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Monitoring Tools for Smart Specalisation Strategies. Conceptual Framework of Indicators to Measure Smart Specialisation
Smart specialisation (S3) policy framework, while presuming limited policy involvement during the first phases of implementation, requires higher regional management control over the processes of adaptation and monitoring. It brings up requirements for integrated methods towards monitoring and evaluation to make sure continuity and flexibility of the RIS policy framework. Introduction of monitorin
Lifehouse - Earthquake Survival Kit
In this project we tackle the problem with forced displacement as a consequence of earthquakes. Our focus is to enable individuals to take preparedness measures that mitigates the need for external aid in disastrous events. The project aims to investigate if something more could be done for victims of disaster and to relief rescue work as well as raising awareness of risk. This is done through dev
Work factors, welfare regimes and health - The effects of psychosocial work factors on the health of older European workers and the impact of different welfare regimes
Abstract: The Demand-Control Model and the Effort-Reward-Imbalance Model are two models of occupational health that connects psychosocial work factors to health. Related research has often focused on small and homogenous samples and has rarely taken into account the eventual intermediating effect of different welfare regimes. Furthermore results regarding gender have been ambiguous. Through logist
"... okunniga om rättssystemet...”. En kvalitativ studie kring lagfarna domares erfarenheter av lekmannamedverkan
This paper will illustrate legally knowledgeable judges’ experiences of working with lay judges in the district courts of Sweden, as well as their advantages and disadvantages within the judicial field. The system of lay judges has been subject for discussion both within the media and internally within the court. This may be partly due to the general lack of legal knowledge withheld by the lay jud
Face Recognition Based on Embedded Systems
Neurala nätverk har visat större och större framsteg de senaste åren. Framstegen beror till stor del på nätverkens alltmer komplexa arkitektur, vilket medför att kraven som ställs på hårdvaran som nätverken ska användas på också ökar. Målet med detta examensarbete är att träna ett neuralt nätverk för ansiktsigenkänning, och använda det på ett inbyggt system med begränsad hårdvara.Machine learning in general, and artificial neural networks in particular, have gained a lot of attention in recent years. Using deep neural networks for classification tasks, such as face recognition, has proven more and more successful over time. The performance increase is partly due to more complex network architectures, and partly due to the use of larger datasets. The increased complexity of
Improving the Material Flow and Material Handling which affects Wayne Fueling Systems’ Assembly Line using Risk Management
Wave transformation at a rock platform in Victoria, Australia - A study combining field measurements with numerical modelling
Even though a large part of the world's coastline consists of rocky shores, it is still a neglected field of study in coastal research. To increase the knowledge of wave transformation processes on these shores is important in order to understand erosional patterns and to manage coastal risks. In this study, the wave transformation processes on and off a rock platform in Victoria, Australia, h
The relation between interest to income ratio, property price and mortgage rate - An analysis of time series data for Stockholm and Sweden over the period 1996-2015
Examining the relation between Swedish households’ debt, property price and interest rates are important when forming monetary policy implications. Several studies have examined the driving factors of household debt and property price, however the results are inconclusive. This thesis differs from previous research as it includes the variable interest to income ratio, instead of debt ratio, as the
On the evaluation of pre-hospital telemedicine in acute stroke care
Purpose: To propose a blueprint of how the policymakers responsible for health care reforms in the county of Scania (Sweden) could evaluate a prospective stroke care intervention from a societal point of view. More specifically, the intervention will consist in the introduction of telemedicine technology to their ambulance fleet. In addition, key methodological issues, of interest to the policymak
The use of Machine Learning Algorithms for Adaptive Question Selection in Questionnaire-based Mental Health Data Collection Apps
This report discusses the implementation of machine learning algorithms for personalising question selection in a questionnaire-based self-report app for individuals suffering from mental health issues. A so-called \textit{Random Forest - Genetic Algorithm} (RFGA) hybrid prediction method is used to find an optimal set of relevant questions to pose to new users in the app. A complementary ad-hoc pTeaching computers to find factors that affect the mental health of app users By training computers to find patterns in how users answer questions regarding their mental health in self-report apps, factors that affect the users' psychological well-being can be found.
Design av Öresundsboxen
This master thesis consists of improving the transportation by bicycle combined with trains, and make it more user-friendly. The project involved developing a portable carrier that can be offloaded from a transport bicycle and reloaded on a train, and then transported further. Once at the final destination of the rail transportation, the box can easily be transferred from the train to a waiting tr
Emulation-based Software Development for Embedded Systems
Software development for embedded systems has a lot of dependencies on the hardware of the system. To possibly reduce the lead time and ease the development process, an emulated model is investigated. This model is examined in terms of how it fits in the platform transition, daily development and testing processes at Axis. The results indicate that an emulated model is a powerful tool for a softwa
I Volunteer to Help (Myself)
Volunteerism has been part of the development field for a long time, but has evolved from knowledge spreading to knowledge development through formal international development volunteer programmes. The purpose of this study is to see how development professionals perceive volunteerism to align with or further the sending organisation’s aims. The data has been collected through semistructured inter
The Effects of Leverage on Stock Returns
This paper investigates the relationship between capital structure and stock returns for Swedish firms listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Stock Exchange. Actual stock returns and leverage figures in form of total, long-term and short-term debt are used in the calculations. The results suggest, in contrast with a majority of fundamental theories, that there is a negative relationship between levera
Measuring Financial Risks by Peak Over Threshold Method
Assessing the probability of rare and extreme events is an important issue in the risk management of financial portfolios. Extreme value theory provides the solid fundamentals needed for the statistical modelling of such events and the computation of extreme risk measures. The focus of the paper is on the use of the peak over threshold method under extreme value theory to compute right tail risk m
Mätbarhetens återverkan : hur prestationsbaserade utvärderingssystem påverkar forskar- och publiceringspraktiker, disciplinära normer samt skapandet av forskarsubjekt vid de Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna, Lunds universitet
In order to enhance the accountability and legitimacy of public research, performance-based research funding systems have been introduced in numerous countries during the last decades. Although this development has gathered considerable interest in recent years, it is thus far not clear how performance measures shape research practices and academic subjectivity. Combining bibliometric studies and
Improved Event-mixing for Resonance Measurements
This report first analyzed the reason for the deviation of the event-mixing method in background estimation for resonance research, and one possible explanation is that the event-mixing method can not reproduce the specific angular distribution of produced particles caused by jet-effects. This assumption was checked by Monte-Carlo simulations with PYTHIA, and a certain method of correction called
Testing the effects of short-selling constraints in Europe using GARCH models
By betting on market downturns, short sellers make profits from asset declines. Thus, critics often blame short sellers for being responsible for market downturns and as a consequence, short selling restrictions became a popular phenomenon worldwide post the 2008 financial crisis. During the European sovereign debt crisis regulators in France, Belgium, Spain and Italy imposed a short selling bans
Simulation and Compensation of Measurement Errors in a Spherical Near-Field Scanner
Det här examensarbetet beskriver ett projekt som har genomförts med Phasor Solutions Ltd om att simulera olika fel som kan uppstå i en sfärisk närfälts skanner (SNFS). En SNFS är ett komplicerat mätsystem som gör det möjligt att göra exakta mätningar för en halvsfär runt antennen som testas. Då frekvenserna som används i skannern är höga, geometrin är komplicerad och att transformation mellan närfThis thesis covers the work that has been carried out with Phasor Solutions Ltd on simulating possible errors in their spherical near field scanner (SNFS). A SNFS is a scanner that enables exact measurement to be taken in a complete hemisphere around an antenna under testing (AUT). Due to the high frequency, complex geometries and the fact that the transformation between near-field and far-field d