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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Revisiting the P3P Problem

One of the classical multi-view geometry problems is the so called P3P problem, where the absolute pose of a calibrated camera is determined from three 2D-to-3D correspondences. Since these solvers form a critical component of many vision systems (e.g. in localization and Structure-from-Motion), there have been significant effort in developing faster and more stable algorithms. While the current s

Room temperature two-dimensional electron gas scattering time, effective mass, and mobility parameters in AlxGa1−xN/GaN heterostructures (0.07 ≤ x ≤ 0.42)

Al x Ga 1 − x N/GaN high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) structures are key components in electronic devices operating at gigahertz or higher frequencies. In order to optimize such HEMT structures, understanding their electronic response at high frequencies and room temperature is required. Here, we present a study of the room temperature free charge carrier properties of the two-dimensional e

What is a Bladder Cancer Molecular Subtype?

BACKGROUND: Several molecular classification systems for bladder cancer have been proposed, but due to differences on how to define molecular subtypes, controversies and misunderstandings have arisen. OBJECTIVE: To discuss different aspects of the molecular classification of bladder cancer and to point to the consequences of using different conceptual approaches. To question some underlying assump

Emergent spatial goals in an integrative model of the insect central complex

The insect central complex appears to encode and process spatial information through vector manipulation. Here, we draw on recent insights into circuit structure to fuse previous models of sensory-guided navigation, path integration and vector memory. Specifically, we propose that the allocentric encoding of location provided by path integration creates a spatially stable anchor for converging sen

The molecular genetic landscape of human brain size variation

Human brain size changes dynamically through early development, peaks in adolescence, and varies up to 2-fold among adults. However, the molecular genetic underpinnings of interindividual variation in brain size remain unknown. Here, we leveraged postmortem brain RNA sequencing and measurements of brain weight (BW) in 2,531 individuals across three independent datasets to identify 928 genome-wide

Transnasal Evaporative Cooling in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients to Initiate Hypothermia—A Substudy of the Target Temperature Management 2 (TTM2) Randomized Trial

Background: In animal models, early initiation of therapeutic cooling, intra-arrest, or restored circulation has been shown to be neuroprotective shortly after cardiac arrest. We aimed to assess the feasibility and cooling efficacy of transnasal evaporative cooling, initiated as early as possible after hospital arrival in patients randomized to cooling in the TTM2 trial. Methods: This study took t

Buried by sand – the abandoned medieval town at Falsterbo, S Sweden

Archaeological investigations have revealed cultural layers with remnants of houses and streets below up to four metres of sand at the southern end of the Falsterbo peninsula in southernmost Sweden. The cultural layers have been dated to the 15th – 16th centuries, based on finds of, for example, coins and ceramics, and interpreted to represent the medieval town Falsterbo. It has been assumed that

Enhancing Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy for Layered Halide Perovskites

The photophysics of layered halide perovskites reveals a rich disposition of exciton behavior. Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) is a powerful technique for investigating such excitonic interactions and dynamics. However, the wide spectral range of layered perovskites presents a challenge in studies utilizing conventional 2DES setups to simultaneously probe their interacting excitonic

Superconductivity in monolayer and few-layer graphene. I. Review of possible pairing symmetries and basic electronic properties

We review all symmetry-allowed spin-singlet and spin-triplet superconducting order parameters in graphene (s-wave, d-wave, p-wave, and f-wave) generated by generic on-site, nearest-neighbor, and next-nearest-neighbor pairing interactions in a tight-binding model. For each pairing channel, we calculate both the band structure and the dependence of the density of states on energy, chemical potential

Engaging in Societal Collaboration Through Reflexivity : Experiences from a Cross-Disciplinary Pilot Course for Faculty

There is limited understanding of how education initiatives geared toward faculty and support staff can foster a capacity for long-term and integrated societal engagement and collaboration within higher education institutions. Using the experiences from a cross-disciplinary pilot course in Sweden, the current study aims to identify features that explicate how skills and academic rigor for engagingThere is limited understanding of how education initiatives geared toward faculty and support staff can foster a capacity for long-term and integrated societal engagement and collaboration within higher education institutions. Using the experiences from a cross-disciplinary pilot course in Sweden, the current study aims to identify features that explicate how skills and academic rigor for engaging

Stochastic Thermodynamics of a Quantum Dot Coupled to a Finite-Size Reservoir

In nanoscale systems coupled to finite-size reservoirs, the reservoir temperature may fluctuate due to heat exchange between the system and the reservoirs. To date, a stochastic thermodynamic analysis of heat, work, and entropy production in such systems is, however, missing. Here we fill this gap by analyzing a single-level quantum dot tunnel coupled to a finite-size electronic reservoir. The sys

Effect of controlled hypotensive hemorrhage on plasma sodium levels in anesthetized pigs : An exploratory study

Perioperative hyponatremia, due to non-osmotic release of the antidiuretic hormone arginine vasopressin, is a serious electrolyte disorder observed in connection with many types of surgery. Since blood loss during surgery contributes to the pathogenesis of hyponatremia, we explored the effect of bleeding on plasma sodium using a controlled hypotensive hemorrhage pig model. After 30-min baseline pe

Kilohertz serial crystallography with the JUNGFRAU detector at a fourth-generation synchrotron source

Serial and time-resolved macromolecular crystallography are on the rise. However, beam time at X-ray free-electron lasers is limited and most thirdgeneration synchrotron-based macromolecular crystallography beamlines do not offer the necessary infrastructure yet. Here, a new setup is demonstrated, based on the JUNGFRAU detector and Jungfraujoch data-acquisition system, that enables collection of k

Civil Society Boundary Crossing and Elite Integration

This chapter explores elite boundary crossing between civil society and other societal sectors—including the state, party politics, and business—and how this may lead to inter-elite integration. We illustrate how qualitative life-work history interviews provide an important complement to established quantitative approaches to the study of elite integration. Through these interviews, we explore theThis chapter explores elite boundary crossing between civil society and other societal sectors—including the state, party politics, and business—and how this may lead to inter-elite integration. We illustrate how qualitative life-work history interviews provide an important complement to established quantitative approaches to the study of elite integration. Through these interviews, we explore the

A sense of seaweed : Consumer liking of bread and spreads with the addition of four different species of northern European seaweeds. A pilot study among Swedish consumers.

Current food systems pose one of the greatest health and environmental challenges of the 21st century. Expanded utilization of seaweed for food in Western societies seems like one promising measure in the transition toward sustainable food systems. However, introducing and expanding seaweed to new markets brings certain challenges, such as limited food acceptance and availability. In this pilot coCurrent food systems pose one of the greatest health and environmental challenges of the 21st century. Expanded utilization of seaweed for food in Western societies seems like one promising measure in the transition toward sustainable food systems. However, introducing and expanding seaweed to new markets brings certain challenges, such as limited food acceptance and availability. In this pilot co

Fashioning the Ecological Crisis : Sustainability and Feminism in Fashion Advertising and Communication in Contemporary Sweden

Stora företag i västvärlden har de senaste åren i ökad takt inkorporerat social rättvisa (jämställdhet, HBTQ+ rättigheter, rättvisa i rasfrågan) och miljörättvisa i deras marknadsföring och reklam. Modebranschen är en av de branscher som har använt sig särskilt mycket av social rättvise-symbolik. Denna avhandling fokuserar på artikulationer av miljö, genus, och ras genom en studie av hållbarhet ocThe corporatisation of social justice (gender justice, LGBTQI+ rights, racial justice) and environmental justice ideals in the last decades has grown immensely in western countries, exemplified by rainbow-clad ATM’s during Pride month or Nike using images of NFL player Kaepernick’s anti-racism protest action of taking a knee during the USA national anthem in a marketing campaign. One of the indust

Salt Effects on Caffeine across Concentration Regimes

Salts affect the solvation thermodynamics of molecules of all sizes; the Hofmeister series is a prime example in which different ions lead to salting-in or salting-out of aqueous proteins. Early work of Tanford led to the discovery that the solvation of molecular surface motifs is proportional to the solvent accessible surface area (SASA), and later studies have shown that the proportionality cons

Adaptive migratory orientation of an invasive pest on a new continent

Many species of insects undertake long-range, seasonally reversed migrations, displaying sophisticated orientation behaviors to optimize their migratory trajectories. However, when invasive insects arrive in new biogeographical regions, it is unclear if migrants retain (or how quickly they regain) ancestral migratory traits, such as seasonally preferred flight headings. Here we present behavioral

Glueball dark matter

We delve deeper into the potential composition of dark matter as stable scalar glueballs from a confining dark SU(N) gauge theory, focusing on N={3,4,5}. To predict the relic abundance of glueballs for the various gauge groups and scenarios of thermalization of the dark gluon gas, we employ a thermal effective theory that accounts for the strong-coupling dynamics in agreement with lattice simulati