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Emails roll i organisationers interna kommunikation

Denna uppsats studerar hur email används inom organisationers interna och digitala kommunikation idag samt om email uppfyller organisationers krav på intern digital kommunikation. Studien utförs genom att studera akademisk litteratur gällande emails användningsområde, nackdelar och fördelar samt alternativa kommunikationsmedel. Den empiriska insamlingen av data består av fyra intervjuer med repres

COVID-19's Impact on the European M&A Environment: A study about acquirers' short-term performance

Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to examine how the short-term performance of European acquirers, following M&A announcements, has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, this study also aims to examine how diversifying M&As have been affected, and whether acquirers’ firm value demonstrated a positive relationship with CARs during the pandemic. Methodology: This stu

Queer och bibliotekarie : Queera bibliotekariers relation till hbtqi-arbete vid folk- och skolbibliotek

Work related to LGBTQI is in some places an important part of libraries, but is also in some places questioned or not prioritised. Part of libraries work with LGBTQI-questions is having a so called rainbow shelf, with works related to LGBTQI themes, or getting a LGBTQI-certification through the organisation RFSL, which gives information and teaches methods of including LGBTQI matters. The aim of

Successful rehabilitation or painful un-homing?

Displacement – the process when residents are forced away from their living space – is one of the most pressing urban development issues of present times. Gentrification used as an urban policy tool to provide support for urban renewal and to carry out the rehabilitation of cities is the main displacement-inducing mechanism. However, there is an existing intellectual bias, which leads to an inequa

Stock Market Reactions to Firms’ First Publication of Sustainability Reports: Evidence from multiple industries in Nordic countries, the United States, and China

This study investigates the market reactions to firms’ first publication of sustainability reports. The data of listed companies in the Nordic, the United States, and Chinese stock markets are utilized to examine whether the event leads to abnormal returns in the short term and whether the results are identical across regions. The companies are divided into two groups based on their impact on the

Cross-border Data Transfer After Schrems II: The Globalization of EU Standards of Data Protection Through Adequacy Decisions or Trade Agreements?

The Schrems II judgement delivered on 16 July of 2020 was the second time that an EU court invalidated an adequacy decision authorizing EU-US data transfer. Doubts gather around the suitability of adequacy decision being an instrument to govern cross-border data transfer. This thesis therefore wishes to explore the deficiencies of such an instrument posed by the current regime as established in th

“The whole concept is just a joke. A right to food?” A phenomenological study on state initiative in Vancouver’s food justice and sovereignty movement

This thesis is informed by a collection of discussions that highlight participant perspectives on Vancouver’s food justice and food sovereignty movement, mainstream food discourse in the city, and how the state’s institutional role is involved in prospects for the future. Vancouver, Canada constitutes an appropriate case as a dense, urban, and intensely commodified space with conspicuous pockets o

Feasibility of Dynamic SPECT-Renography with Automated Evaluation Using a Deep Neural Network

Nuklearmedicin är en inriktning inom radiologi där väldigt små mängder av radioaktiva ämnen används för diagnostik av organfunktioner. Inom diagnostik är förbättring av bildtagningssystem ständigt eftertraktade. Ett sätt att utveckla och förbättra systemen är genom simulering. Med utveckling av artificiell intelligens (AI), har möjligheten för utvärderingar av nuklearmedicinska bilder uppstått medIntroduction: Renography is a standard diagnostic examination that evaluates renal function, renal pelvic dilatation and urinary obstruction. Renography is performed by injecting a radiopharmaceutical (predominately 99mTc-MAG3) and using gamma camera to image the biodistribution in a dynamic sequence. Evaluating renography images encompasses many difficulties regarding background correction for ac

Att förlora sin barndom och få hjälp att hitta den på nytt - en kvalitativ studie om psykodynamisk barnterapi efter trauma

Syftet med studien var att närma oss hur psykodynamiskt inriktade terapeuter som arbetar med barn med traumatiska erfarenheter, upplever sin kliniska verklighet och att få en inblick i på vilket sätt psykodynamisk barnterapi kan göra skillnad för dessa barn. Studien är uppbyggd på en kvalitativ grund och utgår från tolkande fenomenologisk anlays, IPA, (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). DaThe aim of the study was to approach how psychodynamically oriented therapists who work with children with traumatic experiences, experience their clinical reality and to gain an insight into how psychodynamic child therapy can make a difference for these children. The study is based on a qualitative basis and is based on interpretive phenomenological analysis, IPA, (Interpretative Phenomenologica

Analysing the Consumption Motives of Plant-Based Food Alternatives: The underlying Benefit of Virtue Signalling

Practical Implications: On an academic level, further research on the role of virtue signalling for sustainable consumption behaviour should be conducted. Further, brand and product managers can benefit from targeting consumers’ perceived benefit from signalling their virtue through visible sustainable consumption. This could for instance be achieved by indirectly integrating the benefit into thei

Användaracceptans av System för Smittspårning: En intervjustudie under Covid-19

Smittspårning av infektionssjukdomar har sedan länge varit en samhällsviktig funktion, som under Covid-19-pandemin har behövt utökas i kapacitet och effektivitet nationellt och globalt. Användandet av system manuell smittspårning har möjlighet att stötta och förbättra smittspårningen, särskilt om de används rätt av smittspåraren. För att användas rätt krävs enligt forskning att användaren har hög

Implementation of a Microsoft Teams integration into a proprietary platform using user-centered design

As the COVID-19 pandemic forces people to work and study from home, a change that also might last after the pandemic, the usability and functionality available in a Learning Management Systems(LMS) become crucial for everyday life. The goal of this master thesis was to design and implement an integration between Grade’s platform and Microsoft Teams in a way that allows Grade and their customers to

Subverting Nostalgia in Twin Peaks: The Return - Resistance and the Television Revival

Twin Peaks (2017), also known as Twin Peaks: The Return, has a problematic relationship to its predecessor Twin Peaks (1990-1991). In this thesis, I argue that The Return represents the past by undermining a sense of pacifying nostalgia, instead highlighting the incongruity of its ostensible return. By performing a textual analysis of the series’ representations of the past in its visuals and narr

Aktivitetsbalans hos anhöriga till personer som lever med multipel skleros (MS) eller amyotrofisk lateralskleros (ALS) - en litteraturöversikt analyserad med stöd av The Life Balance Model

Bakgrund: Personer som är diagnostiserade med MS eller ALS är i stor utsträckning beroende av andra i sitt aktivitetsutförande. Att vara nära anhörig och leva tillsammans med en person som är diagnostiserad med en kronisk progressiv sjukdom innebär ofta stor påfrestning med aktivitetsobalans som följd. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga hur anhöriga till personer som lever med MS eller A

Ambitions for sustainable nutrition in the private sector unpacking incentives, limitations and potentials

The food system accounts for a significant portion of environmental degradation, while it is at the same time to a large extent producing food that is deteriorating to human health. The private sector plays an essential role in contributing to the sustainability of the system. Based on a systematic literature review, we conceptualise the notion of sustainable nutrition (SN), which highlights the i

Control Through Onboarding - A qualitative case study on how the onboarding process can lead to cynical and non-cynical employees

The purpose of this study is to to investigate how cultural control can be integrated into the onboarding process as well as how the onboarding process can lead to cynical and non-cynical employees. The empirical part of this study was conducted through an interpretive, abductive, and qualitative research method. The empirical data is collected through a case study of the Swedish Bank Notion and i

A design of experiments approach to cellulose nanocrystal films: Towards a universal model for predicting film order

Kristallin nanocellulosa i vattensuspensioner självordnar till vackra, iriserande, kiralt ordnade filmer om vattnet i suspensionen låts evaporera bort över några dagar. Denna processen kallas evaporation induced self-assembly. Filmernas egenskaper kan påverkas genom tillsättning av additiv till startsuspensionen och denna effekt har undersökts, men sällan med mer än ett additiv åt gången. För att A grand challenge the coming century is to shift humanity’s material dependence from petroleum based to renewable. Using cellulose, the most abundant material on earth, and nanotechnology to create smart, safe and renewable alternatives could be a part of the solution to our global problems. New data based tools aimed to make this task easier, ensuring the transition to renewable materials happen

Försäkringsavtalet och försäkringsgivares regressrätt

Genom försäkringsavtalet åtar sig försäkringsgivaren, i utbyte mot betalning att ersätta eventuella skador som uppstår för försäkringstagaren. Parterna åtar sig dessutom att lämna sanningsenlig och korrekt information. Försäkringsgivaren kan i händelse av skada, orsakad av tredje man, inträda i försäkringstagarens rätt till skadestånd, förutsatt att skadan omfattas av försäkringen samt att försäkrThrough the insurance contract, the insurer undertakes to compensate potential damages that occur to the insurant, against compensation. The parties also undertake to provide truthful and accurate information. In the event of damage caused by a third party, the insurer may enter into the insured's right to award, provided that the damage is covered by the insurance and that the insurer has pai

Rethinking the Employer Branding Landscape

In this bachelor’s thesis, the employer preferences among Generation Z individuals are explored. Generation Z is currently the youngest generation entering the labour market. The entrance of Generation Z individuals is predicted to come with new challenges for firms in how to attract and retain skilful employees from this generation. By conducting a quantitative study, business students from Swe

The role of Urban Design within the Circular Economy Concept.

Contributor to climate change, cities are the major responsible for a great amount of natural resource consumption and global waste production as a consequence of the ”take, make, dispose" aspects of our linear economic model. In face of this issue, Circular Economy (CE) is a new concept that seeks to decouple economic growth from the consumption of finite resources by shifting the linear eco