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Association Between Severe Nonadherence to Hydroxychloroquine and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Flares, Damage, and Mortality in 660 Patients From the SLICC Inception Cohort
Objective: The goals of this study were to assess the associations of severe nonadherence to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), objectively assessed by HCQ serum levels, and risks of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) flares, damage, and mortality rates over five years of follow-up. Methods: The Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) Inception Cohort is an international multicenter init
Comparison of nestling diet between first and second broods of great tits Parus major in urban and forest habitats
Comparison of nestling diet between first and second broods of great tits Parus major in urban and forest habitats. To understand why early broods tend to be more successful than late broods we investigated the nestling diet and reproductive success of great tit pairs that had both a first and a second brood in the same breeding season. We found that in forest habitats great tit parents delivered
Synthesis of highbush blueberry pollination research reveals region-specific differences in the contributions of honeybees and wild bees
Highbush blueberry production has expanded worldwide in recent decades. To safeguard future yields, it is essential to understand if insect pollination is limiting current blueberry production and which insects contribute to pollination in different production regions. We present a systematic review including a set of meta-analyses on insect-mediated pollination in highbush blueberry. We summarize
Tailoring C─N Containing Compounds into Carbon Nanomaterials with Tunable Morphologies for Electrocatalytic Applications
Carbon materials with unique sp2-hybridization are extensively researched for catalytic applications due to their excellent conductivity and tunable physicochemical properties. However, the development of economic approaches to tailoring carbon materials into desired morphologies remains a challenge. Herein, a convenient “bottom-up” strategy by pyrolysis of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) (or ot
Pehr Osbeck 300 år
Experts, activists, and girl bosses of the nuclear apocalypse: feminisms in security discourse
Having long been regarded as irrelevant to the high politics of foreign affairs, feminism and gender equality have in recent years gained increased attention in international security debates, including discussions about nuclear weapons policy. Several governments have adopted official feminist foreign policy postures, international security institutions have launched inquiries into gender equity
Data-driven Approaches for Predicting Hazardous Substances in the Building Stock
Förekomst av farliga ämnen i byggnader medför betydande osäkerheter i projektplanering och budgetuppskattning och innebär hälso och säkerhetsrisk för de boende och för arbetstagare som är involverade i renoverings- och rivningsaktiviteter. Det är praxis inom svenska byggprojekt att avsätta ungefär 15% av budgeten för att hantera oväntade risker av farliga ämnen och oförutsedda händelser. De faktis
Hur kan Sverige öka livsmedelsexporten?
I denna Fokus undersöker vi den svenska livsmedelskedjans konkurrenskraft och analyserar hur Sverige skulle kunna öka livsmedelsexporten. Genom fallstudier av Nederländerna, Danmark och Lettland identifierar vi strategier som kan användas för att förbättra konkurrenskraften. Resultaten visar att den svenska livsmedelskedjan har relativt svårt att konkurrera på den europeiska marknaden. Det finns d
CRP, C-Peptide, and Risk of First-Time Cardiovascular Events and Mortality in Early Type 2 Diabetes : A Danish Cohort Study
We investigated the relationship between hs-CRP, a marker of low-grade inflam-mation, alone or in combination with C-peptide, a marker of hyperinsulinemia/ insulin resistance, and risk for cardiovascular events (CVEs) and mortality in patients recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (T2D). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS In patients with recent-onset T2D, we measured serum hs-CRP (n = 7,301) and C-pep
Exploring the use of innovation measurement in retail organisations : a multiple case study
Innovation and its management in retail organisations is an emerging field, yet the measurement of innovation in this context remains challenging and under-researched. The study investigates innovation in large Swedish retail companies, focusing on monitoring and measurement of innovation performance. Through a qualitative, multiple case study, our findings reveal that retailers are aiming to beco
Design and Control of Long-Pulse High-Power Klystron Modulators
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is an under-construction material science research facility in Lund, Sweden, and will upon completion host the most powerful superconducting linear accelerator (linac) in the world. The ESS linac is powered by klystron modulators required to deliver long high-power pulses (pulse amplitude 115 kV/100 A, pulse length 3.5 ms, pulse repetition rate 14 Hz) of very h
Investigation of Cerebral Mitochondrial Injury in a Porcine Survivor Model of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Introduction: Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas that is a leading cause of environmental poisoning in the USA with substantial mortality and morbidity. The mechanism of CO poisoning is complex and includes hypoxia, inflammation, and leukocyte sequestration in brain microvessel segments leading to increased reactive oxygen species. Another important pathway is the effects of CO o
NGOs in East and Southeast Asia
Multiplicity of grain boundary structures and related energy variations
Ideal minimum-energy grain boundary (GB) structures are usually the only ones considered when characterizing GBs. This limited perspective provides an incomplete view of the possible structural variability of GBs. In the present study, phase field crystal (PFC) simulations are employed in a systematic search of GB states based on -surface sampling, demonstrating PFC to be a capable tool for this p
The War of the Concepts What Is Conceptual Performing Arts?
This paper sets out to investigate what is “conceptual performing arts” and define how one could begin to fill out the lack of a definition. The paper has been peerreviewed within the context of "Högskolepedagogisk utbildning".
Exploring new horizons in the sustainability and competition law debate
Predictors of the post-COVID condition following mild SARS-CoV-2 infection
Whereas the nature of the post-COVID condition following mild acute COVID-19 is increasingly well described in the literature, knowledge of its risk factors, and whether it can be predicted, remains limited. This study, conducted in Norway, uses individual-level register data from 214,667 SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals covering a range of demographic, socioeconomic factors, as well as cause-speci
Introduction: Transformations of European Welfare States and Social Rights
n this introductory chapter, we outline the literature in which the anthology is positioned and the anthology’s contribution hereto. We account for the questions addressed in the anthology and its structure based on three sections that each analyses transformations of European welfare states and social rights from macro, meso and micro level perspectives, respectively. As described in the chapter
Fossevariationer, examensproduktion #1 skådespelarprogrammet 2022Ett utdrag ur fyra pjäser av den norske dramatikern Jon Fosse. "I Fossevariationer låter vi scener ur fyra pjäser bilda en helhet tillsammans med scenografi, kostym och ljus. Rollerna befinner sig på olika platser geografiskt och i livet men ställs inför liknande djupt mänskliga frågor och utmaningar. Eller är det samma personer som