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Electromagnetic form factors of the transition from the spin-3/2 Σ to the Λ hyperon
The three electromagnetic form factors for the transition from a 3/2+Σ∗ hyperon to the ground-state Λ hyperon are studied. At low energies, combinations of the transition form factors can be deduced from Dalitz decays of the Σ∗ hyperon to Λ plus an electron-positron pair. It is pointed out how more information can be obtained with the help of the self-analyzing weak decay of the Λ. In particular,
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Recension av Eric Helleiner, "The Making of National Money. Territorial Currencies in Historical Perspective"
Foetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia – The role of the HLA-DRB3*01:01 allele for HPA-1a-immunisation and foetal/neonatal outcome
Foetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) is the platelet counterpart of haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn. Among Caucasians, around 80 % of FNAIT cases and some of the most severe cases, are caused by alloantibodies against the human platelet antigen 1a (HPA-1a). For around 3 decades it has been known that almost all HPA-1a-immunised women are HLA-DRB3*01:01 positive. The
Gribshunden, Griffen, Gripen
Buying Them Off or Scaring Them Straight: Explaining Warlord Democrats’ Electoral Rhetoric
Mänskliga rättigheter som motstånd
Ingmar Brohed 3 januari 1940–27 mars 2019
Neurocognitive and psychosocial outcomes in adult survivors of childhood soft-tissue sarcoma : A report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort
Background: To the authors' knowledge, few studies to date have examined long-term neurocognitive outcomes in survivors of childhood soft-tissue sarcoma. Methods: A total of 150 survivors (41% of whom were female with a mean current age of 33 years [SD, 8.9 years] and a time since diagnosis of 24 years [SD, 8.7 years]) and 349 community controls (56% of whom were female with a mean current age of
Musical Singularity and the Case of Digital Music Archives
In the last decade the Internet as we know it has developed rapidly. With it music has been spread, consumed and absorbed in manners that ultimately questions both its status as well as its possibilities. In a digital age, does it make sense to think of music as progressing after certain inherent logics? Is music not enmeshed in our digital doings to such a degree that the entire foundation for ho
Characteristics of occupational therapy and physiotherapy within the context of reablement in Swedish municipalities : A national survey
Reablement is a multidisciplinary, home-based intervention implemented for people at risk of functional decline and losing independence aiming to optimise functioning and independence in activities of daily living. There is limited knowledge about what characterises the intervention and the role of different professionals. The purpose of this study was to explore the characteristics and difference
Recension av Paul Mizen (red), Monetary History, Exchange Rates and Financial Markets: Essays in Honour of Charles Goodhart. Volume Two
Problem gambling, associations with comorbid health conditions, substance use, and behavioural addictions : Opportunities for pathways to treatment
Background Problem gambling is a public health issue and its comorbidity with other health conditions may provide an opportunity for screening in healthcare settings; however, a high level of uncertainty and a lack of research in the field remains. The objective of this study is to investigate potential associations between problem gambling and numerous other health conditions, including substance
Large-Scale Retrieval of Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter in Northern Lakes Using Sentinel-2 Data
Owing to the significant societal value of inland water resources, there is a need for cost-effective monitoring of water quality on large scales. We tested the suitability of the recently launched Sentinel-2A to monitor a key water quality parameter, coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM), in various types of lakes in northern Sweden. Values of a(420)CDOM (CDOM absorption at 420 nm wavelength)
Convergence in the p-Contest
We study asymptotic properties of the following Markov system of N≥3 points in [0, 1]. At each time step, the point farthest from the current centre of mass, multiplied by a constant p>0, is removed and replaced by an independent ζ-distributed point; the problem, inspired by variants of the Bak–Sneppen model of evolution and called a p-contest, was posed in Grinfeld et al. (J Stat Phys 146, 378–40