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Hållbart chefskap: En kvalitativ studie om det egna självledarskapet hos chefer inom hotellbranschen
Genomgående i det empiriska materialet var att alla chefer ville se sig som en ledare, en förebild som föregick med gott exempel för sina medarbetare. Ingen ville direkt förlika sig med titeln chef. Uppfattningen fanns att en bra ledare finns där för sina medarbetare och sätter deras behov framför sina egna. Självledarskap är något som i princip alla utförde i olika grad och vissa gjorde det mer m
“Vilken attityd behöver jag ha till den här mannen?”
Negativa servicemöten har visat sig påverka anställda till att känna mindre motivation, inte minst negativa servicemöten som inbegriper könsstereotypa antaganden gentemot kvinnor. Ett verktyg för att prestera utefter förmåga är självledarskap. Vi vill undersöka om unga kvinnor självleder sig själva i negativa servicemöten där könsstereotyper förekommer. Syftet ska besvaras med hjälp av följande fr
Dendrokronologisk analys. Stenkista Västervåla socken, Västmanland
Dendrokronologisk analys. Arkeologiska prover från Uppsala stad
Dendrokronologisk analys. Mangårdsbyggnad och bod vid Örebro, Västmanland
Selenoprotein P deficiency is associated with higher risk of incident heart failure
AbstractIntroductionSelenium deficiency has been associated with mortality, cardiovascular disease and worsened prognosis in heart failure (HF). In a recent population-based study, high selenium levels were shown to be associated with reduced mortality and reduced incidence of HF, but only in non-smokers. Here, we aimed to examine if selenoprotein P (SELENOP), a main selenium carrier protein, is a
Using Cluster Theory to Calculate the Experimental Structure Factors of Antibody Solutions
Monoclonal antibody solutions are set to become a major therapeutic tool in the years to come, capable of targeting various diseases by clever design of their antigen binding site. However, the formulation of stable solutions suitable for patient self-administration typically presents challenges, as a result of the increase in viscosity that often occurs at high concentrations. Here, we establish
Does Cluster Encapsulation Inhibit Sintering? Stabilization of Size-Selected Pt Clusters on Fe3O4(001) by SMSI
The metastability of supported metal nanoparticles limits their application in heterogeneous catalysis at elevated temperatures due to their tendency to sinter. One strategy to overcome these thermodynamic limits on reducible oxide supports is encapsulation via strong metal-support interaction (SMSI). While annealing-induced encapsulation is a well-explored phenomenon for extended nanoparticles, i
Accuracy of uncalibrated 2D digital subtraction angiography measurements on a novel biplane system compared to computed tomography angiography
Background: 2D digital subtraction angiography (DSA) images are the gold standard for neuroradiological vascular assessment and the basis of interventional procedures such as mechanical thrombectomy and cerebral aneurysm coiling. However, length measurements in projected DSA images are affected by the distance between the x-ray source, the object, and the detector. Precise coordination between all
Parallel matters : Efficient polyp segmentation with parallel structured feature augmentation modules
The large variations of polyp sizes and shapes and the close resemblances of polyps to their surroundings call for features with long-range information in rich scales and strong discrimination. This article proposes two parallel structured modules for building those features. One is the Transformer Inception module (TI) which applies Transformers with different reception fields in parallel to inpu
Imitation and Protest: Two Case Studies of Depictions of Marriage in Anne Brontë and Olive Schreiner
Literature has long been an effective vehicle for conveying women’s morals and opinions when they have otherwise been ignored and supressed. Fifty years apart, Anne Brontë and Olive Schreiner wrote fiction critical of different aspects of marriage with noticeably different results and conclusions. This project aims to investigate the basis for these differences by using Elaine Showalter’s idea of
An exploratory modelling study of chemiluminescence in ammonia-fuelled flames. Part 1
The present exploratory study is aimed at the modelling of the chemiluminescence signature of premixed laminar NH3+H2+air flames. The detailed kinetic mechanism of the author was extended by reactions describing the formation and consumption of excited NO2*, NO(A), NH*, and NH2* mostly relying on previous analyses of chemiluminescence processes from the literature. The lowest-lying excited state o
Components of local adaptation and divergence in pollination efficacy in a coevolving species interaction
Selection leading to adaptation to interactions may generate rapid evolutionary feedbacks and drive diversification of species interactions. The challenge is to understand how the many traits of interacting species combine to shape local adaptation in ways directly or indirectly resulting in diversification. We used the well-studied interactions between Lithophragma plants (Saxifragaceae) and Grey
Bilder i språket - om alternativa uttryckssätt
The life of young working class mothers in Sweden
Revisiting the notion of the public library as a meeting place : challenges to the mission of promoting democracy in times of political turmoil
Purpose: This article explores how public librarians understand and perform the democratic mission of public libraries in times of political and social turbulence, and critically discusses the idea of public libraries as meeting places.Methodology: Five group interviews conducted with public librarians in southern Sweden are analyzed using a typology of four perspectives on democracy.Findings: TwoPurposeThis article explores how public librarians understand and perform the democratic mission of public libraries in times of political and social turbulence and critically discusses the idea of public libraries as meeting places.Design/methodology/approachFive group interviews conducted with public librarians in southern Sweden are analyzed using a typology of four perspectives on democracy.Fi
Free Radical Polymerization of Dimethyl Amino Ethyl Methacrylate Initiated by Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) Macroazo Initiator : Thermal and Physicochemical Characterization
A novel macro intermediate based on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) (PHBHHx) was synthesized for use in the copolymerization with dimethyl amino ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA). Methyl amino ethanol was reacted with PHBHHx to prepare a dihydroxy terminated polyester. The hydroxyl ends of the obtained PHBHHx derivatives were capped with 4,4’-azobis cyanopentanoic acid to obtain the PHBHHx
Latent heterogeneity of muscle-invasive bladder cancer in patient characteristics and survival : A population-based nation-wide study in the Bladder Cancer Data Base Sweden (BladderBaSe)
Background: Patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) constitute a heterogenous group in terms of patient and tumour characteristics (‘case-mix’) and prognosis. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether differences in survival could be used to separate MIBC patients into separate classes using a recently developed latent class regression method for survival analysis with co