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Sexualiteten i det terapeutiska rummet

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka psykodynamiska psykoterapeuters erfarenheter av samtal om sexualitet i terapirummet och fördjupa detta kring deras inställning och erfarenhet av intrapsykiska konflikter och hur de kan hänga samman med sexualitet. Sju psykodynamiska legitimerade psykoterapeuter intervjuades och datan analyserades med en konventionell innehållsanalys. Det framkom att psykoteraThe purpose of the study was to examine the experiences of psychodynamic psychotherapists talking about sexuality in the therapeutic room and gain an enhanced understanding of their views of and experiences of intrapsychic conflicts and how they can be connected to sexuality. Seven psychodynamic legitimised psychotherapists were interviewed and the data were analysed using a conventional content a

Associativ inlärning med händerna hos barn – Lär vi oss språk bättre i en fysisk kontext?

Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka om barn i skolåldern lär sig ord på ett främmande språk bättre genom Virtual Reality (VR), där flera sinnen används, eller genom en datorskärm som är en mer traditionell inlärningsmetod. Vidare var syftet att undersöka sambandet mellan koncentration och de två inlärningsmetoderna. Metod: I studien deltog 71 elever i årskurs 4 och 6. Deltagarna fick tränPurpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze whether school-aged children learn words in a foreign language better by using Virtual Reality (VR), where they use multiple senses, or by using a computer which is a more traditional way of learning. Furthermore, the purpose was to investigate the relationship between concentration and the two different ways of word learning. Method: 71 students

Interbedömarreliabilitetstestning av den svenska översättningen av revised Patterson Edema Scale

Bakgrund: Upp till 90 % av alla som behandlats för huvud- och halscancer får lymfödem. Lymfödem i svalget kan bland annat leda till eller förvärra dysfagi. Idag finns det inget standardiserat svenskt material för att bedöma laryngofaryngeala ödem till följd av huvud- och halscancer. Syfte: Studien syftar till att reliabilitetstesta den svenska översättningen av revised Patterson Edema Scale, Sv-r-Introduction: Up to 90 % of patients treated for head and neck cancer suffer from internal and/or external lymphoedema. Internal lymphoedema can contribute to, or exacerbate, dysphagia. There are no standardized Swedish assessment materials for internal head neck lymphoedema following head and neck cancer. Purpose: This study aims to test the reliability of the Swedish translated revised Patterson

Terapeutens val av teori och metod -en närstudie av psykoterapeutiskt arbete

Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka faktorer som psykoterapeuter menar inverkar på deras val av teori, modell och teknik i det klientnära arbetet samt hur psykoterapeuter upplever att deras val av terapeutiska verktyg anpassas till klienters situation och behov. Detta undersöktes genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer, sex legitimerade psykoterapeuter och en blivande psykoterapeut deltog. InterThe aim of this study was to explore which factors psychotherapists´ believe influence their choice of theory, model and techniques in their practical work and how psychotherapists experience their choice of therapeutic tools is adapted to clients’ situations and needs. Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted, six certified psychotherapists and one psychotherapist student participated. The

Som en ropar får en svar - En kvalitativ studie om salutogenes vid bedömningar inom BUP.

I en tid av fokus på diagnoser och ökande psykisk ohälsa är det intressant att se vilken plats salutogenesen har inom BUP. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur behandlare verksamma inom BUP ser på det salutogena perspektivets plats på BUP vid bedömningar. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie, där sex yrkesverksamma behandlare inom BUP har intervjuats. Data analyserades med reflexiv tematiskIn a time where a lot of focus is on diagnosis and increased psychiatric unhealthiness it is interesting to investigate the place of salutogenesis in BUP, the communal Swedish child psychiatry. The aim of this study was to explore how therapists within BUP perceive salutogenesis. The study is a qualitative interview study, containing six interviews. The data was analyzed with reflexive thematic an

Döden i terapirummet

Studiens syfte var att belysa hur erfarna psykodynamiska psykoterapeuter tar sig an döden som tema i psykoterapirummet. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta legitimerade psykodynamiska psykoterapeuter. Varje enskild psykoterapeut hade mer än tjugo års erfarenhet av att bedriva psykodynamisk psykoterapi. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys vilket kom att resultThe purpose of the study was to shed light on how experienced psychodynamic psychotherapists address the topic of death in the psychotherapy room. Semistructured interviews were conducted with eight licensed psychodynamic psychotherapists. Each therapist had more than twenty years of experience practicing psychodynamic psychotherapy. The interview material was analyzed using thematic analysis, res

Unlocking the Power of Data - Accessibility and Data Portability Rights under the Data Act

Following the rapidly evolving landscape of the policies set forth by the European Union (EU) in the digital sphere, it is the area of governing and regulating data that constitutes the core of the 2030 EU Digital Compass. Addressing the current lack of clarity regarding who can use the data and the imbalance in data-sharing agreements between Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and dominant marke

Towards a resilient and resource-efficient local food system based on industrial symbiosis in Härnösand : a Swedish case study

The endeavour to align the goals of the Swedish food strategy with the national environmental quality objectives and the 17 global SDGs, presents an extraordinary challenge that calls for systemic innovation. Industrial symbiosis can potentially provide the means for increasing sustainable food production, using locally sub-exploited resources that can reduce the need for land, agrochemicals, tran

Towards visual strategic communications : an innovative interdisciplinary perspective on visual dimensions within the strategic communications field

The purpose of this paper is to explore how a visual perspective can be applied to strategic communication research. First, the term visual communication will be examined from various perspectives with an attempt to develop a foundation for this new academic territory. Second, this study summarises how visual approaches are applied in strategic communication research during 2005-2015, this is donePurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore how a visual perspective can be applied to strategic communication research. First, the term visual communication will be examined from various perspectives with an attempt to develop a foundation for this new academic territory. Second, this study summarises how visual approaches are applied in strategic communication research during 2005-2015, this

Artificiell Intelligens i arbetslivet - Kan användningen av AI i rekryteringsprocesser minska risken för diskriminering?

Användningen av Artificiell Intelligens har ökat de senaste åren och många arbetsgivare väljer att integrera AI i rekryteringsprocessen i syfte att vara kostnads- och tidseffektiva. Men användningen av AI medför betydande nackdelar såsom oavsiktlig diskriminering. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka den rättsliga reglering inom diskrimineringsrätten när AI används i rekryteringsprocesser. Vidare kThe use of Artificial Intelligence has increased in recent years and many employers choose to integrate AI into the recruitment process in order to be cost and time efficient. But the use of AI brings significant disadvantages such as unintentional discrimination. The essay aims to investigate the legal regulation within discrimination law when AI is used within recruitment processes. Furthermore,

“Tidsfråga innan någon dör” Personals hantering av vardagligt hot och våld inom statlig ungdomsvård

This study aimed to explore staff's experiences of handling threats and violence by youth clients within The National Board of Institutional Care (Statens Institutionsstyrelse). The method chosen for this study was six different semi-structured qualitative interviews with staff working on the floor with youths. Our empirical material was analyzed using Arlie Russell Hochschild’s theory on emot

Socialarbetares arbete med flyktingungdomars integrationsprocess - En kvalitativ studie med hjälp av “mixed methods”

This study aims to explore and analyze the efforts of social workers to facilitate the integration of refugee youth within a municipality's labor market unit. With a mixed methods approach, consisting of semi-structured interviews and shadowing, this study has engaged in a meticulous exploration of the topic at hand. The selection of respondents has been crafted through a combination of conven

Combined genetic-pharmacologic inactivation of tightly linked ADAMTS proteases in temporally specific windows uncovers distinct roles for versican proteolysis and glypican-6 in cardiac development

Extracellular matrix remodeling mechanisms are understudied in cardiac development and congenital heart defects. We show that matrix-degrading metalloproteases ADAMTS1 and ADAMTS5, are extensively co-expressed during mouse cardiac development. The mouse mutants of each gene have mild cardiac anomalies, however, their combined genetic inactivation to elicit cooperative roles is precluded by tight g

Translation, validity and reliability of the persian version of the rapid assessment of physical activity questionnaire

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to produce a valid and reliable Persian version of the Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA) questionnaire, which previously has been shown to be valid and reliable for assessing physical activity among older adults. Methods: Permission was obtained from the scale developer, who provided a copy of the the Linguistic Validation of the RAPA Qestionnaire,

Can heavy metal pollution stress reduce microbial carbon-use efficiencies?

The fate of soil organic matter (OM) is determined by its microbial use for growth or respiration. Many environmental factors influence microbial OM use, including the presence of contaminants and toxins in the environment, such as heavy metals. We evaluated short- and long-term responses of microbial processes to metal contamination by estimating biomass concentrations and growth rates of bacteri

MERTK in the rat trigeminal system : a potential novel target for cluster headache?

The trigeminal system is key to the pathophysiology of migraine and cluster headache, two primary headache disorders that share many features. Recently, MER proto-oncogene tyrosine kinase (MERTK), a cell surface receptor, was strongly associated with cluster headache through genetic studies. Further, the MERTK ligand galectin-3 has been found to be elevated in serum of migraine patients. In this s

Exploring exercise-driven exerkines : unraveling the regulation of metabolism and inflammation

Exercise has many beneficial effects that provide health and metabolic benefits. Signaling molecules are released from organs and tissues in response to exercise stimuli and are widely termed exerkines, which exert influence on a multitude of intricate multi-tissue processes, such as muscle, adipose tissue, pancreas, liver, cardiovascular tissue, kidney, and bone. For the metabolic effect, exerkin

How to think about freedom of thought (and opinion) in the age of AI

The freedoms of thought (and opinion) are considered as absolute rights within the human rights law framework. Though found in separate provisions within the human rights instruments, the content and contours of these freedoms are largely interchangeable and overlap. The freedom of thought (and opinion) consists of three elements, namely, that thoughts and opinions can be kept private; thoughts ca

Fungal decomposition and transformation of molecular and colloidal fractions of dissolved organic matter extracted from boreal forest soil

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a central role in soil carbon (C) dynamics, serving as both a substrate for microbial decomposers and a source of material stabilised via physical protection in molecular aggregates and associations with mineral particles. It is well established that soil microorganisms play a key role in mineral-associated C aggregates; however, their impacts on molecular aggr