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Spelberoende och spelrelaterade stödföreningar under Covid-19-pandemin: En kvalitativ studie om uppfattningar av spelberoende och arbetet inom spelrelaterade stödföreningar under Covid-19-pandemin

The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of resources/employees concerning gambling addiction and the work within the support organizations targeting gambling addiction during the outbreak of the Covid-19-pandemic. To examine the phenomenon, we conducted seven qualitative semistructured digital interviews with individuals active in Swedish support organizations for gambling addiction w

Förintelsens röster : en kvalitativ fallstudie om behandlingen av polska koncentrationslägerfångar enligt vittnesmålen från det världsunika Polska källinstitutet

Vittnesmålen i Polska källinstitutet i Lund utgör idag en unik intervjuskatt som saknar motstycke! Föreliggande komparativa fallstudie analyserar hur förintelseöverlevande behandlades i koncentrationslägren och hur detta skildras i de polska vittnesutsagorna om Förintelsen från 1945 – 1946. I undersökningen tillämpas flera olika metoder bl.a. kvalitativ textanalys i kombination med en kvantitativ The witness testimonies at the Polish Research Institute archive in Lund constitute today a unique and unparalleled interview gem! The subsequent comparative case study analyses how Holocaust survivors were treated in the concentration camps and how this is described in the Polish witness testimonies about the Holocaust from 1945 - 1946. Several different methods are applied in the study including

Changes in Gray cast iron over the last century-An initial study

This thesis report summarizes the research on the cold aging of gray cast iron samples dating back 100 years, and how researchers looked at the phase history and amount of impurities and trace metals generated by recycling. Initially, the topic of the thesis is introduced, with an explanation and general information on gray cast iron. The chemistry and structure of gray cast iron are both discusse

Svenska och nordiska erfarenheter om åtgärder mot nedskräpning inom transportområdet

Svenska regeringens syn på nedskräpning och engångsplast är att det är ett stort problem, både på land och i hav med ständigt ökande konsekvenser och miljöutmaningar. I Sverige har det på flera håll genomförts försök att belysa problemet vad det gäller nedskräpning. Naturvårdsverket är en organisation som gav uppdrag för en skräpmätning 2020 till Håll Sverige Rent som gäller 75 kommuners centraloThe Swedish government's view of litter and disposable plastic is that litter is a major problem, both on land and at sea, with ever-increasing consequences and environmental challenges. In Sweden, attempts have been made in several places to shed light on the problem of littering. Naturvårdsverket is an organization that commissioned a waste survey in 2020 for Håll Sverige Rent, which applies

AI-Driven Meal Planning in the FoodTech Industry: A Reinforcement Learning Approach

Måltidsplanering för storkök, så som skolor och äldreboenden, är en mödosam och tidsödande process. Då det finns många olika villkor och restriktioner som måste beaktas i planeringen, dessa kommer i form av en budget, näringsinnehåll, tillgängliga resurser för tillagning och förvaring etc. Detta leder ofta till en slumpartad "prova sig fram"-teknik när en ny matsedel ska skapas. Likväl fTraditional meal planning for large kitchens is a laborious and complex affair with multiple external constraints imposed on the meal plan, such as a healthy nutrition profile and a low environmental impact, which should be fulfilled while being under budget. This is a tough task for humans but by modelling the process with a Markov Decision Process and using Reinforcement Learning an agent can be

How to create a service-oriented company when going through a technology shift

Technical advancements and changes to the environment imply that industries may experience technology shifts. During those times, mature manufacturing companies are vulnerable, and it is of outmost importance they can respond to the new circumstances. To do so, mature manufacturing companies need to know which consequences they will experience to their offer, business model, resources and capabili

Biogas and modus operandi of sustainable business models in developing and developed markets

The need for adapting business models to sustainable business models is revolutionizing many industries where business as usual stops being an option from a social or environmental perspective. The adoption of sustainable business models occurs in both developed and developing markets however, due to the nature of the two environments being notably different, it is expected that the sustainable bu

Industry 4.0 as an Enabler of Circular Business Models: Within the clothing industry

This study investigates the role of Industry 4.0 as an enabler of circular business models within the clothing industry. The research was conducted based on a thorough investigation of the clothing industry through both an ethnographic content analysis and two interviews. Both the concepts of circular business models and Industry 4.0 are relatively new and more importantly, Industry 4.0 is a conce

Barriers to education among Dalit girls: accessibility of educational opportunities in Nepal

Unequal access to education still remains a major problem especially in developing countries such as Nepal. The caste system in Nepal creates a hierarchy of social groups which has resulted in unequal power distribution and unequal access to resources. The Dalit group is one of the lowest caste groups in the hierarchy because of which people belonging to Dalit community struggle to gain equal acce

Work from Home - Information Security Threats and Best Practices

With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic a majority of the workforce were compelled to start working from home. In conjunction with this sudden shift, threats concerning information security have reportedly increased, which organisations may not have been prepared for. To address these threats, there are a variety of organisational and technological best practices that can prove to be important. H

Osynliga offer - En kvalitativ studie av normers påverkan på tillgången till rättsväsende och stöd för manliga offer för våld i nära relationer

Intimate partner violence has been described as a public health problem in Sweden and has recently been given attention by the media due to an increase of domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic. Discussions about intimate partner violence, both in media and science, have mostly centred around female exposure to such violence, leaving little room for discussions about male victimization. Th

Ett distribuerat ledarskap i en digital vardag. En kvalitativ studie om distribuerat ledarskap i en digital kontext

Titel: Ett distribuerat ledarskap i en digital vardag - En kvalitativ studie om distribuerat ledarskap i en digital kontext. Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Kurs: KSMK65/ SMKK60 Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, 15hp, VT2021 Författare: Amanda Björk & Madeleine Ulriksson Handledare: Johan Alvehus Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att bid

Digital Entrepreneurial Marketing Skills in European Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - An Explorative Research of Skills in the Entrepreneurial Marketing Orientation.

Purpose - With the ever increasing digitization, businesses are exposed to new ways of marketing strategies. Even though new ventures just have a small success rate, research has not focused on exploring the skills entrepreneurs need to succeed with their venture. This research seeks to explore the importance of marketing skills, entrepreneurs need for a successful digital entrepreneurial marketin

Hur förhåller sig nutidsmänniskan till döden?

Bakgrund: I dagens moderna samhälle matas vi med information om ”andras” död, via nyheter, filmer, serier och böcker, men hur hanterar vi när döden kommer ”nära” och berör oss själva? Frågeställning: Hur uppfattar och talar nutidsmänniskan om döden? Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ studie med fenomenologiskt fokus. Jag använder mig av semistrukturerade intervjuer och urvalet är ett så kallat bek

Evaluating Service Mesh as a Network Monitoring Solution

Modern software systems often utilize a distributed architecture, which uses the network as the communication channel. This results in the system being dependent on the network performance to behave as expected. The network performance varies, and network faults can occur, which may negatively affect the system. As a system maintainer, it is difficult to know if the problem lies in the service or

Transmission Modeling for Optimization of Electric Powertrains

Over the last decade, the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the world's roads has rapidly increased. Optimization of power consumption in electric powertrains will, therefore, lead to reduced energy usage in the road transport sector. EPOS, is a research project that aims to optimize EV powertrains, with the objectives to minimize cost and power consumption. As a part of the EPOS project, t

Wear Performance Investigation of Metal Matrix Composite

To improve the abrasive wear resistant which is governed by a combination of both high hardness and toughness, WC particles were used to reinforce the Hadfield steel. This latter is known with its good work hardening property. WC is mainly considered for its combination of suitable hardness and toughness. Various characteristic techniques were applied to study the microstructure, interface layer,

Event Geometry and Anisotropic Flow in Proton-Proton Collisions

We seek to better understand the relationship between an anisotropic distribution of partons in the initial state of pp-collisions and the amount of elliptic flow. We do this through the implementation of a new model that is based in generating positions for multiparton interactions from the uneven volume created by the overlap of two Gaussians. We then examine how this asymmetric probability dens

Pseudonymer i förlagsbranschen : det fabricerade författarnamnet som varumärke

This paper examines different authors and their reasons as to why they use pseudonyms. With the help of theories like Paratexts, Thresholds of Interpretation (1997) by Gérard Genette and Konvergenskulturen (2012) by Henry Jenkins, the essay provides an insight into why authors choose to use pseudonyms as well as publishers’ marketing strategies for this. To gain a better understanding of the world

Hur uppfattas avsaknaden av regleringsformer på privat drivna skyddade boenden? En kvantitativ studie om om åsikter från två skilda perspektiv

The aim of this essay is to study the lack of regulation on privately run sheltered housing in Sweden from two different points of view. The first group is the general public opinion and the second group is employees and volunteers from women’s shelters. The relevance of this study is based on the assumptions from the effects of pandemic’s restrictions that violence against women is increasing and