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Kultur Skånes kommunikation med sina målgrupper - Hur kan den förbättras?

Syftet med rapporten är att förbättra och effektivisera Kultur Skånes kommuni-kation med sina externa målgrupper. Som ett led i processen har en målgruppsanalys gjorts, där resultatet blev en ny målgruppsuppdelning, som presenteras i en matris. Med hjälp av en målhierarkimodell och kvalitativa undersökningar i form av enkätutskick och djupintervjuer med målgrupperna, har resultat kunnat presentera

Kvinnobilder i förändring? En studie av kvinnans gestaltning i svenska musikmagasin

I denna medievetenskapliga uppsats har vi riktat vår uppmärksamhet mot den svenska musikjournalistiken och utifrån ett genusperspektiv undersökt vilka kvinnobilder som manifesteras och hur dessa förändrats över tid. Anslaget har varit hermeneutiskt då vi valt att genomföra en komparativ kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de två musikmagasinen Pop och Sonic där tidsspannet varit nio år. Analysen har vis

France for the (Naturalized) French? Multiculturalism and French National Identity

Following the inauguration of the ministry for Immigration, Integration, Co-development and National identity (MIICNI) in May 2007, French national identity has been the focus of close scrutiny. In a pioneering governmental project France is seeking to promote national identity, but is the promotion of national identity compatible with multicultural diversity? The paper is a discussion of the gove

Towards good and effective management in a museum: the importance to understand understanding

In order to become a high performing organisation and to certify as an "Investor In People", the Museum in this study wants to develop a shared definition of good and effective management. Hence, ten senior managers were interviewed using a qualitative and semi structured approach. The management situation at the museum was analysed using four leadership paradigms; Classical, Transaction

Better Relationships, Enhanced Development: The Role of Social Capital and Community Based Organizations in Development for Rural Bangladesh

The aim of this Masters Thesis was to investigate whether social capital is translated into performance by the Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to reach collective goals for the development of the community in rural Bangladesh. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this study. This research was carried out in eight villages of Bangladesh and two hundred households were surveye

Experten inom den offentliga förvaltningen En studie av problem kring expertkunskap i Lunds kommun

Den här uppsatsen diskuterar expertproblematik inom organisationer. Olika kunskapsnivåer hos de anställda kan leda till att vissa inte har någon insyn i arbetet och en dålig uppfattning om var ansvaret finns. Samtidigt kan de som besitter en specialkunskap få ett för stort inflytande och utöva makt över andra inom organisationen. Vi har i den här uppsatsen undersökt hur problematiken ser ut i Lund

Ecclesia viva Ecclesia communitatis aut antiquary = En levande kyrka : Församlingens kyrka eller antikvariens?

There are about 3 500 churches protected under the Heritage Conservation Act in Sweden today. These churches still belong to living congregations that want to be able to adapt them to the needs of today, just like people have done throughout history. But since the churches are protected, the congregations have to apply for a permit and that is not always given. This can lead to frustration, and yo

The Internationalisation of the Swedish Armed Forces

In this bachelors thesis I focus on the current change in the Swedish Armed Forces. The new international security context makes the Armed Forces´ old strategies inaccurate. New threats are replacing the old ones. Sweden no longer have a need for a grand defence against an invasion and the military has therefore changed towards an internationalised organisation, which is more and more integrated w

Pluralismens utmaningar - En teoriprövande studie med Belgien och Schweiz.

This thesis is set out as a testing of the crosscutting cleavages theory on two contemporary cases. The aim is to test the explanation process of the crosscutting theory applied to the political and social situations in Belgium and Switzerland and furthermore to examine potential conflicts in pluralistic states. Our main question is: How can the crosscutting cleavages theory explain the differen

Promoting Innovation through Incubation in Beijing : An Innovation Systems Approach to Characterizing High-Tech Business Incubators and Start-Up Companies

Taking an innovation systems approach, this study sought to characterize high-tech business incubators and incubated companies in Beijing in terms of their institutional environment, interaction with other entities in the innovation system, and knowledge content. In-depth interviews were conducted with entrepreneurs and incubator managers and a survey based on these interviews was carried out. The

Sex ungdomars upplevelser av MTFC-programmet (Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care)

The purpose of this study is to make a qualitative evaluation of the MTFC-program (Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care) on the basis of six youth´s experiences of the program. The study will investigate what the youth experienced as positive and negative about the program as well as finding out what has helped them or inhibited them from the aim of getting out of their criminal lifestyle. A sec

Beyond Asymmetry: the Changing Face of Sino-Indian Diplomatic, Security and Economic Relations (1950s-2000s)

China and India are two countries that had been in the positions of ally and rival in modern history. After the Cold War, there was a change in the relationship between China and India. India, being one of the important neighboring countries of China, its diplomatic and military strategy holds the key to China's security in its western border and has great impact on China's foreign policy.


The purpose of this study was to understand how the transformations taking place in reform-era Shanghai affected HIV/AIDS from a prevention perspective, both in terms of risks and opportunities. Three main questions were asked: what is the situation of HIV/AIDS in Shanghai, how are the transformations taking place in Shanghai during the reform era contributing to the creation of a risk environment

Hur resonerar personalen på ett gruppboende kring brukarnas fritidsaktiviteter?

Den här uppsatsen kommer presentera hur personalen på ett specifikt gruppboende resonerar kring brukarnas fritidsaktiviteter i relation till brukarnas behov och personalens egen roll. Vår hypotes är att funktionshindrades självständighet och delaktighet i samhället gynnas av fritidsaktiviteter. Vi menar också att funktionshindrades lärande och bildning påverkas positivt av fritidsaktiviteter. Vi h

Kommunikativ interaktion i den synkrona elektroniska referenstjänsten : Den interpersonella kommunikationen mellan användare och bibliotekarie

The aim of this master thesis is to gain greater knowledge of interpersonal communication. This study explores on one hand how interpersonal communication can be used as an important part of reference work in a Swedish electronic synchronous reference service, and on the other how interpersonal communication affects the relationship between user and librarian. By using communication theory and est

Prediktiv validitet hos Assessment Centres: en studie av Assessment centre bedömningar utförda av PAT Management för Ericsson Mobile Platforms.

The purpose of this study was to investigate a Swedish assessment centre and more specifically the predictive validity of its assessments of ten managers from a Swedish technological company. The study was made by interviews with these managers' executives in order to find out how well their opinion about their employees matched the assessments made by the assessment centre consultants. The re

Olof Palmes statsbesök på Kuba 1975. Vilka faktorer låg bakom besöket och stödet till Castro?

1975 besökte Olof Palme med en delegation den kommunistiska diktaturen Kuba där han uttalade sig positivt om landets utveckling. Dessutom betonades vänskapen mellan länderna. Vilka faktorer låg bakom statsministern agerande? Analysen har utgått från system-, stats- och individnivå, där en addition av dessa tre nivåer lett oss fram till våra resultat. Vid en analys av Olof Palmes belief systems vi

I BRÄNNPUNKTEN: Samhällsekonomisk utvärdering av arbetsmarknadsåtgärder. Illustrerad med hjälp av Brännpunkt i Kävlinge 2002-2005

The purpose of this essay is to examine cost-benefit-analysis as a method of evaluation of labour market policy. To illustrate the possibilities and difficulties of the method chapter four contains a partial cost-benefit-analysis of the results of a labour market project in Kävlinge. The questions this essay strives to answer are the following: What possibilities and difficulties do cost-benefit-a

Korruption i Estland och Lettland, en jämförande studie

Since the breakdown of the Soviet Union, more than fifteen revolutionary years have passed. Estonia and Latvia have undergone a change from communist states to members of the European Union. As in so many other post-communist states corruption has been a problem. However, Estonia has since the independence had a lower degree of corruption than the neighbour country Latvia. The main purpose of

Visionen om en idéernas stad En fallstudie av Lunds kommuns varumärke

Varumärken kan i dag vara allt från Findus, Pampers och ICA till Lunds kommun. På Lunds kommuns hemsida finns en länk som heter "Varumärket Lund" där man kan läsa om kommunens kännetecken. Vårt syfte har varit att identifiera vad som utgör Lunds varumärke, dels utifrån offentliga dokument, dels utifrån intervjuer med chefer i nyckelpositioner. Vi har även fokuserat på hur kommunens för