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RawECGNet : Deep Learning Generalization for Atrial Fibrillation Detection From the Raw ECG

Introduction Deep learning models for detecting episodes of atrial fibrillation (AF) using rhythm information in long-term ambulatory ECG recordings have shown high performance. However, the rhythm-based approach does not take advantage of the morphological information conveyed by the different ECG waveforms, particularly the f-waves. As a result, the performance of such models may be inherently l

Water level impact on pine seedlings in greenhouse conditions : assessing growth and survival potential in ditched and managed peatlands

Tree establishment on peatlands has various adverse effects on the environment, with one of the most significant being their transformation from carbon sinks to carbon sources. This transformation has largely been instigated by economic-driven ditching initiatives. In this study, 80 peat-rooted pine seedlings were subjected to hydrological scenarios corresponding to natural, ditched, and rewetted

Women and Water : An Art-Based Academic-Community Partnership

Women constitute most volunteer water stewards in West Virginia. After having conducted participatory research on the motivations behind women’s engagement with water preservation and restoration work we carried out two participatory art-based activities. In this Practices and Curations, we reflect on these two art-based activities to facilitate networking between researchers and participants and

Long-term ambient air pollution and coronary atherosclerosis : Results from the Swedish SCAPIS study

Background and aims: Despite firm evidence for an association between long-term ambient air pollution exposure and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, results from epidemiological studies on the association between air pollution exposure and atherosclerosis have not been consistent. We investigated associations between long-term low-level air pollution exposure and coronary atherosclerosis. Me

Correlation of Professional Antigen-Presenting Tbet+CD11c+ B Cells With Bone Destruction in Untreated Rheumatoid Arthritis

Objective: Subsets of CD21−/low memory B cells (MBCs), including double-negative (DN, CD27−IgD−) and Tbet+CD11c+ cells, are expanded in chronic inflammatory diseases. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), CD21−/low MBCs correlate with joint destruction. However, whether this is due to the Tbet+CD11c+ subset, its function and pathogenic contribution to RA are unknown. This study aims to investigate the ass

Out of Office: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Swedish Party Leaders' Use of Personalization on Instagram

Denna studie utforskar användningen av personalisering på sociala medier av svenska politiker och vilken påverkan det har mätt på engagemang. En kvantitativ innehållsanalys genomfördes med hjälp av data från Instagram-kontona av tre framstående svenska partiledare—Ulf Kristersson, Magdalena Andersson och Jimmie Åkesson—samlad över en tvåårsperiod (2021-2023), med ett urval på 1 287 inlägg. StudienThis study explores the use of personalization on social media by Swedish politicians and its correlation with engagement levels. A quantitative content analysis was conducted using data from the Instagram accounts of three prominent Swedish party leaders—Ulf Kristersson, Magdalena Andersson, and Jimmie Åkesson—collected over a two-year period (2021-2023), with a sample size of 1,287 posts. The st

Den tunna linjen mellan kärlek och hat - En kvantitativ studie av hur relationen mellan varumärke och konsument påverkar responsstrategier i kristid

Studien har sin huvudsakliga grund inom kriskommunikationsfältet. Därtill används det relationella konceptet CBI (sprunget ur varumärkesdisciplinen) för att undersöka huruvida djupa kundrelationer kan sägas påverka organisationer och effektiviteten av responsstrategier i kristid. Vidare använder studien en verklig händelse, ICA och deras rekordstora förtroendetapp 2023, för att kontextualisera ochThis study is primarily rooted in the field of crisis communication. Additionally, it employs the relational concept of CBI (which originates from the field of branding) to investigate whether deep relationships with customers influence the effectiveness of response strategies during a crisis. Furthermore, the study uses a real event—ICA and their record-breaking loss of trust in 2023—to contextua

The Swedish Armed Forces, from battles to storytelling

This thesis seeks to gain a deeper understanding of how entities reliant on governmental funding employ storytelling to convey relevance. The aim is to explore the presented narratives using a qualitative method and conduct a case study of the Swedish Armed Forces's marketing campaigns. The selected and analyzed material consists of two video campaigns from the authority's own YouTube chan

Finns det en så finns det flera - en mångfacetterad eller temporär identitet?

Dynamiken i varumärkeskommunikationen gentemot olika målgrupper, samt dess inverkan på företagsidentitet genom digitala medier utgör en central aspekt av samtida kommunikationsstrategier. Företag står inför utmaningen att upprätthålla en konsekvent varumärkesidentitet samtidigt som de måste anpassa sig till skiftande preferenser och beteenden hos olika marknadssegment. Denna studie undersöker hur The dynamics of brand communication towards various target audiences and its impact on corporate identity via digital media, form a central aspect of contemporary communication strategies. Companies face the challenge of maintaining a consistent brand identity while adapting to shifting preferences and behaviors of different market segments. This study examines how the global fashion company H&

Att navigera kommunikation i politiska stormar

I dagens digitaliserade samhälle fungerar sociala medier som en plattform för att bilda opinion. I kombination med tidigare forskning om ökad press på företag att positionera sig i politiska frågor, samt ett ökat intresse hos konsumenter att konsumera etiskt, medför detta en signifikant utmaning under kriser som uppstått till följd av politiska tolkningar. I denna studie granskas Zara, Balenciaga In today's digitalized society, social media serves as a platform for shaping public opinion. Combined with previous research on the increasing pressure on companies to position themselves on political issues, as well as a growing interest among consumers in ethical and political consumerism, this poses a significant challenge during crises arising from political interpretations. This study ex

Kunskapens stora hus : Huvudlinjer i universitetets historia

Universitetet har ett mäktigt och vida utsträckt förflutet. I högtidliga ögonblick brukar det framhållas som en av de samhällsinstitutioner som har den längsta obrutna traditionen. Under seklernas gång har universitetet varit ett centrum för lärdom, vetenskap och högre utbildning, men det har också kunnat anpassa sig efter nya omständigheter och förväntningar. Med ursprung i det medeltida Europa h

Hand osteoarthritis phenotypes based on a biopsychosocial approach, and their associations with cross-sectional and longitudinal pain

Objective: Hand osteoarthritis (OA) pain is characterized as heterogeneous and multifactorial. Differences in pain may be explained by underlying phenotypes, which have not been previously explored Design: Latent class analysis determined classes of participants with hand OA from the Nor-Hand study baseline examination (2016–17) based on a biopsychosocial framework. Outcomes were hand and overall

Next-generation CD40 agonists for cancer immunotherapy

Introduction: There is a need for new therapies that can enhance response rates and broaden the number of cancer indications where immunotherapies provide clinical benefit. CD40 targeting therapies provide an opportunity to meet this need by promoting priming of tumor-specific T cells and reverting the suppressive tumor microenvironment. This is supported by emerging clinical evidence demonstratin

Aristocrats and Refined Peasants : The Concept of Aristocracy in Swedish Historiography

This article investigates the evolution of aristocracy as a concept in Swedish historiography from the early nineteenth century to the present. In the political climate of the early 1800s, aristocracy became an increasingly contested concept, as reflected in ordinary language and the writing of national histories. A scholarly debate over anti-aristocratic prejudice between the historians Anders Fr

Handwriting in primary school : comparing standardized tests and evaluating impact of grapho-motor parameters

A growing number of primary school students experience difficulties with grapho-motor skills involved in handwriting, which impact both form and content of their texts. Therefore, it is important to assess and monitor handwriting skills in primary school via standardized tests and detect specific grapho-motor parameters (GMPs) which impact handwriting legibility. Multiple standardized tools are av

The reading practices of people with neuropsychiatric disabilities : A review of library and information science literature

Introduction. The ability to read and interpret different types of text can be significantly impacted by neuropsychiatric disabilities, which affect cognitive abilities. This paper explores and reviews previous studies within library and information science on neuropsychiatric disabilities in relation to reading practices. Method. Searches were performed in LISA and LISTA to identify research on rIntroduction. The ability to read and interpret different types of text can be significantly impacted by neuropsychiatric disabilities, which affect cognitive abilities. This paper explores and reviews previous studies within library and information science on neuropsychiatric disabilities in relation to reading practices. Method. Searches were performed in LISA and LISTA to identify research on r

Preoperative Group Consultation Prior to Surgery for Colorectal Cancer—an Explorative Study of a New Patient Education Method

Abstract: Patients with colorectal cancer may lack information about the disease and treatment. In 2017, a group consultation before start of surgery was introduced at a university hospital in western Sweden to inform about the disease, treatment, and ongoing scientific studies. The primary aim of this study was to explore the experience of the patients attending the group consultation. Based on s

Quality of life in patients with resectable rectal cancer during the first 24 months following diagnosis

Aim: An increasing number of patients survive rectal cancer, resulting in more patients living with the side-effects of the treatment. Exploring quality of life before and after treatment enables follow-up and additional treatment to be adjusted to the patient's needs. The aim of the study was to describe the quality of life during the 24 months following diagnosis and to identify risk factors for