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Your search for "*" yielded 530933 hits

Direct electron transfer between copper-containing proteins and electrodes

The electrochemistry of some copper-containing proteins and enzymes, viz. azurin, galactose oxidase, tyrosinase (catechol oxidase), and the "blue" multicopper oxidases (ascorbate oxidase, bilirubin oxidase, ceruloplasmin, laccase) is reviewed and discussed in conjunction with their basic biochemical and structural characteristics. It is shown that long-range electron transfer between these enzymes

Skalmurskonstruktionens fukt- och temperaturbetingelser

I rapporten beskrivs byggnadsfysikaliska mätningar i ett provhus med olika skalmurskonstruktioner. Mätningar har pågått under en 3-årsperiod och främst varit inriktade på fukt- och temperaturbetingelser i murverket, luftspalten, isoleringen och träreglarna.

The role of lipid rafts in LPS-induced signaling in a macrophage cell line.

The significance of lipid rafts in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) signaling in macrophages was studied through isolation of them by gradient centrifugation and subsequent visualization of signal molecules using antibodies. LPS signaling is initiated by binding to Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) and the co-receptor CD-14, leading to activation of downstream targets, such as MAP kinases. In this study, we sho

Analysis of the surface electrocardiogram for monitoring and predicting antiarrhythmic drug effects in atrial fibrillation

Specific antiarrhythmic therapy with class I and III drugs for atrial fibrillation (AF) conversion and prevention of its recurrence is frequently utilized in clinical practice. Besides being only moderate effective, the utilization of antiarrhythmic drugs may be associated with serious side effects. In the clinical setting it is difficult to directly evaluate the effects of antiarrhythmic drugs on

Regeneration and plasticity in the brain and spinal cord.

The concept of brain plasticity covers all the mechanisms involved in the capacity of the brain to adjust and remodel itself in response to environmental requirements, experience, skill acquisition, and new challenges including brain lesions. Advances in neuroimaging and neurophysiologic techniques have increased our knowledge of task-related changes in cortical representation areas in the intact

Multiple Windows for Estimation of Locally Stationary Transients in the Electroencephalogram

In this paper, multiple windows, optimal for locally stationary processes (MW-LSP) are used to estimate the spectrogram of the electroencephalogram (EEG) where we focus on the ability to estimate transient frequency changes. A peak of known frequency was evoked in the EEG spectrum in a predetermined time interval, by using a 9 Hz flickering light. We investigate the multiple windows corresponding

Constructive Methods for SAGBI and SAGBI-Gröbner Bases

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av en introduktion och följande artiklar: Artikel I: Using resultants for SAGBI basis verification in the univariate polynomial ring. Författare: Anna Torstensson, Victor Ufnarovski och Hans Öfverbeck. Sammanfattning: En resultant-identitet för polynom i en variabel bevisas och används för att karakterisera SAGBI-baser för underalgebror genereradeThe thesis consists of an introduction and the following four papers: Paper I: Using resultants for SAGBI basis verification in the univariate polynomial ring. Authors: Anna Torstensson, Victor Ufnarovski and Hans Öfverbeck. Abstract: A resultant-type identity for univariate polynomials is proved and used to characterise SAGBI bases of subalgebras generated by two polynomials. A new equivalent

Female gender is associated with higher incidence and more stable respiratory symptoms during adolescence

Childhood asthma and wheeze is more common among boys than girls, white the opposite is found in adults. The main objective was to study the incidence and the course of wheeze and asthma during adolescence with focus on gender differences. In addition, we explored associations between lifestyle factors at baseline and wheeze at follow-up. A total of 2399 adolescents answered validated questionnair

Membrane extraction in environmental chemical analysis

Membrane extraction techniques permit the application of classical liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) chemistry to instrumental and automated operation. Various shortcomings of LLE are overcome by membrane extraction techniques as they use none or very little organic solvents, high enrichment factors can be obtained and there are no problems with emulsions. A three phase SLM system (aq/org/aq), where

Quality of life after hip revision with impaction bone grafting on a par with that 4 years after primary cemented arthroplasty

Background There have been few studies evaluating patient-reported quality of life outcomes after hip revision with impaction bone grafting. Patients and methods The inclusion criteria were aseptic loosening after primary arthroplasty performed for osteoarthrosis, and first-time revision with impacted morselized allograft bone and cemented Exeter stem. During a 4-year period, 35 patients were elig

Efficacy and safety of axillary brachial plexus block for operations on the hand.

An axillary brachial plexus nerve block by a transarterial approach is commonly used to achieve regional anaesthesia for hand surgery. We designed a retrospective study to evaluate efficacy and safety of the technique for acute and elective operations. Anaesthetic records of 189 of all 5520 patients (1996-2000) who had axillary brachial plexus blocks for hand surgery were reviewed, and results com

Introduction to biological mass spectrometry: Determining identity and species of origin of two proteins

We describe a laboratory exercise that is designed to give advanced undergraduate students in analytical chemistry a meaningful introduction to biological mass spectrometry. We ask the students to solve a mystery: given two proteins, what are they, and from which animals do they originate? This exercise involves use of two mass spectrometers available in our institution: a fairly basic matrix-assi

Risker för brand och explosion efter vätskespill i dragskåp

Försöken med förångning från vätskespill av aceton, dietyleter, etanol och metyletylketon och fördelning av brännbara ångor i dragskåp utförda med en inloppshastighet av ca 0.5 m/s visade att: mängden förångad vätska efter spill av olika vätskor vid olika initialtemperaturer kan förutsägas med god noggrannhet med befintliga dataprogram. Vid ett spill stannar den tunga ångan kvar i den nedre delen

Inhibition of germ tube formation by Candida albicans by local anesthetics: an effect related to ionic channel blockade

Formation of germ tubes by Candida albicans has been assumed as a putative virulence factor. Local anesthetics (LAs), e.g., lidocaine and bupivacaine, are known to inhibit germ tube formation. The study confirmed this observation for the novel drug ropivacaine, although it was less potent than the former two drugs. Hypothesizing that the effect is due to blockading ionic channels, we exposed Candi