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Simultaneous assimilation of SMOS soil moisture and atmospheric CO2 in-situ observations to constrain the global terrestrial carbon cycle
Carbon dioxide (CO 2) is the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas contributing to about half of the total anthropogenic change in the Earth's radiation budget. And about half of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions stay in the atmosphere, the remainder is taken up by the biosphere. It is of paramount importance to better understand CO2 sources and sinks and their spatio-temporal distribution. In
The Climate Benefit of Swedish Ethanol : Present and Prospective Performance
This chapter presents an assessment of green house performance (GHG) performance of current and prospective Swedish ethanol production and outlines a strategy for improving the GHG performance on an expanding ethanol market. Calculations are presented that consider process integration and establishment of biocombines producing multiple products, the use of a broader resource base including lignoce
Leukocyte telomere length predicts SSRI response in major depressive disorder : A preliminary report
Short leukocyte telomere length (LTL) may be associated with several psychiatric disorders, including major depressive disorder (MDD). Short LTL has previously been associated with poor response to psychiatric medications in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, but no studies have prospectively assessed the relationship of LTL to SSRI response in MDD. We assessed pre-treatment LTL, depression sever
De tusen ansiktenas festival
Artikel om Lilla Filmfestivalen i Båstad 2016.
Westworld uppgraderar legenden till nöjespark
Krönika om tv-serien "Westworld".
Olov Svedelid
Biografisk och monografisk uppslagspost om författaren Olov Svedelid.
Exploring musical research sensibilities
Rapport till Myndigheten för Skolutveckling, "Social integration genom musik", SIM.
The Subject in International Law : The Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority of Occupied Iraq and its Laws
In the wake of the war and occupation of Iraq, 2003–2004, international legal scholars struggled to understand and adequately describe the event and the law surrounding it. This study takes that situation of uncertainty as its point of departure, and it unfolds through an analysis of the material conditions and linguistic–rhetoric and affective–psychic registers through which the Administrator of In the wake of the war and occupation of Iraq, 2003–2004, international legal scholars struggled to understand and adequately describe the event and the law surrounding it. This study takes that situation of uncertainty as its point of departure, and it unfolds through an analysis of the material conditions and linguistic–rhetoric and affective–psychic registers through which the Administrator of
Adolescents’ Dissociative Experiences: the Moderating Role of Type of Trauma and Attachment Style
This cross-sectional study evaluated the selfreportedattachment style of 239 Swedish adolescents (ages13 to 20) and investigated the relation between dissociation,attachment, and potentially traumatic events (PTEs). We hadhypothesized that specific PTEs, including family-relatedemotional and physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotionalabuse by non-relatives such as bullying, would interact withinse
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, CAS registry number 104-76-7
The use of this material under current conditions is supported by existing information. This material was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, developmental toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity, skin sensitization, as well as environmental safety. Data show that this material is not genotoxic. Data from the suitable read across analog 2-butyloct
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, 2-Hydroxy-α,α,4-trimethylcyclohexanemethanol, CAS Registry Number 42822-86-6
Antenna design using characteristic modes for arbitrary materials
Characteristic mode analysis has traditionally been constrained to problems which utilize only perfect electric conductors (PEC). Through forced symmetry of a method of moments surface integral equation and newly proposed post-processing, characteristic modes can be solved for any material in a computationally efficient manner. As an example, the characteristic modes are solved for a mobile termin
Post-processing removal of non-real characteristic modes via basis function perturbation
For more than 30 years since it was first proposed by Harrington et al., the Theory of Characteristic Mode (TCM) has only been applied to perfect electric conductors (PEC), and more recently lossless dielectric materials. One key challenge in computing the characteristic modes (CMs) of non-PEC materials using the PMCHWT surface integral equation is the presence of internal resonances in the soluti
Spring staging of Eiders Somateria mollissima in some Swedish east coast archipelagos and at Gotland 2009 and 2010.
The Eider Somateria mollissima is a commonbreeding species in the Baltic. In 2008, Ottossonet al. (2012) estimated that the breeding populationof Eiders in the archipelagoes of the four Swedishcounties of Kalmar, Östergötland, Södermanlandand Stockholm was in the order of 103 000 pairs,whereas the breeding population around Gotlandwas about 6000 pairs. The distribution of breedingEiders in several
Interaction gestures for a wearable device defined by visually impaired children
This paper reports results from two workshops organized with children with visual impairments ranging from blindness to low vision. The aim of the workshops was to suggest gestures for the interaction with a small wearable audio-bracelet. Results show a preference for mechanical buttons and touch-based gestures on the device (mainly tapping and sliding), while only one tentative suggestion is made
Fluctuations and trends in numbers of staging waterbirds in South Sweden 1973-2013.
Regular September counts of staging waterbirds havebeen undertaken annually in south Sweden since 1973as a complement to the International Midwinter Countsundertaken in January each year since 1967. The Septembercounts aim to cover the population development ofstaging waterbirds, especially relating to species that arenot wintering in the country. Between 150 and about 200sites have been included
Extracellular Matrix Remodelling In COPD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory disease that involves major remodelling of cells and tissue in the lung. There has been much focus on the inflammatory response, while less attention has been paid to structural changes and alterations of the extracellular matrix (ECM). In this review we revisit some of the latest findings on what is currently known about ECM a