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Om värdetidpunkten vid återvinning till konkursbo

Huvudregeln vid återvinning till konkursbo är så kallad återvinning in natura (att den återvunna egendomen återlämnas till konkursboet). I vissa fall, till exempel när egendomen inte finns i behåll, ska konkursboet i stället ersättas med egendomens värde, så kallad värdeersättning. Vid värdeförändringar av återvinningsegendomen uppstår frågan om vilken värdetidpunkt som bör användas för beräkningeThe general rule in the case of recovery to the bankruptcy estate is so-called recovery in kind (the recovered property is returned to the bankruptcy estate). In some cases, for example when the property is not retained, the bankruptcy estate must instead be compensated with the value of the property, so-called value compensation. In the case of changes in the value of the recovered property, the

Artificiell intelligens inom upphovsrätt och behovet av internationell harmonisering

På senare år har utvecklingen av artificiell intelligens (AI) gått i raketfart och AI-verktyg som kan användas för avancerade kognitiva och perceptuella uppgifter dyker upp i alla områden av livet. Det tog inte lång tid innan det även insågs att AI kunde användas inom litteraturen och konsten. På sekunder kan avancerade litterära och konstnärliga verk numera åstadkommas med ett enkelt knapptryck, The development of artificial intelligence (AI) has accelerated rapidly in recent years, and AI tools that can be used for advanced cognitive and perceptual tasks are appearing in all areas of life. It did not take long before it was also realized that AI could be used for literature and art. In a matter of seconds, advanced works of art and literature can be produced at the touch of a button usin

The Right to Accessibility - A comparison of the accessibility regulations in the CRPD and ECtHR case law on accessibility under the right to private life

Tillgänglighet till byggnader och anläggningar för personer med funktionsnedsättning är tätt sammanbundet med flera andra rättigheter, så som rätten till politiskt deltagande och rätten till deltagande i det kulturella livet. Tillgänglighet kan till och med vara en förutsättning för att dessa rättigheter ska uppfyllas. Med detta i åtanke har förslag till ändringar i svenska byggregler fått motta kAccessibility to buildings and facilities for persons with disabilities is closely connected with several other human rights, such as the right to political participation and the right to participation in cultural life. Accessibility may even be a precondition for the fulfilment of those rights. On that note, suggestions of changes to existing Swedish building regulations have been criticised for

A Dialogue Between the Deaf? - An Analysis of the Scholarly Debate Regarding Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors

I takt med att antalet attacker mot stater härrörande från icke-statliga aktörer har ökat under de senaste decennierna har frågan om staters rätt till självförsvar mot sådana aktörer blivit en hett debatterad fråga. I kölvattnet av detta har en stor akademisk diskussion har uppstått, med en utbredd oenighet mellan forskare om frågan huruvida stater har en rätt till självförsvar mot icke-statliga aWith the rise of attacks stemming from hostile non-state actors, the question of whether states can respond in self-defence against attacks from such enti-ties has become a pressing issue. This has led to a heated debate among legal scholars, with widespread disagreement on the legitimacy of using self-defence against non-state actors. The present thesis examines this scholarly debate, by analyzin

A concept for international societally relevant microbiology education and microbiology knowledge promulgation in society

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Microbes are all pervasive in their distribution and influence on the functioning and well-being of humans, life in general and the planet. Microbially-based technologies contribute hugely to the supply of important goods and services we depend upon, such as the provision of food, medicines and clean water. They also offer mechanisms and strategies to mitigate and solve a wide r

Agricultural Investments and Ecological Disruptions

There is a notable research gap in understanding the differential impacts of transnational versus domestic agricultural large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) on local biodiversity. This thesis addresses this gap within the context of Latin America and the Caribbean. Utilizing spatial panel datasets of the Biodiversity Habitat Index (BHI) from 2000 to 2020, LSLA area approximations, and a diverse s

Reinterpreting Persistent Unemployment: A Classical Economics Perspective on France 1950-2020

This paper draws on Anwar Shaikh’s formalization of the Classical theory of unemployment to analyze the historical development of the structural relationship between the wage share and unemployment in France from 1950 to 2020. The main findings include that the decline of central democratic economic planning coincides with the consolidation of a structural relationship between the two variables, a

The role of Alternative Food Networks for smaller farmers and food producers in Skåne A case study of the online retail platform of Mylla Matmarknad and a selection of their producers

In Sweden, the food and agricultural sector is highly concentrated, especially in the food refinement and retail sectors, with a few major actors holding significant market power. This concentration poses challenges for smaller agri-food companies in Skåne, Sweden. This thesis aims to in depth exploring the challenges smaller agri-food companies face today. The thesis employs a case study approach

Does Money Equal Children? A Comparative Analysis of Household Income and Fertility Intentions in Sweden and Germany

This thesis investigates the relationship between total household income and short-term fertility intentions in the contexts of Germany and Sweden. It contributes to current research by providing a micro-level analysis of each country individually and conducting a direct comparison. Little research has been done on the relationship between total household income, from all sources, and fertility in

Bridging the Divide

This thesis investigates the strategies and challenges related to the gender wage gap within Sweden’s white-collar sector, exploring how cultural norms and institutional policies impact wage disparities. With a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals across various sector branches to gather diverse perspectives on the gender wage gap. The research aimed t

High-Tech Spillover Effects: What is the influence of the high-tech economy on non-tradeable employment in Swedish local labour markets?

Amidst debates on the potential adverse consequences of high-technology industries on employment, it is imperative to gain a deeper understanding of how high-tech industries shape labour markets outcomes across various socio-economic, institutional, and geographical contexts. This thesis seeks to contribute to this understanding by estimating the impact of high-technology industries on employment

Japan and the Future of a Post-Population Growth Economy

This thesis investigates the relationship between demographic ageing and economic growth in Japan, updating existing literature with more empirical evidence from recent decades. It conducts its investigations through OLS regressions on macro-level time series data for Japan. The paper finds empirical evidence which suggests that the relationship between demographic ageing and economic growth is no

Long-Term Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Life Satisfaction of University Students in Germany

This thesis analyses the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on the life satisfaction of students in Germany one year after the start of the pandemic. The motivation for this thesis is the lack of studies to date that analyse the long-term effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on life satisfaction. In a difference-in-difference design, I compare the development of German students who were in their first yea

Linking Foreign Aid, Economic Growth and Economic Complexity

This thesis documents how foreign aid is associated with economic growth and brings a novel perspective by examining how the association depends on economic complexity. By linking the deviations between income and complexity that predict future growth to different relative stocks of knowhow, embodied and codified knowledge between countries, I argue that foreign aid needs to be tailored to variati

Comparing AI’s impact on the organizational structure between small and large businesses through management interviews.

This thesis examines the approach differences between different sized organizations towards the increasing usage and availability of AI services, focusing on organizational structures and processes for service based companies in the private sector. Conducting semi-structured interviews with five managers while factoring to different sized organizations regarding approaches to operations, employmen

Firm Inequality and The Employment Tax: A Quantitative Study of Northern Sweden

This paper quantitatively studies how firm inequality (society-wide firm concentration) in Northern Sweden was impacted by a 2002 deduction to the employment tax. The paper constructs Gini and Theil’s T indices as measurements of firm inequality for 29 Swedish municipalities for the years 1998-2007, where the net sales and number of employees are used as two measurements of firm size. This results

Design of a hyperspectral Scheimpflug Raman lidar for ranging of aerosolized soot

This thesis has investigated the potential of combining Raman spectroscopy with Sheimpflug Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) for simultaneous characterization and ranging of aerosolized soot. The first part of the project involved the implementation of conventional non-ranging Raman spectroscopy for both deposited and aerosolized soot. The second part constituted the design, modelling, and evalu

Representative Volume Element for Modelling the In-Plane Mechanical Behaviour of Paperboard: Utilizing Microstructure from X-ray Tomography

The aim of this project is to establish a workflow that transforms CT-scanned images of paperboard into a calibrated Representative Volume Element (RVE). A RVE is defined as the smallest volume that accurately captures the macroscopic behaviour of the material. First, CT-scanned images are converted into a finite element model that rep- resents the microstructure of the paperboard. Secondly, a di

Polycrystalline catalysis studied with time-resolved ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Polycrystals, crystals consisting of multiple grains with different crystallographic orientations, gained interest in recent years as they mimic industrial catalysts. They have been studied thoroughly utilizing imaging techniques to investigate the various surface structures of the grains; however, measurements under ambient pressure conditions are necessary for closing the pressure gap. In this t