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Grain-level mechanism of plastic deformation in harmonic structure materials revealed by high resolution X-ray diffraction

Materials with heterogeneous microstructures have been reported to have an attractive combination of strength and ductility. This is attributed to synergistic strengthening effects from the difference in strength of fine- and coarse-grained regions. Understanding the interaction of the regions is crucial for further optimization of the microstructures. In this work, we fabricated nickel of harmoni

50 Years of quantum chromodynamics : Introduction and Review

Quantum Chromodynamics, the theory of quarks and gluons, whose interactions can be described by a local SU(3) gauge symmetry with charges called “color quantum numbers”, is reviewed; the goal of this review is to provide advanced Ph.D. students a comprehensive handbook, helpful for their research. When QCD was “discovered” 50 years ago, the idea that quarks could exist, but not be observed, left m

Klipp och klistra i kommersialiseringens spår : om förekomsten av rewrites och byråmaterial i den digitala journalistiken

This thesis explores the effects of digitalization and commercialization within the field of journalism. As the media landscape undergoes a transformative phase, driven by rapid technological advancements and increased commercial imperatives, this study aims to unravel the complexities of how these forces shape journalistic practices. More specifically it seeks to provide a nuanced understanding o

Riskerar svenska löner att vara oskäliga? - En analys av svensk lönebildning och begreppet skälig lön

EU:s direktiv om tillräckliga minimilöner har mötts av blandad kritik samt oro på den svenska arbetsmarknaden, och anses vara ett hot mot den svenska modellen. Med hänsyn till motståndet är det relevant att utforska vilken påverkan direktivet kan komma att ha på den svenska lönebildningen samt att utreda vilken betydelse direktivet kan få för tolkningen av begreppet skälig lön. Även regeringens hö

A reasonable redeployment - A comparative study about redeployment for redundancy in Sweden and Germany

This essay explores the obligation to redeploy as a result of redundancy, conducting a comparative analysis of the redeployment processes in Sweden and Germany. The purpose of the essay is to examine what constitutes a reasonable redeployment in each country and identify differences and similarities in their respective legislation. This is achieved by using the legal dogmatic method, as the study

The Digital Student - challenges and opportunities using the computer as main instrument in music education in Sweden

Teachers in the aesthetic program in upper secondary school in Sweden have identified that there are great opportunities and challenges in teaching and working with students who have EDI as their main instrument. From a student perspective it has relevance to being part of meaningful music education developing their musical identity. Students playing EDI can explore an array of electronical musica

Ansvarsbegränsningar i kommersiella avtalsförhållanden – särskilt i ljuset av NJA 2022 s. 354

Ansvarsbegränsningar är idag ett vanligt förekommande inslag i avtal, i synnerhet i kommersiella sådana. Syftet med inkorporeringen av en ansvarsbegränsningsklausul är vanligtvis att parterna söker reglera riskfördelningen sig emellan. Ansvarsbegränsningen sätter då en prägel på avtalsförhållandet, vilken många gånger tar sig uttryck i form av att skadeståndsansvaret begränsas i sig eller att ett Contractual terms that limit the liability are widely used nowadays, particularly in commercial agreements. The purpose of the incorporation of liability limitations is usually that the contracting parties want to regulate the allocation of risks between them. The liability limitation then sets the scene for the agreement, which often takes the form of the general liability being limited or a maxi

The Extent of the Freedom of Expression - An analysis of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights in light of the Quran burnings in Sweden

Denna uppsats baseras på de senaste händelserna med koranbränningar i Sverige, vilket väckt viktiga frågor om omfattningen av yttrandefriheten i enlighet med Artikel 10 i Europakonventionen. Yttrandefriheten är inte utan begränsningar och trots att dess syfte är att skydda åsikter från statlig inbladning, kan den inte rättfärdiga våld eller kränka andra rättigheter som fastställs i EuropakonventioThis thesis is based on the latest Quran burnings in Sweden which have raised important questions about the extent of the freedom of expression in Article 10 of the ECHR. The freedom of expression is not without limitations, while its intent is to safeguard opinions from governmental interference, it cannot justify violence or infringe upon other rights stipulated in the ECHR. This creates a gray

Levnadsstandard i land och stad - hur påverkar kostnader?

Inkomsterna är högre i städerna än på landsbygden. Samtidigt kan det vara dyrare att bo i städer och för den som bor på landsbygden kan resekostnader var höga. Detta väcker en viktig fråga: Är skillnaden mellan städer och landsbygd mindre när man tar hänsyn till skillnader i boende- och resekostnader, dvs. när man använder ett mått på levnadsstandard som även inkluderar kostnader? Rapporten finner

I stället för en annan : Minnesplatser och vittnesretorik i Göran Rosenbergs Ett kort uppehåll på vägen från Auschwitz

In the Stead of Another: Memory Places and the Rhetoric of Witnessing in Göran Rosenberg’s A Brief Stop on the Road from Auschwitz (I stället för en annan. Minnesplatser och vittnesretorik i Göran Rosenbergs Ett kort uppehåll på vägen från Auschwitz)As the last witnesses of the Nazi genocide disappear, the question of who can speak in their stead about the horrors of the Holocaust surfaces with re

Competition between terminating and collective structures above spin 40ℏ in 154Dy

High-spin states in 154Dy were studied with the Gammasphere spectrometer using the 36S(122Sn,4n) reaction. Band terminating states were identified in the spin range I= (36-48)ℏ, and were found to compete with collective rotational cascades up to the highest observed spins. Several "sidebands" feeding the terminating structures were identified as well. A band dominated by M1 transitions was observe

Ethics rounds in the ambulance service : a qualitative evaluation

BackgroundIt is a common ethical challenge for ambulance clinicians to care for patients with impaired decision-making capacities while assessing and determining the degree of decision-making ability and considering ethical values. Ambulance clinicians’ ethical competence seems to be increasingly important in coping with such varied ethical dilemmas. Ethics rounds is a model designed to promote th

Crime Writing and Social Marketing as Creative Work

Crime fiction has become one of Sweden's biggest cultural exports. In this chapter, we discuss how individual crime fiction writers are used as role models for how creative industries should function in both local and global contexts. They appear to be at the forefront of outreach to an international audience, how to market books and your own author brand through events, and how to make a successf

Friskrivningsklausuler i juridiska rådgivningsavtal – Om användandet av klausultypen i förhållande till 36 § avtalslagen

I samband med att kommersiella uppdragsavtal om juridisk rådgivning träffas är det inte ovanligt att avtalsparterna samtidigt avtalar om att begränsa rådgivarens ansvar med hjälp av en så kallad friskrivningsklausul. Syftet med användandet av sådana klausuler kan vara att kanalisera avtalets risker till den part som besitter bäst kapacitet att hantera risken. En annan anledning kan vara att man soWhen a commercial contract regarding legal services is concluded, the liability of the legal advisor is often limited by agreeing on a so-called exemption clause. The purpose of agreeing on such a clause may be to channel the risks of the agreement to the party with the best capacity to manage the risk. Alternatively, a contracting party could have an interest in using the clause simply to reduce