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Simulation of Experiments for Data Collection – a replicated study

Simulations can be used as a means for extension of data collection from empirical studies. A simulation model is developed, based on the data from experiments, and new data is generated from the simulation model. This paper replicates an initial investigation by Münch and Armbrust, with the purpose of evaluating the generality of their approach. We replicate their study using data from two inspec

Application of bipolar membrane electrodialysis for acidification of skim milk. A comprehensive study on process performance and effects on ion-exchange membranes

Bipolar membrane electrodialysis (EDBM) can be applied for the electro-acidification of skim milk (SM) using a water-splitting effect. A new method of SM acidification gives opportunities and perspectives to the development of alternative and novel products in the dairy industry. The present study assessed the effect of temperatures from 5 °C to 30 °C of EDBM on the electro-acidification of SM in

St Knuts trädgård Landskrona

Projektet tar avstamp i en kritisk undersökning av stadrummets uppgift, här i relation till en p-plats på Kasernplan i Landskrona. Vidare gestaltas en idé fram om vad som kunde varit istället. Det som ’blev’, genom en omgestaltning av Kasernplans nord-västra sida, är i kort ett parkrum, en länga och ett marknadstak. Ett försök att hantera och införliva platsen och stadens olika gränsrum.


Background: Hydrophilic polymer gel coatings are used on different intravascular devices to prevent vasospasm and thrombosis. However, it may become dislodged from these devices, leading to ischaemic complications in various organs including the skin, kidneys, brain, heart or lungs. Hydrophilic polymer embolisation (HPE) is a rare complication following endovascular procedures that is currently no

Fearing mRNA : A Mixed Methods Study of Vaccine Rumours

The first mass-distributed vaccines based on mRNA technology were launched in 2021 to protect against COVID-19, sparking rumours among vaccine critical individuals that these “new” vaccines might be more dangerous to the health than other, “traditional” vaccines. Drawing on rumour theories and social cognitive perspectives, the aim of this chapter is to account for the purpose and the spreading of

Förtroendeskapande online : följares syn på influencers och politisk aktivism

Uppsatsen “Förtroendeskapande online: Följares syn på influencers och politisk aktivism” är författad av Hanna Kjellgren och Olivia Avendaño på fortsättningskursen i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds universitet. I uppsatsen genomförs en publikstudie utifrån ett autenticitetsperspektiv om hur sociala medieanvändare uppfattar influencers pol

Fear of crime, crime and living conditions – a case study of Uppsala, Sweden

This study adds to knowledge on place-based fear of crime. First, by proposing a method to coordinate and code unsafe locations from an open-ended question in a random sample survey among residents of Uppsala, Sweden. The method is performed through an automated script in R with manual work steps. Second, by identifying types of functional locations, e.g. traffic centres, city parks, green spaces

Werewolves to Are-wolves? Characterising key factors affecting public acceptance of a hypothetical Experimental Wolf Reintroduction in Scotland

The newest Scottish government Biodiversity Strategy prioritises control of overabundant deer populations. Ecological theory and real-life instances suggest an unorthodox deer management solution: wolf reintroduction (WR). Theoretically, wolves would prey on deer, thus alleviate grazing pressure on Scottish vegetation and help landscapes thrive. A fenced, experimental WR (EWR) would verify whether

Winds of change: An engaged ethics approach to energy justice

Theories of energy justice are standardly used to evaluate decision-making and policy-design related to energy infrastructure. All too rarely attention is paid to the need for a method of justifying principles of justice as well as justice-based judgments that are appealed to in this context. This article responds to this need by offering an engaged ethics approach to normative justification usefu

3D technology of Sony Bloggie has no advantage in decision-making of tennis serve direction : A randomized placebo-controlled study

This study aimed at exploring whether 3D technology enhances tennis decision-making under the conceptual framework of human performance model. A 3 (skill-level: varsity, club, recreational) × 3 (experimental condition: placebo, weak 3D [W3D], strong 3D [S3D]) between-participant design was used. Allocated to experimental conditions by a skill-level stratified randomization, 105 tennis players judg

Ljuset från mörkaste Småland - Orrefors belysningsarmaturer under åren 1916 – 1949

The Light from darkest Småland Lighting products from Orrefors during the period 1916 – 1949 The Light from darkest Småland (a region in southern Sweden where Orrefors is located) aims to take a closer look at the lighting production at Orrefors glass works during the period from 1916, when artist Simon Gate was employed as Orrefors’ first artistic advisor, to 1949 when the transition from an exp

Women's experiences of being assisted by two midwives during the active second stage of labour : Secondary outcomes from the Oneplus trial

Background: ‘Collegial Midwifery Assistance’ (CMA) is a clinical practice aiming to reduce severe perineal trauma (SPT) during childbirth. This practice involves two midwives being present during the active second stage of labour rather than one, which is the case in standard care. The effectiveness of CMA was evaluated in the Oneplus trial and a 30% reduction in SPT was shown. Aim: The aim was to

Double feedforward compensation for cascade control schemes

This paper addresses the problem of dealing with measurable disturbances in cascade control schemes. The combination of cascade and feedforward control algorithms is analyzed. The design of a static feedforward compensators control scheme to assist the controller in the rejection of measurable disturbances is a widely accepted solution in the literature. This article proposes a new solution by imp