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Hip prosthetic loosening and periprosthetic osteolysis : A commentary

Prosthetic loosening and periprosthetic osteolysis have been debated for decades, both in terms of the timing and nature of the triggering events. The hypothesis of wear-particle-induced loosening states that wear particles cause a foreign-body response leading to periprosthetic osteolysis and ultimately to late prosthetic loosening, i.e., that the osteolysis precedes the loosening. The theory of

Dialectic of Two Cultures : Edward Albee, C. P. Snow, and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? as Dramatized Epistemology

Since its publication and first performance, Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962) has often been interpreted with regard to the theme of truth and illusion. A less studied but nonetheless important aspect of the play concerns its relation to C. P. Snow’s concept of the “two cultures.” This article argues for the convergence of these two discussions, resulting in an epistemological

The impact of donor type on the outcome of pediatric patients with very high risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia. A study of the ALL SCT 2003 BFM-SG and 2007-BFM-International SG

Allogeneic HSCT represents the only potentially curative treatment for very high risk (VHR) ALL. Two consecutive international prospective studies, ALL-SCT-(I)BFM 2003 and 2007 were conducted in 1150 pediatric patients. 569 presented with VHR disease leading to any kind of HSCT. All patients >2 year old were transplanted after TBI-based MAC. The median follow-up was 5 years. 463 patients were tran

Care pathways in atopic dermatitis : a retrospective population-based cohort study

Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a complex disease with variations in severity and healthcare utilization. Examining patient pathways through analyses of longitudinal patient data provides an opportunity to describe real-world clinical patient care and evaluate healthcare access and treatment. Objective: To describe longitudinal care pathways including health care management, treatment patter

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The author describes the challenges of being examined by medical doctors in Sweden when getting sick, discusses potential background and argues the current system does not seem to be optimal from the perspective of ordinary citizens.

On the influence of varying the crystallographic texture of alumina CVD coatings on cutting performance in steel turning

Understanding the mechanisms at the tool/chip interface during metal cutting is crucial in the production of almost every metallic component used in engineering applications. It is critical to have rapid, durable, and reliable machining processes. This work contributes to the understanding of mechanisms occurring on the tool in the secondary shear zone, and it is focusing on the tool side of the c

Bottlenose dolphin communication during a role-specialized group foraging task

A division of labor with role specialization is defined as individuals specializing in a subtask during repetitions of a group task. While this behavior is ubiquitous among humans, there are only four candidates found among non-eusocial mammals: lions, mice, chimpanzees, and bottlenose dolphins. Bottlenose dolphins in the Cedar Keys, Florida, engage in role specialized “driver-barrier feeding”, wh

The interplay between deformation and deposition in a Pleistocene push moraine : New insight from structural interpretation and area-depth-strain analysis of the growth strata

There are many examples suggesting that push moraine formation requires building up of the proglacial wedge and then post-depositional folding and/or faulting. Only a few studies have been carried out on syntectonic deposition and erosion within proglacial sediment wedges; however, the resulting growth strata were determined based on the high variability in thickness and occurrence of erosional un

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Abstract in DanishHistorie(n) kan være et værdifuldt redskab, der kan mobiliseres til at legitimere bestemte behov og interesser. Denne artikel undersøger forhenværende statsmi-nister Anders Fogh Rasmussens opgør med den danske udenrigspolitiske tradi-tion. Ved at anskue dette opgør som ideologisk, politisk og moralsk historiebrug, men ikke videnskabelig historiebrug, søger forfatteren at komme væ

Autoimmunity in sarcoidosis : the tip of the Iceberg

Sarcoidosis is a mysterious condition with an etiology that has to date eluded explanation. Innumerable clinical and serological organ- and non-organ-specific autoimmune associations have been reported. Many of the associated conditions are life-threatening but easily manageable if diagnosed early. Due to the long latency that precedes the clinical onset of autoimmune diseases, it is prudent to en

Beyond genotype-phenotype maps : Toward a phenotype-centered perspective on evolution

Evolutionary biology is paying increasing attention to the mechanisms that enable phenotypic plasticity, evolvability, and extra-genetic inheritance. Yet, there is a concern that these phenomena remain insufficiently integrated within evolutionary theory. Understanding their evolutionary implications would require focusing on phenotypes and their variation, but this does not always fit well with t