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The p-adic numbers and Hensel's lemma

The thesis consists of four chapters, each focused on developing the knowledge and drawing new connections with the p-adic numbers and the notions that are well known from the usual analysis on the real topology. In the first chapter, we introduce the basic structure of the $p$-adics, in connection to the conergent series and field axioms. Following that, in chapter two we focus on the defining t

Den kritiska skärningspunkten mellan media och forskning

Inlägget diskuterar skärningspunkten mellan media och forskning med fokus på rapporteringen om explosionsvåld i Sverige och Nederländerna. Jag understryker vikten av vetenskaplig validering av data​.The post discusses the intersection of media and research focusing on the reporting of explosive violence in Sweden and the Netherlands. I emphasize on the importance of scientific validation of data​​.

Drug use trajectories among young people with experiences of problematic tramadol use

Aim: Non-medical use of prescription opioids, such as tramadol, is a major health concern globally. in sweden, non-medical tramadol use among young people is widely recognized. this study explores the central components that characterize drug use trajectories among young people with experiences of problematic tramadol use. Methods: 24 qualitative interviews were conducted with 13 young people (age

Enhanced Understanding of Structure-Function Relationships for Oxomanganese(IV) Complexes

A series of manganese(II) and oxomanganese(IV) complexes supported by neutral, pentadentate ligands with varied equatorial ligand-field strength (N3pyQ, N2py2I, and N4pyMe2) were synthesized and then characterized using structural and spectroscopic methods. On the basis of electronic absorption spectroscopy, the [MnIV(O)(N4pyMe2)]2+ complex has the weakest equatorial ligand field among a set of si

SLAM Using Cellular Multipath Component Delays and Angular Information with JPDA Approximation

Advanced cellular communication systems provide increased potential for opportunistic high-accuracy positioning. In this paper, long-term evolution (LTE) downlink signals from two commercial base stations (BS) are received by a massive antenna array mounted on a passenger vehicle. Multipath component (MPC) parameters, like delays and angle-of-arrival (AOA) are extracted from the received signals o

How does the regional presence of foreign-owned multinational enterprises affect local start-up performance

This paper analyses how the presence of foreign-owned multinational enterprises (MNEs) affects the performance of start-ups in the same region. Focusing on the population of Swedish start-ups and MNEs between 2007 and 2015, we investigate the relationship between start-up productivity and regional share of MNE employment. We find effects that differ by sectoral belonging of start-ups and MNEs. Not

7T magnetic resonance angiographic imaging of basilar artery perforator aneurysms – initial experience of a non-invasive alternative to DSA

Background: Perforator aneurysms of the basilar artery (PABA) are rare causes of subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) and challenging to diagnose. We present two cases of SAH caused by PABA diagnosed by cone beam computed tomography angiography (CBCTA) and a novel non-invasive method – 7T magnetic resonance imaging (7T MRI). Methods: Two patients with SAH, diagnosed with PABA, were imaged on day 9 and 1

Underestimated Interannual Variability of Terrestrial Vegetation Production by Terrestrial Ecosystem Models

Vegetation gross primary production (GPP) is the largest terrestrial carbon flux and plays an important role in regulating the carbon sink. Current terrestrial ecosystem models (TEMs) are indispensable tools for evaluating and predicting GPP. However, to which degree the TEMs can capture the interannual variability (IAV) of GPP remains unclear. With large data sets of remote sensing, in situ obser

Concentration of Proteins and Decrease of Salt Content in a Hydrolyzed Fermentation Broth Using Membrane Filtration

Det är möjligt att tillverka plast från socker med hjälp av bakterier, och även om detta bara görs på en relativt liten skala idag så kommer tillverkningen av biobaserad plast troligtvis öka väsentligt de kommande decennierna. Denna typen av plast tillverkas på förnybara råvaror, och är därför ett bra alternativ till plast som är baserad på fossila råvaror, som petroleum. För att öka hållbarheten Membrane filtration was used to concentrate proteins and decrease the salt concentration in a hydrolyzed fermentation broth. The broth was a by-product from the bacterial production and extraction of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), that can be used to produce biobased plastics. 3 ultrafiltration-membranes, RC70PP, GR70PP and ETNA10PP from Alfa Laval Corporate AB, were evaluated at varying cross-flow

Sigma-point filtering for nonlinear systems with non-additive heavy-tailed noise

This paper is concerned with sigma-point methods for filtering in nonlinear systems, where the process and measurement noise are heavy tailed and enter the system non-additively. The problem is approached within the framework of assumed density filtering and the necessary statistics are approximated using sigma-point methods developed for Student's t-distribution. This leads to UKF/CKF-type of fil

Hydran Silo

This design thesis centres on repurposing the disused Hydran Silo in the NyHamnen district of Malmö into a new community centre and local landmark within the context of the municipality's proposed redevelopment of the surrounding area. The main themes explored are firstly, finding an appropriate level of intervention and reuse for an historic structure, and secondly, creating a multifunctional

Towards Resilient Interconnected Urban Infrastructures : The Nexus Between Energy System, Urban Morphology, and Transportation Network

Compound optimization of distributed energy systems, urban morphology, and the transportation network is crucial to improving the robustness of interconnected urban energy infrastructures and enhancing their resilience to extreme climate events. Available methods and tools mainly focus on optimizing one component in urban areas and fail to consider complex interactions in interconnected infrastruc

On the feasibility of general meanings in prepositional semantics

The paper investigates the status of general meanings in prepositional semantics. On the basis of a review of the strategies employed in different accounts of prepositions, the paper argues that strict adherence to the notion of general meanings is unfeasible in the field, partly because a purely deductive method of description breaks down as the number of possible oppositions increases. This fail

Effect of a single nanosecond pulsed discharge on a flat methane–air flame

Successful implementation of plasma-assisted combustion in applied thermal processes heavily relies on how the plasma can be formed as it interacts with the reactive flow and what the effects are of such a plasma on the combustion process. The current study is an experimental investigation of a plasma-assisted lifted flat methane–air flame by a nanosecond pulsed discharge at atmospheric pressure.