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Your search for "*" yielded 528498 hits

Compensation for latency in XR offloaded tasks using pose prediction

As Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) glasses continue to advance, becoming more compact and user-friendly, certain computationally demanding tasks are being offloaded to edge networks or the cloud. This shift, while enhancing the capabilities of AR/MR glasses, will introduce a new challenge—latency. Latency occurs when there is a need to transmit data to a remote processing unit, perfo

Large-scale genome sequencing of mycorrhizal fungi provides insights into the early evolution of symbiotic traits

Mycorrhizal fungi are mutualists that play crucial roles in nutrient acquisition in terrestrial ecosystems. Mycorrhizal symbioses arose repeatedly across multiple lineages of Mucoromycotina, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota. Considerable variation exists in the capacity of mycorrhizal fungi to acquire carbon from soil organic matter. Here, we present a combined analysis of 135 fungal genomes from 73

Increased Diameter and Stiffness of Elastic but Not Muscular Arteries in Men with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

It has been proposed that formation of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is part of a systemic arterial dilatative disease. However, arteries in the upper extremity are scarcely studied and it remains unclear whether both muscular and elastic arteries are affected by the proposed systemic arterial dilatation. The aim of this study was to investigate diameter and stiffness of muscular and elastic art

Främjandet av mångfald och inkludering i anläggningsprojekt

Byggbranschen är sedan länge känd för att vara en mansdominerad bransch som kännetecknas av macho-beteenden. Trots ökad medvetenhet om behovet av mångfald och inkludering, där det alltmer arbetas med dessa frågor i dagens byggbransch, är representationen bland kvinnor och andra minoriteter fortfarande låg. Stereotyper och fördomar kvarstår än idag, vilket hotar branschens framtid att vara mångfald

Partial overlap of fungal communities associated with nettle and poplar roots when co-occurring at a trace metal contaminated site

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) raises growing interest in phytomanagement because it commonly grows under poplar Short Rotation Coppices (SRC) set up at trace-metal (TM) contaminated sites and provides high-quality herbaceous fibres. The mycobiome of this non-mycorhizal plant and its capacity to adapt to TM-contaminated environments remains unknown. This study aimed at characterizing the mycob

Influence of CD4 or CD8 deficiency on collagen-induced arthritis

The role of T cells in the mouse collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) model for rheumatoid arthritis is not clarified, and different results have been reported concerning the role of CD4 and CD8 T cells. To address this issue, we have investigated B10.Q mice deficient for CD4 or CD8. The mice lacking CD4 were found to be less susceptible to disease, but not completely resistant, whereas the CD8 defici

Wood-decay type and fungal guild dominance across a North American log transplant experiment

We incubated 196 large-diameter aspen (Populus tremuloides), birch (Betula papyrifera), and pine (Pinus taeda) logs on the FACE Wood Decomposition Experiment encompassing eight climatically-distinct forest sites in the United States. We sampled dead wood from these large-diameter logs after 2 to 6 y of decomposition and determined wood rot type as a continuous variable using the lignin loss/densit

Making professional development flexible : A case study

There seems to be a relentless pressure to move towards more flexible approaches to learning and teaching in higher education, as described by Latchem and Hanna (2002) elsewhere in this issue. To achieve this, academic staff need to have access to professional development opportunities in flexible learning. This case study describes the experience of trying to 'practice what we preach' in terms of

Genetic heterogenity of autoimmune disorders in the NOD mouse

The nonobese diabetic mouse is highly susceptible not only to diabetes but to several autoimmune diseases, and one might suspect that these are controlled by a shared set of genes. However, based on various gene-segregation experiments, it seems that only a few loci are shared and that each disorder is influenced also by a unique set of genes.

Gamma-Ray Bursts as Distance Indicators by a Statistical Learning Approach

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) can be probes of the early Universe, but currently, only 26% of GRBs observed by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory have known redshifts (z) due to observational limitations. To address this, we estimated the GRB redshift (distance) via a supervised statistical learning model that uses optical afterglow observed by Swift and ground-based telescopes. The inferred redshifts a

Familjecentral i tiden? En programteoretisk analys

Family centers have undergone a strong expansion for families with children in Sweden and represent a large part of the health promotion and prevention work. At the same time, difficulties are described in reaching target groups such as foreign-born parents, parents with a lack of trust in social services, parents with mental illness, or disabilities, and co-parents. The purpose of this study was

Temporal RX-algorithm performance on Sentinel-2 images

The increasing availability of satellite images with seemingly ever increasing spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution is a treasure when searching for information about activity on the surface of the earth. However, the large amount of data is challenging for humans to search through. Anomaly detection in time series of satellite images could potentially help humans to search specific areas fo

Better off by risk adjustment? Socioeconomic disparities in care utilization in Sweden following a payment reform

Reducing socioeconomic health inequalities is a key goal of most health systems. A challenge in this regard is that healthcare providers may have incentives to avoid or undertreat patients who are relatively costly to treat. Due to the socioeconomic gradient in health, individuals with low socioeconomic status (SES) are especially likely to be negatively affected by such attempts. To counter these

Momskaruseller - Vad borde näringsidkaren ha känt till?

Denna uppsats undersöker om och i så fall hur det nya lagförslaget till 49 kap 5§ SFL, som är avsett att stoppa momskaruseller, kommer att påverka näringsidkare gällande avdragsrätten för ingående moms. SEFI-direktivet är ett juridiskt verktyg för att stoppa momskaruseller. Direktivet kriminaliserar att företag lämnar korrekta uppgifter i ett bedrägligt syfte, och kommer snart att implementeras i This essay investigates whether and, if so, how the new law in 49 § 5 SFL, which is intended to stop VAT carousels, will affect traders regarding the right to deduct VAT. The SEFI Directive is a legal tool to stop VAT carousels. The directive criminalizes companies providing correct information for a fraudulent purpose, and will soon be implemented in Sweden. The Swedish bill contains a text stati

Bländad av grönt - Grönmålning och ett strängare beviskrav mot miljöpåståenden inom marknadsföring

Genom en ökad medvetenhet hos konsumenter om deras klimatavtryck har det blivit viktigt för företag att positionera sig som hållbara. I samband med detta har begreppet ”grönmålning” etablerats inom sammanhang som exempelvis vilseledande marknadsföring, där företag försöker framställa sig som miljövänliga utan en vederhäftig grund. För att adressera innebörden av grönmålning och finna ett tillvägagWith consumers becoming more aware of their environmental footprint, it has become important for companies to position themselves as sustainable. In this context, the term "greenwashing" has been established to describe misleading marketing practices where companies try to portray themselves as environmentally friendly without a valid basis. To address the meaning of greenwashing and fin

Erfarna psykoterapeuters kännedom om compassion fatigue och deras upplevelser av att ta hand om sig själva i sin yrkesroll

Psykoterapeutyrket är stimulerande, meningsfullt och spännande men kan även ge psykoterapeuten negativa fysiska och emotionella symtom av utbrändhet och reducerad förmåga att känna empati för sina patienter. Detta kallas compassion fatigue och kan drabba psykoterapeuter som möter patienter med trauman. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken kunskap psykodynamiska psykoterapeuter hade gälThe psychotherapist profession is stimulating, meaningful and exciting, but can also give the psychotherapist negative physical and emotional symptoms of burnout and reduced ability to empathize with their patients. This is called compassion fatigue and can affect psychotherapists who meet patients with trauma. The purpose of this study was to investigate what knowledge psychodynamic psychotherapi

Vulnerability Levels and Adaptative Capacities to Heatwaves of Citizens in Belgrade, Serbia

Climate observations show that Serbia has been experiencing an increase in mean temperatures and frequency of heatwaves, in part due to its high population growth and unsustainable urbanisation. The goal of this research was to establish the heatwave level of vulnerability in Belgrade municipalities and determine citizens' adaptive capacities. The MOVE framework was used to determine vulnerabi

Place Matters: Understanding the Influence of Emotional and Psychological Connections on Civic Engagement

The global trend of democracy has shown a marked decline, characterized by the erosion of democratic values and the rise of autocratic tendencies and political populism. Simultaneously, citizen participation in liberal democracies has notably decreased in recent decades. Engagement within participatory budgeting will be analyzed through the lens of sense of place. The research aims to investigate