim of this study is to examine and compare planning processes based on the Hayes (1996) writing model in texting with traditional

Self-reported Changes in Use of and Attitudes Toward ICT in Three Generations in Sweden During the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has affected the daily activities of people worldwide. Recommendations introduced to reduce the spread of the virus led to increased use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to meet everyday needs. Such rapid digitalization had not been seen previously and not been possible to study before. Hence, this study aimed to identify and describe self-reported changes in usage of a

Self-Supervised Learning for Tabular Data: Analysing VIME and introducing Mix Encoder

We introduce Mix Encoder, a novel self-supervised learning framework for deep tabular data models based on Mixup [1]. Mix Encoder uses linear interpolations of samples with associated pretext tasks to form useful pre-trained representations. We further analyze the viability of tabular self-supervised learning by introducing VIME [2], an established representation learning framework for tabular dat

Dynamics of anisotropic colloidal systems : What to choose, DLS, DDM or XPCS?

Investigation of the dynamics of colloids in bulk can be hindered by issues such as multiple scattering and sample opacity. These challenges are exacerbated when dealing with inorganic materials. In this study, we employed a model system of Akaganeite colloidal rods to assess three leading dynamics measurement techniques: 3D-(depolarized) dynamic light scattering (3D-(D)DLS), polarized-differentia