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Shaping The Workforce For Tomorrow - Today
The labor market for IT-oriented professions, especially software engineers, is characterized by extensive skills gaps due to fast-evolving technology. The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the work toward closing the skills gap in IT-oriented professions, especially for software engineers, by providing suggestions on how the workforce can be prepared with the skills needed for tomorrow -
Synchrotron X-ray Tomography Study of Bone-implant Integration
Implant loosening is a recurring problem in the field of orthopedics, typically resulting in a physical and financial burden for the patient. Proper integration of orthopedic implants within host bones is a fundamental requirement for the successful function and limited risk of failure of implants which, in-vivo, must support various loading conditions. This implant fixation is highly dependent on
Dagligvaruhandelns nyfunna vardag
Alkoholkultur hos socionomstudenter - en jämförande studie av socionomstudenters alkoholkultur vid Socialhögskolan Lund och Campus Helsingborg
The aim of this study was to examine the alcohol culture amongst students in social work at Lund University, but with different places of study, i.e. Lund and Helsingborg. The studies purpose was to see if there was any difference between the genders as well as between the two places of study in question about drinking behavior according to AUDIT. To be able to meet the aims of the study I used a
Patriarkala strukturer i regeringens döda vinkel? En analys av svenska regeringens handlingsplan för jämställda livsinkomster
Contested Urban Green Space: An Analysis of Right to the City and Affordable Housing Discourses in Cape Town
With rapid urbanisation, local governments are increasingly put under pressure to manage urban space in a way that benefits all citizens. Urban space often become contested and economic, political, social, and environmental interests shape how these spaces are used and managed. In the context of Cape Town, two mayor interests that determine spatial development are urban greening and affordable hou
Building a neural network for the analysis of fracture in concrete
SAAB Dynamics produces and develops warheads and uses computer simulations to evaluate its products. Recently, SAAB has begun using neural networks to quickly obtain accurate outputs, based on simulated data, from a set of input variables with success. This thesis investigated whether interim data in the form of video frames can improve the output of the network. This thesis investigated the use o
Manage your innovation
Course BUSN79 Degree Project Authors Rebecca Petersson & Ivar Stiernspetz Advisor Anna Glenngård Examiner Anders Anell Five key words Management control, Simons’ Levers of Control, Ambidexterity, Explorative innovation, Exploitative innovation. Purpose: The study aspires to explore if and how exploitative and explorative units within the same firm require different adaptation of Management
“The Swedish Dream” - Immigrant entrepreneurship in Sweden between 1880 and 1910
This thesis analyzes the impact of immigrant entrepreneurship on factory ownership in Sweden between 1880-1910. During the Swedish industrial revolution, international migration increased due to significantly changing industries all around Europe. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate whether immigrant entrepreneurs were more likely to become factory owners compared to native Swedes, in the g
Modelling and Control of an Extruder Cooling System
The thesis aims to develop knowledge of the physics and thermodynamics behind a nonlinearity in an air cooling system for an plastic extruder machine. To accomplish this, both nonlinear and linearized models were set up in Matlab and Simulink environments based on the laws of physics and thermodynamics. Simulations were run to achieve and analyze step responses, and different PI control structures
Private Regulatory Governance and Sustainable Development: Is there a connection? Mapping linkages of Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) share similar objectives. VSS are being increasingly used because of their claims to address sustainability issues at the production stage, such as greenhouse gas emissions in production, biodiversity conservation, labor rights, worker’s wages, local pollution and good corporate governance. These issues are also
What Makes a Conversation Difficult?: Investigating the Role of Content and Interpersonal Relationships in Managerial Conversations
Dealing with difficult conversations is recognised as being one of the most challenging aspects of the managerial role. Scholarly research within this field is primarily normative in its nature where difficult conversations are still poorly understood from managers’ point of view. This thesis aimed to explore and analyse how middle managers perceive difficult one-on-one conversations in terms of t
Mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relation. -Två skildringar. En verklighet. En komparativ innehållsanalys av rättsväsendets respektive medias skildringar av problem i rättsprocessen.
Under våren 2021, som konsekvens av att fem kvinnor dödades i Sverige av sin nuvarande/dåvarande partner, blossade både politiska och mediala diskussioner i samhället upp som rörde ämnet mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relation. Studien syftar till att med hjälp av metoden innehållsanalys analysera hur problem i rättsprocessen för mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relation skildras i myndighetsdokument jäIn the spring of 2021, there was an uprising in both politics and in media concerning men´s violence against women in Sweden. This was an effect risen from the cause of five female victims who met their death due to violence from their respective male partners/ex-partners in the interval of only three weeks. This study approaches how problems in the legal process of men´s domestic violence against
Normative Power Europe & AI: How the EU intends to normatively govern artificial intelligence technologies through the Artificial Intelligence Act and its “trustworthy” and “human-centric” approach
Artificial intelligence is expected to be the next paradigm shift in technology, akin to the steam engine or electricity in its universality and all-encompassing impact. Regulating an innovation of this magnitude is important, however challenging, as evidenced by the European Union’s recently proposed Artificial Intelligence Act. This thesis sets out to understand the EU as a normative actor in th
Value Stream Mapping as a Basis for Waste Removal in the Agri-Food Industry
Background: The case company is a Swedish family-owned business, operating in the agri-food industry. Their philosophy is to develop, produce, and sell frozen products from the vegetable kingdom with a focus to be organic and convenient. The company has realized that the production layout and the material flow cause a lot of waste and have great potential for improvements regarding efficiency in p
Reporting of Performance Measures - An empirical study of Swedish municipalities with a municipal perspective
Sedan korslimmat trä (KL-trä) utvecklades i centrala Europa för cirka 30 år sedan har dess användande inom byggnadssektorn ökat kraftigt. Dess många fördelar, som till exempel den snabba tillverkningen och monteringen, hållbarheten ur ett miljöperspektiv, samt goda bärförmåga i både längs- och tvärriktningen, är anledningar till detta. För att förbättra möjligheterna till effektivt materialutnyttjThis project concerns an analysis of a hitherto untested method for determining the modulus of elasticity (MoE) and shear modulus parallel to grain, as well as the rolling shear modulus of cross laminated timber (CLT) through 3-point bending tests. A review of analytical models and methods is included, followed by an evaluation of the effect of the annual ring orientation and shear stress distribu
När nykomlingarna får bestämma - En kvalitativ studie av chefers syn på och ledarskapsmässiga anpassning till anställda tillhörande generation Z
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur chefer upplever generation Z och vilka drag de tillskriver de anställda utifrån generationstillhörighet. Vidare att förstå hur ledarna anser att de bör anpassa sitt ledarskap till följd av de tillskrivna dragen och på så sätt bidra till teorin om implicita följarskapsteorier. Metod: För att uppnå studiens syfte och besvara frågeställningen har en sPurpose: The aim of this study is to analyze how managers perceive generation Z and what attributes they ascribe to the employees based on generational belonging. Furthermore, what adaptations of their leadership they claim to make as consequence to the ascribed characteristics. In this way, we also make a contribution to implicit followership theories. Methodology: In order to achieve the purpos
Bevare mig väl! : Om användningen av det okatalogiserade trycket på Lunds universitetsbibliotek
Deliver us from evil! : A study of the use of the uncatalogued small print and ephemera at the Lund University Library. Since 1698 everything printed in Sweden has been delivered to, kept, and made accessible at, the Lund University Library. A considerable part of the material is arranged according to the principle of provenance in a collection with an annual growth of approximately 150 shelfmet