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Virion- and VAP-receptor recognition in the human adenovirus type 2 system
This thesis is focused on the early steps of a complex virus-cell interaction. The human adenovirus type 2 (HAdV-2) infects permissive cells, by first recognizing a protein of the immunoglobulin superfamily that serves as the Coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR). This attachment step is mediated by the adenovirus fiber protein. Subsequently, in order to proceed to a tighter binding, the viral p
Degranulation in macrophages and other leukocytes: regulation by calcium, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and protein kinase C
Popular Abstract in Swedish Makrofager återfinns i stort sett överallt i kroppen. De bildas från stamceller i benmärgen och cirkulerar i blodomloppet tillsammans med andra vita blodkroppar i form av monocyter, som kan vandra igenom blodkärlens väggar och vidareutvecklas till makrofager ute i vävnaderna. Makrofagen spelar en viktig roll i kroppens totalförsvar genom att vägleda och orkestrera immunMacrophages mediate innate immunity through release of cytokines, eicosanoids, reactive oxygen species as well as through phagocytosis and secretion of lysosomal enzymes. Regulation of lysosomal secretion in macrophages differs in several respects from release of specialized granules in other leukocytes. Lysosomal secretion is not dependent upon cytosolic calcium but is instead triggered by lysoso
Häradsspelmän i Albo härad under 1700-talet
Psykologbedömning av barn i skolåldern
Abstract in Undetermined I detta kapitel har vi beskrivit psykologbedömningar på individnivå och satt in dessa i sin kontext. Vi har lyft fram betydelsen av att se eleven i sitt sammanhang – hemma såväl som i skolan – samt betonat vikten av de systemteoretiska faktorer som påverkar skolframgång, exempelvis lärarnas metoder och deras möjlighet att få pedagogiskt stöd. Detta är faktorer som är förän
Företagets affärer vid finansiella marknadsfluktuationer
Megaliths and mobility in south-western Sweden. Investigating relationships between a local society and its neighbours using strontium isotopes
Investigation of human movement in the past has been a confounding issue in archaeology. Direct measurement of past mobility has recently become feasible, however, through the application of strontium isotope analysis to human skeletal remains. In this study, we examine the question of changes in residence and place of origin among the inhabitants of the landscape of south-central Sweden. We focus
Laos: Macroeconomic Stabilization with Trade Liberalization and Deregulation
Educational theorists have destroyed the school
Immunology of beta-Cell Destruction.
The pancreatic islet beta-cells are the target for an autoimmune process that eventually results in an inability to control blood glucose due to the lack of insulin. The different steps that eventually lead to the complete loss of the beta-cells are reviewed to include the very first step of a triggering event that initiates the development of beta-cell autoimmunity to the last step of appearance
Application of Cars Spectroscopy For Diagnostics In High-temperature Environment
The passage of axes: fire transformation of flint objects in the Neolithic of southern Sweden
Otillåten sexualitet: Attityder till homosexualitet och tidelag
Paleoøkologi som redskab for EU’s vandrammedirektiv
[167-POS] : The human endogenous protection system against cell-free hemoglobin is overwhelmed during preeclampsia - New biomarkers and potential targets for therapy.
To study cell-free fetal hemoglobin (HbF) and the heme-scavenger α1- microglobulin (A1M) in patients with manifest preeclampsia (PE) and how these proteins performed as possible biomarkers of PE and adverse maternal and fetal outcomes.