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Governance and Accountability of Joint Ventures: A Swedish Case Study
Remote sensing of the environment using laser radar techniques
"Verkligheten saknar akademiska visitkort": Johan Åkerman och samhällsvetenskapen
Nearly periodicity in acoustically excited stiffened plates and its influence on vibration, radiation and sound insulation
Negotiating a New World order - The EU and Multilateral Diplomacy at a Time of Change
Multichannel Broadband Fano Theory with Applications in Array Signal Processing
In this paper we consider fundamental limitations for DOA estimation with arbitrary lossless antennas or antenna arrays inserted inside a sphere. Spherical vector modes and their associated equivalent circuits and Q factor approximations are employed as a general framework for the analysis. The classical broadband matching theory by Fano is extended to a general multiport S-parameter model of the
Antibody-based microarrays: from focused assays to proteome-scale analysis
Information focus: assignment and phonological implications
Modelling the Dynamics of Clarifier Behaviour in Activated Sludge Systems
Protein Dynamics Studied by NMR. Kinetics of the Adipocyte Fatty Acid-Binding Protein and Oligomerisation of the Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase.
Popular Abstract in Swedish 1: Tomas Åkerud, doktorand vid Lunds Universitet, har utvecklat en metod för att mäta hur snabbt läkemedelsmolekyler och fettsyror (de naturliga bindarna) tar sig in i och lämnar bindingsfickan i ett protein som är viktigt för fettsyrametabolismen i människa. Proteinet, adipocyt-fettsyrabindande protein (A-FABP), har som funktion att transportera fettsyror, som inte är Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) has been used to determine the kinetics of ligand binding to the adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein (A-FABP), as well as the oligomerisation and inter- and intramolecular dynamics of the low molecular weight-protein tyrosine phosphatase (LMW-PTP) in solution. NMR spectroscopy is sensitive to dynamic processes on timescales ranging from picoseconds t
Kvalitets Motivation
Klimat och Konsumtion. Tre fallstudier kring styrmedel och konsumentbeteende.
I varje samhälle har konsumenter en avgörande roll för att klimatanpassade varor och tjänster köps, används och till sist källsorteras. En alldeles övervägande andel svenskar har under flera decennier visat sig vara i hög grad miljömedvetna. Klimatförändringar såsom global uppvärmning och ett växande ozonhål har varit bland de aspekter på klimatförändringar man oroat sig mest för. Kunskap om miljö
Finance-specific Factors as Drivers of Cross-border Investment - An OLI perspective
In this paper we empirically test the role of firm-specific financial characteristics as drivers of international investment and production. We hypothesize that financial strength generates advantages that can be exploited through cross-border investment activity. The hypothesis is tested in a series of binary-response models, using a sample of 1379 European non-financial firms’ international acqu
Waste management companies: Critical urban infrastructural services that design the socio-materiality of waste
Progress Report 1991-1992
Youth Employment in Sweden
Europa, quo vadis? Integration och splittring i tid och rum
Handledning vid användandet av videoutrustning i byggbranschen
Studier öfver pollenslangarnes irritationsrörelser. I.
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