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How Global Climate Governance Initiatives Reconfigure Public Authority in Developing Countries
Semi-global Chemical Kinetic Mechanism for FAME Combustion Modeling
Modeling of combustion engines using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), to investigate and improve performance of biodiesel combustion, calls for development of small and efficient chemical kinetics mechanisms that accurately represent ignition and flame propagation of renewable fuels. In this work, a semi-global approach is used to develop a mechanism suitable for three-dimensional CFD of fatty
Solo mothers’ by choice experiences during pregnancy and early parenthood : Thoughts and feelings related to maternal health-services
The present study examined the thoughts and feelings of solo mothers by choice (SMC) regarding their experiences during pregnancy and early parenthood, with special focus on their contact with maternal health-services (MCHS). Semi-structured interviews were carried out with solo mothers (N = 10) who had undergone assisted fertilization in Sweden. Thematic analysis revealed two main themes. The fir
Incidental pulmonary embolism in patients with cancer : prevalence, underdiagnosis and evaluation of an AI algorithm for automatic detection of pulmonary embolism
Objectives: To assess the prevalence of reported and unreported incidental pulmonary embolism (iPE) in patients with cancer, and to evaluate an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm for automatic detection of iPE. Methods: Retrospective cohort study on patients with cancer with an elective CT study including the chest between 2018-07-01 and 2019-06-30. All study reports and images were reviewed t
Shared language is essential : Communication in a multiethnic obstetric care setting
This study focuses on communication and conceptions of obstetric care to address the postulates that immigrant women experience sensitive care through the use of an ethnically congruent interpreter and that such women prefer to meet health providers of the same ethnic and gender profile when in a multiethnic obstetrics care setting. During 2005-2006, we conducted in-depth interviews in Greater Lon
Designing Accessible Elections : Recommendations from Disability Voting Rights Advocates
Disability is frequently cited as a reason that Americans do not vote. This article offers legal and policy practitioner perspectives on core challenges people with disabilities face in exercising their voting rights in the United States, from obtaining election information to casting their ballots. Drawing on our collective experience-which includes professional experience as advocates working to
Environmentally induced DNA methylation is inherited across generations in an aquatic keystone species
Transgenerational inheritance of environmentally induced epigenetic marks can have significant impacts on eco-evolutionary dynamics, but the phenomenon remains controversial in ecological model systems. We used whole-genome bisulfite sequencing of individual water fleas (Daphnia magna) to assess whether environmentally induced DNA methylation is transgenerationally inherited. Genetically identical
Rättsskyddsanspråk, rätt till domstolsprövning och rättegångskostnad
Probabilistic analysis of climate change impact on chloride-induced deterioration of reinforced concrete considering Nordic climate
The impact of climate change on the deterioration of reinforced concrete elements have been frequently highlighted as worthy of investigation. This article addresses this important issue by presenting a time-variant reliability analysis to assess the effect of climate change on four limit states; the probabilities of corrosion initiation, crack initiation, severe cracking, and failure of a simply
Hypothalamic AgRP neurons exert top-down control on systemic TNF-α release during endotoxemia
Loss of appetite and negative energy balance are common features of endotoxemia in all animals and are thought to have protective roles by reducing nutrient availability to host and pathogen metabolism. Accordingly, fasting and caloric restriction have well-established anti-inflammatory properties. However, in response to reduced nutrient availability at the cellular and organ levels, negative ene
High-sensitivity troponin I with or without ultra-sensitive copeptin for the instant rule-out of acute myocardial infarction
Background: The instant, single-sampling rule-out of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is still an unmet clinical need. We aimed at testing and comparing diagnostic performance and prognostic value of two different single-sampling biomarker strategies for the instant rule-out of AMI. Methods: From the Biomarkers in Acute Cardiac Care (BACC) cohort, we recruited consecutive patients with acute ches
Interfacial structure of pulmonary surfactants revisited : Cholesterol and surface pressure effects
Digitalisering, kommunikation och förtroende
Digitalisering och förtroende är två fenomen som är intimt sammankopplade i offentliga organisationers interna och externa kommunikation. I denna rapport diskuteras på vilket sätt digitaliseringen av den svenska offentliga sektorn är cen-tral både för medborgarnas förtroende och tillit till myndigheter i en alltmer kommunikativt komplex värld, och för medarbetarnas förtroende och tillit till sina
Obesity and Leptin Resistance in the Regulation of the Type I Interferon Early Response and the Increased Risk for Severe COVID-19
Obesity, and obesity-associated conditions such as hypertension, chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, are important risk factors for severe Coronavirus dis-ease-2019 (COVID-19). The common denominator is metaflammation, a portmanteau of metabolism and inflammation, which is characterized by chronically elevated levels of leptin and pro-inflam-matory cytokines. These
Hippocampal Function Is Impaired by a Short-Term High-Fat Diet in Mice: Increased Blood–Brain Barrier Permeability and Neuroinflammation as Triggering Events
Worldwide, and especially in Western civilizations, most of the staple diets contain high amounts of fat and refined carbohydrates, leading to an increasing number of obese individuals. In addition to inducing metabolic disorders, energy dense food intake has been suggested to impair brain functions such as cognition and mood control. Here we demonstrate an impaired memory function already 3 days
Introduction : A Political Science Perspective on the Anthropocene
Over the past decades, it has become more and more obvious that ongoing globalisation processes have substantial impacts on the natural environment. Studies reveal that intensified global economic relations have caused or accelerated dramatic changes in the Earth system, defined as the sum of our planet’s interacting physical, chemical, biological and human processes (Schellnhuber et al. 2004). Cl
Colour vision in stomatopod crustaceans
The stomatopod crustaceans, or mantis shrimps, are colourful marine invertebrate predators. Their unusual compound eyes have dorsal and ventral regions resembling typical crustacean apposition designs separated by a unique region called the midband that consists of from two to six parallel rows of ommatidia. In species with six-row midbands, the dorsal four rows are themselves uniquely specialized
Multilevel Climate Governance in Brazil and Indonesia : Domestic Pioneership and Leadership in the Global South
Focusing on forest policy and urban climate politics in Brazil and Indonesia, the primary objective of this chapter is to identify domestic pioneers and leaders who, compared to other sectors, governmental levels or jurisdictions within the same nation-state, move ‘ahead of the troops’ (Liefferink and Wurzel, 2017: 2-3). The chapter focuses especially on the role of multilevel governance in bringi
Institutional Interlinkages
Given the regulatory gap in earth system governance, numerous new governance initiatives, such as multilateral clubs, private certification schemes and multi-stakeholder forums, have emerged to tackle transboundary environmental challenges. This plethora of different governance initiatives has led to a significant increase in the institutional complexity of global (environmental) policymaking and